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Old November 9th, 2016, 05:05 PM
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Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

Thank you so much for putting this together @Sir Heroscape , as well as @TREX and @Tiranx for the help I know you provided with map selection! And I'm sure there were more who helped behind the scenes so thanks to you too! True and I had an awesome time (though next time we'll be sure to choose True's army earlier so he has time to play it beforehand and be more used to it, rather than piloting it for the first time on game day). Pretty sure @Leaf It had a great time as well, and it was cool to meet up with another Utah 'Scaper.

I'm working on a battle report for this, but keep getting busy so I had to take some time and thank you all because it was a great tournament. Friendly people and super environment as always, the drive was totally worth it!

Oh, and True was happy that his art was so well received. He was afraid that no one there would be very excited about it as a prize for a 'Scape tourney. So that was great for him too.

Monthly Utah Tournaments in SLC!!
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"I'll save myself some time and say I pretty much 100% agree with Bigga" ~Flash_19
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Old November 9th, 2016, 05:14 PM
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Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

Originally Posted by BiggaBullfrog View Post
Thank you so much for putting this together @Sir Heroscape , as well as @TREX and @Tiranx for the help I know you provided with map selection! And I'm sure there were more who helped behind the scenes so thanks to you too! True and I had an awesome time (though next time we'll be sure to choose True's army earlier so he has time to play it beforehand and be more used to it, rather than piloting it for the first time on game day). Pretty sure @Leaf It had a great time as well, and it was cool to meet up with another Utah 'Scaper.

I'm working on a battle report for this, but keep getting busy so I had to take some time and thank you all because it was a great tournament. Friendly people and super environment as always, the drive was totally worth it!

Oh, and True was happy that his art was so well received. He was afraid that no one there would be very excited about it as a prize for a 'Scape tourney. So that was great for him too.
Thank you...and yes, thank you to @TREX and @Tiranx for their hard work in helping with the tournament and their awesome prize support provided!

True's artwork was very impressive...now PLEASE get him to do some Heroscape art! I kid you not, he would make a killing in the Heroscape community for his heroscape art. I know I'd pay for it hands down if it was as good as the art he brought for the tourney. You might have him pilot his heroscape art at a tourney or two for prize support?

I also am currently working on my battle report and will have it up soon. Look forward to reading battle reports from others.

Thanks again everyone for a great tournament!

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Old November 9th, 2016, 06:42 PM
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Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

Battle Report!
This tournament I wanted to do something a little more competitive and with my favorite unit, Sonlen. I needed strong range support, but also a strong first wave. I realized Goblin Cutters, if used in hordes, can be devastating...and not too many people know how to fight against them. Goblins are great against ranged squads because they can go in and engage with minimal casualties. They get bonuses for swarming, they move fast, small hit zones, and a fast developing squad. I decided a great combo would be to match them with Q10 and Sonlen. Sonlen can heal Q10 (or himself), can bypass defensive units with his special ability, and is a strong attacker as well. Q10 provides long range as well as short range shots and gave me the range support I felt I needed. So I decided upon:

Major Q10
Goblin Cutters X4

here's how it went...

Battle 1 vs. BiggaBullfrog

Gladiatrons X2
Blastatrons X2
Agent Skahen

Map: Hephaestus

Boy...I knew this would be a rough matchup with the Gladiatrons being able to lock down my cutters. I was not looking forward to it. So, I decided that Q10 was probably my best shot at taking out his units. I figured if I could shoot over my Goblin screen with Q10, I'd be able to take out the Blastatrons quick enough that he wouldn't get too many hits on me. This map is also filled with lava height, and if I was going with Q10, I wasn't too keen on putting him on lava, so I elected to stay mostly lower level with my goblin screen engaging high. My hope was that Q10's multiple attacks would take their toll. Unfortunately a lot of things went wrong. First, even though glyphs were on lava, Bigga very strategically would take the glyph turn one and hop off turn 3 so no damage would get dealt. Unfortunatley for me, it was a defense glyph which made the Blastatrons quite defendable. He only ever put OM's on the Blastatrons the entire time, and though I was able to use Q10 to thin the ranks significantly, the heavy hitting power those guys had from elevation ripped through my screen of Goblins way too fast. Eventually, I was pushed to my start zone and after Q10 fell (blanking with 5 defense is so sad sometimes) I was forced to go with Sonlen. Sonlen gave me some hope bringing Bigga down to just 2 Gladiatrons and a few Blastatrons, all which were spread out for the most part. But, it was just a matter of time once he collected his troops, locked me down and gunned me down.

Record: 0-1

Battle 2 v.s. Tiranx

Rancor X2
Arrow Gruts X1
Martial La Hire

Map: Desecrated Mine

Easily the most enjoyable, funny and yet sad game of them all. In short Rancor's are insane, but their one flaw is that before taking a turn with them you have to roll the D20, and if you roll 1-4 your opponent gets to take a turn with them (and naturally you lose the turn). Tiranx proved to defy all odds. I had the wonderful and enjoyable opportunity to take a turn with his Rancors 6 out of his 8 turns!!! Yes, it's true. Turn one for Tiranx I got to use them, turn 2 I got them again, turn 3 I got them again, turn 4 he used them, turn 5 I got them AGAIN! turn 6 he used them, turn 7 I got them again and turn 8 I got them again. Remember, those were all on his turns. So during my turns I was running up one squad of Goblin cutters to jump in the fun. His army literally defeated his army. I was able to basically fight him in his start zone with his own army. It was kind of sad by the 5th and 6th time, and yet at the same time...so epically insane to have it happen that many times where I got to use his own figures against him. But that wasn't all. The one squad I sent in was enjoying a height advantage on one of his Rancor's and cutting up his legs mighty well and it went down having only killed one Goblin. So he sent in his other Rancor (on the turn he actually got to use them) to engage all 3 and use his special attack of 5 that would handily take care of the squad (keep in mind, once a round a Rancor can remove a wound for killing a figure). I was actually kind of worried b/c if he was able to heal his Rancor by killing my Goblins then I might be in some trouble. But, sadly enough he blanked on his special attack. Next turn my Goblins did their cutting and the last Rancor fell. Naturally, Tiranx figured the least he could do would be to send in Martial with a potential double attack and finish the squad. Well along came another blank attack, after which my cutters once again finished off the poor La Hire. One lone Arrow Grut was left in the start zone...and I think we know what happened next Game. Tiranx managed to kill 1 single Goblin cutter...a wonderfully miserable game for Tiranx.

Record: 1-1

Battle 3 vs. podunksarmy

Varkaanan Quickblades
Varkaanan Greyspears
Varkaanan Fangs (or something)

Map: The Ruins of the Great Wall of Valhalla

I've played against podunksarmy when he's using the Varkaanans in a tournament before and I wasn't looking forward to it again. But as we were setting up, I felt that I had the advantage considering the Cutters ability to lower defense. Varkaanans are heavy, but cutters can take em out if they're being swarmed. And that's what happened. Besides the dice gods really being very kind to me, I set myself up well. Cutters took defense glyph turn 1 as well as unique attack. I knew the fight would be over the unique attack glyph because that'd make podunksarmy very strong, so I focused developing my cutters to the center of the board. There's not much to tell on this one other than it was a matter of time. He'd kill a goblin or two, but I'd scurry limiting his other attacks and then engage and swarm the next turn. One by one the Varkaanans fell effectively limiting his order marker placement, and I stole an OM or two in there as well. It was a rough battle for podunksarmy, the cutters really came through.

Record: 2-1

Battle 4 vs. TREX

Gorillinators X2
Darth Maul (unreleased HoSS hero)

Map: Hephaestus (again?!)

The lava map again, oh how I dreaded it (force users can force push units into lava...uh oh!). Currently I was behind in strength of schedule, and I needed to win this game to make it into the top 4 to move on into the playoff. I wasn't sure what to expect in this matchup, but one thing I knew...I needed to take risks and couldn't let lava field damage hold me back for getting position. This philosophy proved to be what gave me the edge. I rolled out my Cutters as before backed by Q10. Trex rolled out Nakitas with Gorillinators. Gorillinators worked as an effective screen for the Nakitas while they shot from height, but my pesky Cutters made sure to scurry and reposition. I took risks. My cutters went running all over engaging the Gorillas and Nakitas from height on lava just trying to engage and get a lucky attack. It worked for the most part but not without it's consequences..I lost a good squad just from lava field damage. My cutters effectively drew the attention while I occasionally had Q10 fire in a heavier shot or two. I got lucky and took out a Nakita, limiting his fire power. In retaliation, Trex targeted Q10 and put a few wounds on him. I took a risk, sending Q10 up on lava height and at the same time holding the defense glyph. I had 2 options turn 3 at the end of the round. Get off lava but give up height and try to attack Nakitas...or stay on lava and attack the remaining 2 Nakitas from Height/Same level with only 1 life on Q10. Heroscape is about taking the risk. I took the risk. Machine pistol it was: 4 attacks of 2 on the Nakitas. It paid off! 2 Nakitas feel to the rapid fire attacks and Q10 survived the lava damage!! All that was left were a few gorillas, Isamu and Darth Maul. At this point, I knew Q10 would be targeted by Darth Maul and so put turn 1 to get a shot off before going down and then the rest on Sonlen and cutters. As expected, Darth Maul came charging in, I got a wound or two with Q10 before he went down, but then surrounded him with cutters. And the cutters did what they do best...Darth Maul went down after only killing a few Goblins (lava dunking most of them). Sonlen then came out and dragon swooped Isamu coming out of the start zone and finished off the last Gorilla was a powerful 4/5 skull attack. Game. Clinched 4th place and moving on to the playoff against #1 jlightnin

Record: 3-1

Playoff Game Round 1
Battle 5 vs. jlightnin (#1 seed and undefeated)

(Reverse the Whip: I use his army)
Achillean Gladiatrix X2
Capuan Gladiators X2

Map: Desecrated Mine (2nd time)

I was really worried about this matchup. Goblins vs Gladiators is a terrible matchup and I was hoping he didn't know how to use that army, b/c I've played Goblins vs Gladiators and gladiators fall fast. Luckily, I was right and he didn't play the goblins very well. He actually opened with Q10 which I was really happy about because it allowed me (with my bonding glads) to engage him by the end of the round and start getting hits on him. with my heavily buffed Glads and bonding Q10 went down fast. phew! But still Sonlen and plenty of cutters to go. He next sent in sonlen to do the dirty work. Sonlen held his own for a bit and killed of Crixus (or maybe goblins, can't remember) before getting engaged and taking heavy hits from glads. It was a rough bout after that. Gladiators took out Sonlen and the game was far from over, but jlightnin's play with the goblins was far from ideal and he never utililzed their negating defense ability to it's full potential. Good thing for me he didn't really know how best to use them, and at that point it was just a matter of killing the goblins one by one. Game set...going to the Championship!

Record: 4-1

Championship Game
Battle 6 vs. Biggabullfrog

(Reverse the Whip: I use his army)
Gladiatrons X2
Blastatrons X2
Agent Skahen

Map: Desecrated Mine (3rd time)

Yes on Desecrated Mine again and yes against BiggaBullfrog again! But how fitting that we meet up Round 1 and then meet up again in the Championship. I was pretty confident with my army of Glads and Blasts against my own army, the key would be to execute and hope Bigga wasn't sure how to run my army. Well things started out pretty hot. I was able to develop my glads and blasts extremely well thanks to the Move +2 glyph I picked up (and held for the majority of the game). This put me on height and in great position to do some hurt, and hurt I did. Bigga brought out Major Q10 to meet my advancing forces with goblins. Though he did so pretty well and taking out a Glad or two on the way, I was able to engage him and get height attacks on Major Q10. He didn't got down fast, but he did go down faster than Bigga would have liked. At this point I felt pretty solid about my position. Next, he brought out Sonlen with his cutters and really started becoming pesky. Thanks to my Glads locking down cutters I was able to minimize his ability to scurt around my forces and gain position on me. I'd kill a goblin or two each turn and fire away at Sonlen as well...unfortunately there were like 3-4 times throughout this exchange that the Goblins with their 1 defense actually defended an attack from my blasts (very important later)!! Sonlen went down with little effect to the game, but not without taking out a Glad or two. At this point, there were about 6 Blasts and 3-4 Glads, Skahen and Dund against Bigga's 2.5 Squads of cutters. I felt pretty good about my position. This changed quickly. Cutters went on a rampage, and though I killed at least 1 each turn (sometimes 2) the cutters managed to sneak through my heavy Gladiatron defense and wittle away at my firepower. This became an issue to the point that I was forced to have to place OM's on Skahen and Dund with just 6 cutters left to kill! Bigga was very smart with his play b/c my hope was to use Dund to engage and use his special to steal OM's which would be devastating. He kept the cutters out of range at the beginning of Dund's turn and then swarmed well to take him out. He lasted 2 turns with killing maybe 1 goblin (maybe not). Skahen, you better show up to play! And show up to play she did. I brought her up to a position where he could only get one level attack on her, and she defended like a champ. Each turn she killed one or two figures and it came down to an initiative roll. I had 1 life skahen, and he had 2 cutters left. He won initiative and got a 2/2 attack roll to finish off Skahen. Very close game, and an epic finish for the tournament!! Well played BiggaBullfrog...we shall meet again: dun-dun-dun...

Final Record: 4-2
Final thoughts: I would totally run this army again...or at least a variation of it...b/c I loved it! I loved effectively using the goblin cutters to their fullest potential, and seeing just how strong they can be. They are an underestimated unit, and I saw just how fun (and annoying) they can be to play in swarm. With enough squads they become quite formidable, and when backed by strong heroes like Sonlen and Q10, they shine

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Old November 9th, 2016, 11:51 PM
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TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death!
Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

Great battle reports. I too had a great time at the tournament even though i got my butt kicked. Darth maul is finished but hadnt been released yet. I rolled so many epic blanks this tournament. He really is worth his points.

Check out my ebay where you can find my custom dice trays and dicetowers:
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Old November 11th, 2016, 07:22 PM
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TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death! TREX is hot lava death!
Goldfish Eating Rancors,NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

I just want to let everyone know, that @Tiranx 's Rancors only did poorly because he did not feed them before battle. Once he did the reverse the whip, He fed the rancors some goldfish I brought, and they played well for his opponent.

Proof that rancors eat pepperidge farm goldfish.

Check out my ebay where you can find my custom dice trays and dicetowers:
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Old November 14th, 2016, 08:44 PM
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Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

It is a true story. My rancors betrayed me epically. During the reverse the whip when my opponent took them, they betrayed him the first turn. Feeling bad I grabbed some goldfish and put them in the rancors hands. After that, they never betrayed again and destroyed the army I got in the trade. Thus, resulting in a 0-5 game record for that tournament. Moral of the story: Feed the Rancor!
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Old November 17th, 2016, 08:59 PM
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Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

Hey, it’s only been almost two weeks. Perfect time for a battle report that I finally finished, right?

I’ve got quick reviews on the maps as well, if you guys want to look at them. They’re in the spoilers in the spoilers. Granted, they’re based off of one game (except Stalwart, which I ended up playing on twice, and From the Ashes, which I’ve played a ton) so take them for what it’s worth. Relevant mapmakers: @Robber @Dad_Scaper @Dignan @Rÿchean

Bigga’s Battle Report

When I first saw the format for this tourney, my initial plan was to use a Roman Legionnaire army because I’ve wanted to for a long time, and had an army in mind that fit the point total really well. But once this conversation happened:
Originally Posted by Tiranx View Post
Originally Posted by BiggaBullfrog View Post
Originally Posted by TREX View Post
Not sure on a DUND prize yet.
What if I play Dund? Can I get a prize for that?
Tell you what, you win with Dund as the focus of your army and we will pimp out a prize like crazy for you.
I decided the time had come to let Dund shine.

My first thought was to utilize the obvious synergy of Dund and Agent Skahen. At 230 points they became my mid to late game cleanup duo. The first combination I tried with them was Axegrinders x2, Mogrimm, and Guilty McCreech. The plan was to use Mogrimm’s initiative bonus as further synergy with Dund to make it more likely for him to be able to remove Order Markers turn one. However, a couple games with this army told me that there was just too much investment in the late game with this army, and the Axegrinders weren’t able to do enough initial damage. Overall the supposed synergy just wasn’t consistent at all, so I ruled that army out.
At this time I was doing a couple trades with other ‘Scapers on the site to add some Gladiatrons and Blastatrons to my collection, so I decided to experiment with those. Another idea was to add some Goblin Cutters and Heirloom giving Skahen two Tricky targets to move, but in the end the Blastatron build was the one with the firepower to make big first waves and let Skahen/Dund cleanup. I usually prefer melee-based armies and this was going to be my first time piloting a range-centric army in a tournament, but I figured I had to try it at least once.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army
Blastatrons x2 120
Gladiatrons x2 160
Agent Skahen 120
Dund 110
510 Points/18 Figures

Game 1
Spoiler Alert!

Game 2
Spoiler Alert!

Game 3
Spoiler Alert!

Game 4
Spoiler Alert!

Game 5
Spoiler Alert!

Game 6
Spoiler Alert!

I ended up winning the Punisher tower that TREX made, and it’s awesome! It has seen a lot of use already. Thanks so much for bringing it, TREX! And thanks thanks thanks again to everyone who participated! Great time all around for me and True!

Monthly Utah Tournaments in SLC!!
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"I'll save myself some time and say I pretty much 100% agree with Bigga" ~Flash_19

Last edited by BiggaBullfrog; November 17th, 2016 at 09:58 PM. Reason: *Granted, I only actually put an OM on Dund in one game. But he rocked it! Great figure, guys. I'm telling you...
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Old November 17th, 2016, 09:42 PM
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Re: NHSD: Idaho/Utah - Ruins of Valhalla

Great battle report! Really enjoyed reading that.

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