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Old September 12th, 2021, 05:39 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 1 until 9/20

Playtesting Map #1

Cpt S: Gladiators X3, Crixus, 53rd X3, Blount
Sir H: Slashers X5, Bashers X3, Ziggo

53rd tried to setup early and take pot shots, but I was patient with my goblin development and spent the better part of the first 2 rounds just getting my whole army developed into the map. I took very few casualties and was able to get into a position where I never lost out on attacks. There were a couple times I engaged 4 gobbos and almost lost bonding, but always got the 1 kill that freed up a Gobbo. Cpt S played well, but the overwhelming numbers of gobbos really did in the Spartacus-less Capuans and things kinda ended up crumbling on an init switch where an engaged Blount got his head bashed in for 4W to die. That stole some OM's and Gobbos swarmed the rest of the 53rd and Crixus to end the game.

Survived: Basher (full), 11 Slashers

Suit - N/A
Taunt - never activated
Killed 1 Gladiator from height

Thoughts: I had to "force" myself to use Ziggo. On almost every turn I took with him, I did it because I felt like the rest of my heroes were in a good enough spot and I could "risk wasting" a turn on him. I tried to make his turns useful by getting him on height for attacks or engaging him on multiple figures to soak attacks or get in range so that if 53rd or Blount wanted to attack, he could Taunt...but I'm not sure it was any better than just using a Basher. I will say, a ranged bonder is always going to be nice, but overall he felt a bit bland. I like the theme of the suit and taunt as they make a lot of sense for a nasty little Goblin in a space suit, but Cpt S and I felt like he needed a little something more. Not sure exactly what that might be, but Cpt S mentioned something involving his big sword might be good, like maybe counterstrike or something.

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Old September 12th, 2021, 07:06 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 1 until 9/20

Map: Playtesting Map #1

Cpt S: Gladiators X3, Crixus, 53rd X3, Blount
Sir H: Slashers X5, Bashers X3, Ziggo

Which units survived? 11 Goblins, 1 Basher with full life remaining.

53rd tried to setup early and take pot shots, but Sir Heroscape was patient with his goblin development and spent the better part of the first 2 rounds just getting his whole army developed into the map. The goblins took very few casualties and were able to get into a position where they never lost out on attacks. The Capuans did their best, but were ultimately outnumbered by the goblins and things kinda ended up crumbling on an init switch where an engaged Blount got his head bashed in for 4W to die. That stole some OM's and Gobbos swarmed the rest of the 53rd and Crixus to end the game. Sir H played very well, and it was a fun game, even if the end wasn't very close.

How useful were playtesting units' powers and how often did they come into play?

Nerves of Steel was never used to attack a non-adjacent figure.
Killed 2 goblins, and dealt 2 wounds to a basher (kill) and 1 to ziggo (kill)

Rebel Yell was used once vs Ziggo.

Any additional comments (theme, balance, fun factor with and against)?

Mechanically, Blount seems to exist in kind of a weird place. Both of Blount’s abilities kind of encourage him to be engaged, but his statline absolutely does not support this kind of playstyle. In his current form, I found Rebel Yell quite difficult to use, and developing him into a position where Rebel Yell is likely to be effective is pretty tricky given the other Rebellious units he synergizes with.

The power name Nerves of Steel is also weird to me thematically. I understand what it's going for, but it doesn’t quite land. The main impact of the power is the double attack, which isn't really suggested by the power name at all.

My suggestion would be to increase the range of Rebel Yell to affect enemies within 2 spaces, rather than only figures he’s engaged with.

I would also replace Nerves of Steel with Double Attack. Then, I think he’d either be fine as a two-power card, or Nerves of Steel could be added as a third ability simply allowing him to attack non adjacent figures while engaged.

Version tested
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Old September 14th, 2021, 06:04 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 1 until 9/20

Format: 550 points / 24 hexes
Map: Playtesting Map #1

Glyphs: 3 Treasure Glyphs (Unused over the course of the game)

Vydar_XLIII Army: Would you like to make Janos your default browser? Janos, Etiana, Maekor, Bambina, 3x Deathreavers
Superfrog Army: Null and Void Altais of the Deep, 4x Greenscale Warriors, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RotV), Marro Warriors, Isamu

Battle Report:
Spoiler Alert!

Surviving Units
Vydar_XLIII Surviving Units: 6/12 Deathreavers, Janos (1/6 wounds), Etiana (0/4 wounds), Maekor (4/5 wounds, Bambina (0/5 wounds). 374 points surviving.
Superfrog Surviving Units: 4/12 Greenscales, Isamu. 90 points surviving.

Playtest Unit Statistics:

Spoiler Alert!

Additional Thoughts:

I’ll start with Altais. Unfortunately for superfrog and for getting playtesting data, Altais went down in 1 turn. Going 10/10 skulls out of the gate does that it seems. Therefore, I don’t have many new thoughts on the Dragon of the Deep. I still think she is overpriced, especially since the latest changes nerfed Vortex Breath, making it not trigger LEAs and decreasing the range to 5.

On to the Mercs/Explorers. So far, I really enjoy this faction. The way that they get what I’ll call “Conditional Bonding” with each other is quite interesting and brings something new to the game.

Currently, the difference between Mercenary and Explorer seems to just be a tool to limit synergy within the faction. I don’t take issue with this, but currently it feels like a purely mechanical distinction. I think the theme of these units can be strengthened if a common thread was weaved through the mercenaries that is separate from the explorers and vice versa, but made so they still work together. Other than that, it seems odd that Jandar would summon Mercenaries. That seems more of a Vydar/Utgar/Einar thing. IDK, doesn’t matter much to me, but it made me go, “huh, that’s odd.” Do with that what you will.

"I disagree. You're kind of right, yes, but Vydar and I are entirely right." -superfrog

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Old September 14th, 2021, 10:04 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 1 until 9/20

550 Points
Map: Playtesting Map #1
Glyphs: 3 Treasure

Player 1 - Army: Greenscale Warriors x4, Kalagrith, Kaemon Awa, Eldgrim the Viking Champion
Player 2 - Army: Amberhive Protectors x4, Amberhive Queen, Byrikon the Hiveless, Major Q10, Siiv

Which units survived?
Major Q10 with 3 lives, Byrikon with 1 life, Queen, Siiv, and 7 bees.

General Battle Report/Flow of game (be as detailed or general as you like)
Round 1 was pretty much just posturing between Q10 and the queen against Kalagrith and greenscales.
Round 2 was Kalagrith and greenscales rushing Q10, but not doing much damage.
Kalagrith rolling 1/8 for scorching earth. Twice on Q10 and once on a bee and the queen.
The queen was sitting behind a wall in a really good spot to see Kalagrith within 4 spots leading to 5 bees sacrificial striking and killing Kalagrith.

How useful were playtesting units' powers and how often did they come into play?
Byrikon’s powers were irrelevant this game. The ability to bond with a ranged hero was more powerful in this particular game.
Kalagrith’s Special attack reminds me of Quahon’s except it’s difficult to do much damage and stay far away from a counter punch. After one game and rolling 1/8 on two attacks, Kalagrith seems like a more risky Quahon.

The queen bee filled the role for allowing the bees to use sacrificial sting. Frenzy hit 1/2 times allowing for another attempt of sacrificial sting.

Any additional comments (theme, balance, fun factor with and against)?

It was really fun getting attacked with sacrificial sting 5 times in one turn. I’m not being sarcastic, it was a really cool and impactful turn. It could have been prevented by me with better placement of Kalagrith.
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Old September 15th, 2021, 03:22 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 1 until 9/20

550 Points
Map: Playtesting Map #1
Glyphs: 3 Treasure

Player 1 - Army: Specters of Aldornx4, Ataraxis, Iskra, Rechets of Bogdan, Marcu Esenwein, Bol, Isamu

Player 2 - Army: Children of the Dark Star x4, Z'Thoth, Gräbermund

Which units survived?
Ataraxis - 2 life, Iskra - 3 life, Marcu - 6 life, Bol, Isamu, 2 Specters.
2 Children of the Dark Star

General Battle Report/Flow of game (be as detailed or general as you like)
Round 1: positioning until turn three where the specters aided by Ataraxis took out two Children.
Round 2: Specters got the initiative switch and raced to pin Grabermund and took out a couple of Children, Grabermund countered and ate well on Specters. Iskra dropped the Rechets in Turn 3 and got Grabermund to 6 wounds. Grabermund ate two rechets and a specter.
Round 3: Children positioned while specters took Grabermund out and kept the Children at bay. Z'toth starts to move.

Round 4: Specters take out most of the remaining Children and try to pin down and hurt Z, but he shakes it of and mind crushes and smashes all that I throw at him

Round 5: a freed Z charges Ataraxis, who is able to put 3 wounds on him from height. Z gets stuck on some low ground and gets sniped by Ataraxis. Z misses on Iskra, and she finishes Z off from height.

How useful were playtesting units' powers and how often did they come into play?

I will address Ataraxis and let AgentWard comment on Grabermund.
I used Wormhole twice, which really helped positioning, and helped me close out the game.
Ataraxis never died, so i did not use Nanobot Virus, but I kept people in position in case I had to.
The superpower was Terror Enhancement. I used it in about 90% of my attacks (if not more). Agentward did not have range, so I could sit mostly in the field and take two defensive dice (ataraxis plus specters) away from figures only rolling three defensive dice.

Any additional comments (theme, balance, fun factor with and against)?

Ataraxis is a risk to play at 3 life and 160 points, but she makes many of the undead armies playable and competitive. She is powerful against some armies, but has her weaknesses. Overall a fun figure that brings lots of little used armies back into play.

What GenCon taught me was to assume only one skull on three dice!
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Old September 15th, 2021, 11:43 PM
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My Romans squared off against my Mohicans/Teeth. Romans are good y'all.

Azzy went around killing things and Kolby Jack did a decent job bringing the Teeth forward and killing some forward Romans. Azzy used the teleport TG to start wailing on Mohicans who had come forward (the original plan was to throw 8 dice at Kolby but the better choices quickly became killing Mohicans). I finally did huck 8 dice at Kolby when Azzy had 1 life left and went out swinging.

Things were relatively cleared out when Marcus came up to play but Mohicans did do a solid job of holding off on stuff. I even had time to bring in Down and Blount on the TheraShuttle © for a turn and leave the Romans to block arrows with their shield walls. Kolby finally died when a bunch of Romans set up a wall around him and just attacked several getting Marcus bonus. Blounted Combat was an amazing endgame figure just sniping off so many figures and cutting off any real comeback vegies dad had.

We both thought Kolby was reveal an OM for the shifting power but since he led Teeth it was rarely going to come up even with how we was playing Mohicans. The power is actually probably going to be better with a late game Hunter Hero than with a Teeth/Mohican build. Kolby was fine overall but this wasn't a great matchup for him.

Blount is really solid for his points. It's nice that you can get bonuses if he is engaged but I think if you are trying to make it happen you're going to lose. I'm not sure if that's a great call to have powers that scream for engagement but for that to be a poor usage. Other figures like J15 and M-43 don't have this issue since they either want to go into melee or there's so many of them that you don't feel like you have to play it that way.

~Dysole, with her thoughts
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Old September 17th, 2021, 12:28 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 2 until 10/4

Thank you to everyone for getting their game in. For those who haven't submitted a report for the game (tagged in the spoiler). (If someone else has submitted a playtest report, you can just submit your personal thoughts on the units used) Please do so very soon, before scheduling your Round 2 game so we don't fall behind on reports. Thanks again for everyone's participation and effort!

Round 2 is on Jabberwock (Valda, Wannok).

The dok (1-0) v. shiftrex (1-0) pool of armies is:
* Arby's new Bacon, Rats, and Lizard special: deathreavers x1, Janos, Bambina, Rygarn, Maekor, Raelin (RotV)
* Sci Fi Double Feature: Greenscale Warriors x3, Goblin Slashers x2, Altais of the Deep, Ziggo, Kyntela Gwyn, Bol
* The Court of Flames: Crypt Guardian x4 , Drow Chainfighter x2, Marro Warriors, Kalagrith, Eldgrim, Marcu Eldgrim
* Peaceful Missionaries: Acolytes of Vorganund x5, Corvor, Johnny Shotgun Sullivan, Master Caylus
dok chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, shiftrex chooses who places first.

The BodaciousBlood (1-0) v. Dysole (1-0) pool of armies is:
* Undead Legion.... IN SPACE! : Skeletons of Annellintia x2, Ataraxis, Cyprien Esenwein, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Lizardfolk.... IN SPACE!: Greenscale Warriors x3, Maekor, Bambina, Etiana, Siiv
* Hit Me Baby one More Tribe: Mohican River Tribe x3, Teeth of the Makwa x 3, Brave Arrow, Kolbjorn
* Wherever I May Rome: Romans Legionnairres x4, Capt. Nathaniel Blount, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Azurite Warlord, Theracus
Dysole chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, BodaciousBlood chooses who places first.

The vegietarian18 (1-0) v. Vydar's Girlfriend (1-0) pool of armies is:
* Why do the stars take so long to die?: Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Ataraxis the Star Lich, Marcu, Isamu
* Expeditious: Greenscales Warriors x2, Maekor, Bambina, Janos, Rygarn
* The Golden Queen: Greenscale Warriors x4, Kalagrith, Kaemon Awa, Eldgrim the Viking Champion
* The Bee Queen: Amberhive Protectors x4, Amberhive Queen, Byrikon the Hiveless, Major Q10, Siiv
vegietarian18 chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, Vydar's Girlfriend chooses who places first.

Please contact Vydar_XLIII to schedule games with Vydar's gf

The Knight of Scape (1-0) v. Sir Heroscape (1-0) pool of armies is:
* The Guild of 90ish Point Heroes (+Ninjas): Janos, C'Rik, Rygarn, Etiana, Wastewalker Gage, Byrikon the Hiveless, Isamu, Otonashi
* Skeletons in Space: Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Ataraxis the Starlich, Marcu Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
* Come at me Bro: Goblin Slashers x5, Bugbear Basher x3, Ziggo
* Alien Abduction: Children of the Dark Star x4, Gräbermund, Raelin (RotV), Swaysil, Marcu Esenwein
Sir Heroscape chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, Knight of Scape chooses who places first.

The Vydar_XLIII (1-0) v. KnightofLight (1-0) pool of armies is:
* Would you like to make Janos your default browser?: deathreavers x3, Janos, Bambina, Etiana, Maekor
* Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the Kolbjorn moon?: Mohican River Tribe x3, Teeth of the Makwa x 3, Brave Arrow, Kolbjorn
* Vortex spears : cathar spearmen X3, Altias of the Deep, Count Raymond, Byrikon the hiveless
* Marcus Decimus Antus : Red Ants of Aunstrum x4, Kaemon Awa, Amberhive Queen, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Gen. Simon Fraser, Marcu Esenwein
KnightofLight chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, Vydar_XLIII chooses who places first.

The Muskie (1-0) v. kevindola (0-1) pool of armies is:
* Booooo!: Specters of Aldornx4, Ataraxis, Iskra, Rechets of Bogdan, Marcu Esenwein, Bol, Isamu
* Fire from above: Nhah Scirh Cultistsx4, Greenscale Warriors x1, Kalagrith
* Acolytic Corverter: Acolytes of Vorganund x6, Corvor the Tainted One, Master Caylus, Marcu Esenwein
* Hunter's Moon: Mohican River Tribe x5, Kolbjorn, Van Nessing, Bol
Muskie chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, kevindola chooses who places first.

The Chris Perkins (0-1) v. vegie's dad (0-1) pool of armies is:
* God Save the Queen: Amberhive Protectors x5, Amberhive Queen, Byrikon the Hiveless, Eltahale
* Choose (Your Dragon) Wisely: Greenscale Warriors x4, Altais of the Deep, Othkurik the Black Dragon
* Ziggo and the Blashers: goblin slashers x 5, bugbear bashers x2, Ziggo, Urk
* Big dragon, little dragon: Greenscales Warriors x2, Kalagrith, Sonlen, Raelin
vegie's dad chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, Chris Perkins chooses who places first.

The Blue Trails (0-1) v. Heroscaper Guy (0-1) pool of armies is:
* Never Doubt a Man Named ""Innocent"": Acolytes of Vorganund x3, Master Caylus, Skull Demon, Cathar Spearmen x2, Count Raymond, Marcu Esenwein
* Away Down South: Armoc Vipers x3, 53rd North Carolina Sharpshooters x2, Azurite Warlord, Capt. Nathaniel Blount, Guilty McCreech
* : Children of the Dark Star x4, Z'Thoth, Gräbermund, Bol
* : Goblin Slashers x3, Nottingham Brigand x4, Bugbear Basher x2, Ziggo, Elaria
Heroscaper Guy chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, Blue Trails chooses who places first.

The AgentWard (0-1) v. superfrog (0-1) pool of armies is:
* Sneaky or Tricky ?: Goblin Slashers x3, Nottingham Brigand x4, Master Caylus, Ziggo, Elaria, Arthur of Sherwood
* Z'THOTH!!!!!!!: Children of the Dark Star x4, Z'Thoth, Gräbermund
* Null and Void: Greenscale Warriors x4, Altais of the Deep, Raelin (RotV), Marro Warriors, Isamu
* Rebels with Causes: Capuan Gladiators x3, 53rd N. Carolina Sharpshooters x3, Crixus, Capt. Nathaniel Blount, Bol
AgentWard chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, superfrog chooses who places first.

The Captain Stupendous (0-1) v. SchismaticSounds (0-1) pool of armies is:
* Not the Boss of Me!: Capuan Gladiators x3, 53rd N. Carolina Sharpshooters x3, Crixus, Capt. Nathaniel Blount, Otonashi
* Greil Mercenaries: Janos, Maekor, Bambina, C'Rik, Etiana, Maltis Tez
* : Blade Gruts x2, Ataraxis, Isamu, Marcu, Iskra, Ornak, Bol, Torin
* Treacherous Deviants: Children of the Dark Star x2, Gräbermund, Death Chasers of Thesk x2, Gothlok, Guilty Mcreech
Captain Stupendous chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, SchismaticSounds chooses who places first.

The S1R_ART0R1US (0-1) v. mtl1998 (0-1) pool of armies is:
* Buzz-killers: Amberhive Protectors x4, Byrikon the Hiveless, Amberhive Queen, Sujoah
* Fire From Above: Greenscale Warriors x4, Marro Warriors, Kalagrith, Syvarris
* : Acolytes of Vorganund x4, Caylus, Corvor, Kaemon Awa
* : Greenscale Warriors x3, Altais of the Deep, Krav Maga Agents, Sentinels of Grax
S1R_ART0R1US chooses which army to play first or may defer. After armies are picked, mtl1998 chooses who places first.
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Old September 17th, 2021, 05:02 PM
Knight of Scape Knight of Scape is offline
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Round 1 Report

Point Total: 550
Map: Playtesting Map #1
Glyphs: 3xTreasure Glyphs (Scarab of Invulnerability, ???, and ???)

Player 1 - Army: Janos, C'Rik, Rygarn, Etiana, Wastewalker Gage, Byrikon the Hiveless, Isamu, Otonashi (Wastewalker Gage got missed when copying over figures, and somehow neither of us noticed, so I was playing 90 points short by accident )
Player 2 - Army: Greenscale Warriors x4, Altais of the Deep, Othkurik the Black Dragon

Which units survived?
Janos with 2 lives, Etiana with 1 life, Rygarn with all 4 lives, Isamu, and Otonashi.

General Battle Report/Flow of game (be as detailed or general as you like)
At the start of the game Chris picked Altais as his king, I picked Rygarn as Byrikon's Hive Link. Neither of these ended up mattering much.

In round 1, I put OM 1 on Janos, OM 2 on Rygarn to flex to Janos, and OM 3 on Etiana. Christ put all 3 OMs on greens.

I won initiative and led out by sending Janos toward the middle, Etiana toward the South, and Byrikon toward the North, putting myself within range of claiming all 3 treasure glyphs next turn (one of the reason I liked the merc/explorer army here is that it would give me tons of units to grab and benefit from treasure glyphs).

Chris led out aggressively with Altias, taking a turn 1 potshot at Janos for 1 wound. On turn 2 I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to just take Altais out of the game round 1, so I charged Janos onto height adjacent to the dragon (to deny jungle bonus) and blasted him with Janos's special along with Etiana and Byrikon. Etiana also managed to pick up a treasure glyph (the Scarab) before attacking. Those four attacks were enough to take Altais down in one turn, which was even better than I was hoping.

After this it was going to be a very uphill battle for Chris. His uninspired greenscales were able to put several wounds on Janos and to kill Byrikon, despite him having height, but Janos was able to retreat and have Etiana bodyblock for him (best use of a 9 range unit!). C'Rik came out to help, since Byrikon was dead. He failed twice at picking up the middle treasure glyph before giving up and murdering some greenscales. Finally, Chris sent in Othkurik, who managed to kill C'Rik, but in the end he too was defeated by the mercenary explorers.

How useful were playtesting units' powers and how often did they come into play?

Janos's Expedition was essential to the army's function, and was used twice in every round. Rygarn seems to boost Janos a whole lot, since getting two expeditions per round instead of one is huge, and makes it a lot more viable to build a whole army around the mercenary explorers. Janos's special attack was also very useful. He never used his normal attack.

Byrikon's powers both did nothing, since I was activating him with Janos and keeping him away from my other units to avoid Altais's powers and to try to take the treasure glyph/height on the north end of the map.

C'Rik's holographic projector failed 4/4 times, protecting neither Janos nor himself. He also never ended up in a situation where he needed to use phantom walk. Quaarn assault was used every time he attacked, and was useful for taking out two greenscales per turn fairly reliably, which was more damage per turn than any of my other heroes could manage. He was also useful as a screen to protect Janos and Etiana once they were both wounded.

Etiana used support fire once in the first round to allow me to attack with both her and Byrikon. After Byrikon died I had no other mercs to use it with, so I usually went with 2 Janos turns and 1 Rygarn turn. Acrobatic protected her from at least 1 wound, although it's usefulness was somewhat limited in this game since I was mostly facing Greenscales who only had 2 attack anyway.

Any additional comments (theme, balance, fun factor with and against)?
Not much to say on Altais since he died so quickly. I doubt he would have been effective against this army anyway, since I have so few units and they don't really mind being spread out. The mercenary explorers were fun to play, and offered some interesting decisions.

The overall feel of the army reminded me of the elf wizards (which I like, b/c elf wizards are fun), where you have a huge offensive output at the start of the game, but you have a bunch of pieces that all need to stay alive for the army to be functioning at full potential. The fact that Janos has to be first one to act on an expedition turn can make him a bit tricky to keep him safe, particularly if he gets engaged, but since there is no range or LoS requirement on expedition it's easier to fall back with him when he gets injured than it is for some other commander type figures.

In fact the big difference between the mercenary explorers and elf wizards or other hero pods seems to be the fact that they don't need to stay podded up, but are capable of acting fairly independently in different parts of the map (C'Rik maybe wants to stay near Janos for holographic projector, and Rygarn needs to stay near Janos to flex OMs, but even those abilities have fairly long range). This makes it a lot easier for the faction to take map control and contest glyphs and such, and also makes them more interesting to play, since you have so many different positioning options on each turn.

~KoS, looking forward to trying more games with these units.
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Old September 17th, 2021, 10:21 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 2 until 10/4

Playtesting Map #1

Me: Goblin Slashers x3, Nottingham Brigand x4, Bugbear Basher x2, Ziggo, Elaria
Shiftrex: Crypt Guardian x4 , Drow Chainfighter x2, Marro Warriors, Kalagrith, Eldgrim, Marcu Eldgrim

Spoiler Alert!

Survived: 2 chain fighters, 4 crypt guardians, marcu, 2 marro warriors. 2 wounds on a crypt, 1 wound on another, 1 wound on marcu

Suit - activated one time out of one possible time
Taunt - never used
Killed nothing but dealt 6 wounds to Kalgarith

Thoughts: So, I really liked Ziggo. He was pretty much the only person on my team pulling weight (lol). While he never got a taunt off, his dice rolling was able to put some hurting on Kal (around 140 points). I liked that he has bonding not just with Goblins, but cross synergy wise with the Rogues. I also like his little space suit and personality coming through in his powers. My main thing th9ough I think, is I needed specials in the army. Cause even chucking 5 dice at the crypts wasnt getting through. As for Kal, I dont think that theres any problems, thematically, it fits of a dragon raining fire, and she didnt pose a huge massive threat, much like Tor-kul-na, you have to have a lot of move to pull off her special on a lot of people and that keeps her in check. Overall, I liked both units.

(Oh, also apologize for the long form in the spoiler box, took notes on my phone since dont have my desktop. Tried to fix it up as much as I could.)

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Old September 18th, 2021, 07:38 AM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 2 until 10/4

So we played our game Tuesday with Muskie.
Here my report:

550 points
: Playtesting Map #1

Muskie - Army: Specters of Aldornx4, Ataraxis, Iskra, Rechets of Bogdan, Marcu Esenwein, Bol, Isamu
AgentWard - Army: Children of the Dark Star x4, Z'Thoth, Gräbermund

Which units survived?
Marcu (Full life)
Iskra (3 lives left)
Altarix (2 lives left)
1 Specters

I didn't realize that i said GG while I still have two CotDS left, even if it change nothing

General Battle Report/Flow of game (be as detailed or general as you like)
Spoiler Alert!

How useful were playtesting units' powers and how often did they come into play?

Gräbermund (played 3 turns with one only for moving)
SpeA: used on every turn; 7 attacks in total with 4 successfull.
(2 times 2v2 :
5 times 2v3:
1v1 then 12
2v2 then 17)

Swallow whole: 2 attenpts - 1 kill

Any additional comments (theme, balance, fun factor with and against)?
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Old September 18th, 2021, 03:59 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 2 until 10/4

Point Total
Map: Playtesting Map #1
Glyphs: 3x Treasure Glyphs (scarab of protection, +1 defense, +1 attack)

Player 1 - Army: Goblin Slashers x3, Nottingham Brigand x4, Bugbear Basher x2, Ziggo, Elaria

Player 2 - Army: Crypt Guardian x4 (Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi), Drow Chainfighter x2, Marro Warriors, Kalagrith, Eldgrim, Marcu Eldgrim

Which units survived?
2 chain fighters, 4 crypt guardians, Marcu, 2 marro warriors.
2 wounds on a crypt (Luigi), 1 wound on another (Wario), 1 wound on Marcu

General Battle Report/Flow of game (be as detailed or general as you like)

I made a mistake in placement this game, I was initially thinking I'd grab all the treasure glyphs with Marcu so I positioned him to fly from one glyph to the next all in one round. For some reason I wasn't thinking about how my dragon could do the same thing and I missed out on some survive ability. Regardless I was still able to position to get 2 of them in the first round, since I was a hero centric build I felt they were important for me.

Early - I scorched Eldgrim with 4 skulls on Kalagrath's first turn and he blanked defense, I started with an 8 move dragon. I focused on the south side of the map first with my main force because Marcu grabbed the north treasure glyph (+1 defense). I fought with a couple of mummies and my dragon against Ziggo, goblins and some brigands started coming up as well and wore my dragon down but not before I grabbed the southern treasure glyph. I retreated the dragon to the north and used a mummy bonding on a chain fighter to re-enact a scorpion fatality on Ziggo.

Mid - This phase of the game started with 1 life on Kalagrath and my mummies had yet to take a scratch. I worked on getting the remaining treasure glyph in the center with a mummy on the road (I had 3 of the 4 developed at this point, Waluigi hung out in the start zone still). I counted my dragon for lost soon and moved OMs onto Marro Warrios and started having a shoot out. With developed Mummies I could move MWs onto even ground or height pretty easily and take down goblins pretty consistently. Brigands came down to 2 members eventually, I moved my dragon over to kill one and got revenge killed by Elaria and then my MWs took out the last brigand before retreating to fail a clone (2 members).

Late - This phase of the game was a slugfest between Mummies and Goblins + Bugbears. I kept Marcu (5 life), Marro Warrios (2 members), Chain fighters (2, one was developed into movement range) in the reserve to see how dice went. The small goblins can't deal with tough very well and I was able to slowly wear down the bug bears, moving onto height was fairly easy though their bash gave me a couple of close calls.

How useful were playtesting units' powers and how often did they come into play?

By my count Kalagrath used Scorched earth 5 times, I was able to kill 6 figures with it with one of them being my own. Feels a lot like Quahon's lightning breath in the respect that rolling once is pretty swingy but not a bad thing. The goblins have a ranged bonder is the only way they were able to catch up with her 7 move.

I am glad I went mummies, if I went greenscales I feel like I would have been much more restricted. With a mummy I could easily path around it and show my flight pattern with the line tool, but the one time I grouped up my marro warriors around Kalagrath I was immediately regretting it because I couldn't path onto 3 figures like I wanted and instead had to settle for flying over for a normal attack. There is good interplay here and maybe it'll encourage her use outside of greenscale builds, I know that I won't be playing her with the lizardfolk because I don't like killing my own figures without assured payoff.

Any additional comments (theme, balance, fun factor with and against)?

Theme is good with the dragon, I am always going to look to maximize her movement stat. I feel if her movement stat was lower than it is now, I would be less likely to use her. It's a challenge at the moment to figure out the best flight pattern to try and assure relative safety after landing, 3d on an expensive figure even with 7 life means she will go down without too much trouble.

I would also never play her without some sort of ranged component, picking her over one of the classical dragons (niflheim, quahon, zelrig, mimring) means that you are sacrificing a true ranged special. I find this thematic and fitting with her personality and identity as an Ullar dragon, Charos is also a dragon like wants to be in the action so it stands to reason that this Queen wants to be in the thick of it somewhat as well (btw, is the lore that Kalagrath is the Queen counterpart for Charos? plz publish lore, it's really important to units for me )

As for playing against, I think this will be oppressive for melee units that lack good defense or refuse to play with some sort of Aura. Any army that uses Raelin or another defense booster should be fine but there is an incentive to spread your army out and not give Kalagrath any easy pathing of 3 or more figures. I would not mind playing against this figure, and would play it again as she is now.
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Old September 20th, 2021, 02:11 PM
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Re: 2021 C3V Playtest Tournament - Round 2 until 10/4

Format: 550 points / 24 hexes
Map: Playtesting Map #1

Glyphs: 3 Treasure Glyphs (Unused in this game)

mtl1998’s Army: The Golden Queen Kalagrith, 4x Greenscale Warriors, Kaemon Awa, Eldgrim the Viking Champion (Picked First)
Vydar’s GF’s Army: The Bee Queen Amberhive Queen, 4x Amberhive Protectors, Major Q10, Byrikon the Hiveless, Siiv

Battle Report:
Spoiler Alert!

Surviving Units
Vydar’s GF Surviving Units: 7 Amberhive Protectors, Major Q10 (1/4 wounds), Amberhive Queen (0/4 wounds), Byrikon the Hiveless (2/3 wounds), Siiv (0/2 wounds). 360 points surviving.
mtl1998 Surviving Units: 7 Greenscale Warriors, Eldgrim the Viking Champion (0/3 wounds). 170 points surviving.

Playtest Unit Statistics:

Spoiler Alert!

Additional Thoughts:

These are a combination of Bre and my thoughts. Vydar is writing.

Going into the game we thought that it would play out very similarly to the way that it did. Q10 goes out first and pings at everything while mtl is developing. Once Kalagrith and the scales crashed into Q10 the bees would be able to swarm and do massive damage to everything the Queen could see. As the bees swarmed mtl realized that he misread the Queen’s card in the same way that I initially had. He thought that the queen needs to see the attacking bee, not the target of the Sacrificial Sting. Kalagrith’s size and the map did mtl no favors either and he likely would have played differently had he understood the power properly. I realize that the Protectors are not part of the playtest, but I wonder if it is possible to re-phrase Sacrificial Sting in order to make this seemingly common misunderstanding more clear. I’m not sure how to do this, since upon reading it again, slowly, it isn’t obvious how I misinterpereted it in the first place, it is incredibly clear. Maybe just a clarification in the R/C section of the eventual book would suffice.

We prefer the new Queen to the old Queen. Frenzied Swarm is much more thematic than Surge, imo. Although this may be the root of the Sacrificial Sting confusion. The difference between “After attacking with a Common Insect within 4 spaces of the Amberhive Queen…” (Frenzied Swarm) and “When attacking a figure within 4 clear sight spaces of an Insect Hero you control…” (Sacrificial Sting) is small enough so that some bees that can Frenzy cannot Sting and some bees that can Sting cannot Frenzy. The range/aoe of Ataraxis’ powers were all synchronized for simplicity so an argument could be made that that simplification should be done here too. And FWIW, I prefer the wording on Sacrificial Sting to the wording on Frenzied Swarm.

Byrikon definitely punched above his weight this game. But it was as a function of his ranged bonding rather than his own powers.

Kalagrith was quite underwhelming this game. Part of it was the matchup, part of it was the map. This game really cemented for me how much Kala + Greenscales needs to be played conservatively. She didn’t really get a chance to do what she needed to do.

"I disagree. You're kind of right, yes, but Vydar and I are entirely right." -superfrog

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