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Old May 5th, 2017, 09:32 PM
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Sir Heroscape Sir Heroscape is offline
Sir Formerly Known As adoney
Join Date: September 14, 2015
Location: U.S - Iowa
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Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth Sir Heroscape is a man of the cloth
Re: Welcome to the ARV!

By-laws for the Architects of the Realms of Valhalla:

SECTION 1: Submission guidelines and tips
1. Maps shall contain exactly 24 hexes of start zone for each player. Start zones must be identified in the build instructions and must accommodate the Marro Hive in some capacity
2. Maps should be balanced for 1-on-1 competition between two (2) 400-600 point armies
3. Maps are not to exceed 1 Master Set and 2 expansions (see classification of heroscape sets)
4. Maps must be modeled after the theme of the contest being run
5. Maps must be your own work. All maps must be NEW, in other words…you made it for that specific contest
6. Maps must be submitted with build instructions in either VirtualScape or PDF format and have at least one VirtualScape image or photo as well.
7. Glyphs are not required, but any number may be used to enhance a map.
(a) Maps containing symbol-side up Treasure Glyphs must state which glyphs are Treasure Glyphs, otherwise mystery glyphs will be treated as standard glyphs. (Until another means of marking Treasure Glyphs becomes available, any face-up Brandar can be designated in the build instructions as a symbol-side up Treasure Glyph.)
(b) Symbol-side up Treasure Glyphs must include a description of the trap the map uses in the build instructions. Trap design will be considered in judging the map.
(c) If using Glyphs, only Classic Heroscape Glyphs may be used.
1. avoid putting Power Glyphs on height (exceptions may be made depending on the build)
2. Double-spaced figures must be able to access all glyphs
3. Glyphs should not be able to be reached turn 1 by 5 or 6 move figures
4. avoid too much elevation close to the start zone (exceptions may be made depending on the build)

Classification of Heroscape sets:
  • Master Sets. One of the following may be used as a master set:
    • Rise of the Valkyrie
    • Swarm of the Marro
    • D&D: Battle for the Underdark
    • Marvel: The Conflict Begins
  • Expansions: Up to 2 of the following may be used:
    • Road To The Forgotten Forest
    • Volcarren Wasteland
    • Thaelenk Tundra
    • Fortress of the Archkyrie
    • Ticalla Jungle
  • Hybrid Master Sets: One of the following may be used in place of 1 expansion:
    • Swarm of the Marro (Except when also used as a master set.)
    • D&D: Battle for the Underdark
    • Marvel: The Conflict Begins
SECTION 2: How maps are judged
ALL maps submitted to contests will be revised and scored by the judges according to the following Rubric:
  • Aesthetics/Creativity(originality of build/looks good): 10pts
  • Balanced (doesn't favor one build over another): 20pts
    Maps should not heavily favor any one special ability to the point that it makes the map non-competitive if an army does not contain that ability (i.e. range, flying, etc.)
  • Fits Theme & Good name: 10pts

    Total: 40pts

1. After each contest closes, the Top 10 maps will be selected and posted by the Judges. These maps will have the opportunity to be played in a local tournament as well as playtested competitively at least once by the judges, using 400-600 point armies.
2. Following the contest, Judge discussions will occur in a public and private forums on the non-official Heroscape web site: Currently The public forums will consist of Judge reviews on maps they've playtested. While in the private forums, judges will vote and discuss a maps tournament worthiness.
3. Reviews on maps will be public and if a map is deemed by the judges as tournament worthy, it will be presented in the ARV Display thread.
4. Maps that receive a majority vote (unanimous if only 3 judges voting) from the judges will be formatted and given the Architects of the Realms of Valhalla Seal of Approval. Any map receiving 2 down votes will be removed from the process.

SECTION 3: Self-governance
1. The Council will contain at least 3 judges (and may add more). The current judges are: Sir Heroscape, Nomad, BiggaBullfrog, Flash_19 and Robber
2. Acceptance of additional judges will occur by those who:
a) Show interest in serving,
b) Have participated in at least 1 ARV contest
c) after consideration of the sitting judges receive a vote of approval. Voting and discussion of a judge may occur in private.
4. Only 1 judge may participate in a contest at a time. (See #6)
5. Judges will be added as deemed necessary by the sitting judges.
6. One judge (at a time) may abstain from voting on the Top 10 maps in a contest in order to participate in the contest. The judge that abstains from the evaluation of the Top 10 will still be allowed to vote on a maps tournament worthiness through playtesting, AFTER the contest is over (a judge may only participate in a contest if there are at least 4 active, sitting judges).
7. Concerning judges who step down from their post:
a) Judges who step down will receive the honorary office of Emeritus Judge and will be admitted to the ARV Council with continuing permissions into the ARV private forum. The ARV Council will only consist of only ARV Emeritus Judges.
b) Current council members include: TREX, Tiranx
c) Emeritus Judges may participate in ARV map building contests
d) Emeritus Judges may offer counsel to ARV judges as they like but will only be allowed to vote on maps when invited to assist in playtesting should the need arise and the Judges reach out, at which point the Emeritus will be allowed to vote on a maps tournament worthiness after playtesting the map.
e) Emeritus Judges will not be a part of the scoring process during a contest.
f) Emeritus Judges may participate in any capacity as deemed necessary by the sitting Judges.
8. ARV Support members will be added as necessary to assist in the mission of the ARV.
Current ARV Support Roles include: ARV Formatter - Leaf_It
9. These by-laws may be changed and amended at any time by the sitting judges.

Sir Heroscape's Content
Customs, Maps, Battle Reports
YouTube Channel, Trade List,
'Scaper of the Month, Burnout Format
Tourney Record: 309 - 141
Online Record: 19 - 22

Last edited by Sir Heroscape; February 5th, 2019 at 12:37 AM. Reason: Added point 7a-f and point 8
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