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Old February 2nd, 2018, 07:35 PM
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Sir Heroscape Sir Heroscape is offline
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Re: Utah Monthlies 2018

Originally Posted by BiggaBullfrog View Post
So after the tournament last week True and I were wondering just how many times Marro Stingers have seen play at our Monthlies, since we were pretty sure they're the most used and basically are the Utah meta. I've been compiling some numbers since then (during my more boring classes) and thought I'd share with you guys in case you're interested. Since we began last year the Stingers have made an appearance in 18 armies with an overall total of 57 squads used. (This is using the information that The Dewk keeps in each tournament post, which means that the June Monthly isn't included, since the armies weren't recorded there. Pretty sure I remember Stingers being there too, though).

Another fun fact: I learned that when Sir Heroscape won the tournament last week, he was also the first person to use James Murphy in an army. It was also the third time someone used Mezzodemons (Sir Heroscape was also the first to represent them).

On a less unique note, Sir Heroscape's army was one of 15 with the Krav in it.

We have also used about 75% of the Classic 'Scape figures (I'm working on the C3V stuff).

Anyway, just some fun things to share. I can share more fun facts about our meta if there's interest.
Oooo I love stats!! Heck it’s what I do for work. Please do share. This is very intriguing to me.

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