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Old January 14th, 2019, 08:43 PM
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Re: Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Uzog by Kinseth

He's a heartbreaker
Dream maker, a skull taker
But can he mess around with the SoV?



Balance-wise Uzog seems fine. He is basically comparable to other bonders in his point range stat-wise and while his cheerleading ability has a bit higher potential than most, it is balanced out by the need to activate it with kills and the chance of him missing out on moving while doing so.



The theme feels fine here, he's a creepy skull-taking monster man and the powers work in that thematic angle well. Looks wise, the mini manages to match the Yuuzhan Vong used for the other Durgeth quite well outside of the larger size. Personally I don't have a problem with the size difference though, if anything I enjoy the added layer to the species it brings, and there are plenty of valid ways to explain it even if it ends up that Uzog is just the Durgeth equivalent of André the Giant .



Uzog basically just has one power separated out into two bits here, but it works well that way and Skull harvesting for fun and profit is certainly new for Heroscape,



Though he isn't the worst option for a stand alone hero in his point bracket, Uzog bonds (sometimes anyway) with the Durgeth Ravagers, so army builds with them are where he really shines. Since both he and the Ravagers require kills to activate their powers, they have a rather feast or famine feel to them as a team. If you get enough kills early on, they can snowball into a dominating performance. However, a missed kill at the wrong time on Uzog's part can kill your momentum quite a bit and a missed Ravager kill might cost you a game. Between that hit or miss nature and the Ravagers' relatively high match-up and map dependency, it was a little difficult to get a bead on Uzog. Overall all though, I never found his highs too alarmingly high or his lows too crushingly low.



Uzog is a nasty beast to face on the battlefield, but I feel like he had enough limits to keep him in check. I think he'll be a fine addition to the SoV ranks.

I vote to induct Uzog to the SoV.

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