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Old November 23rd, 2014, 02:33 AM
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Re: Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Originally Posted by vegietarian18 View Post
I'm not worried about the size of the figures. It's just what happens when you have to choose miniatures from other games.

My biggest issue is that they are Deathchasers without bonding or Drones (with more variable activations) with one less attack and defense. They're a little discounted from both comparison points, but I still think they are a little worse. I'm not sure what situation I'd want to play them in over one of those two squads, but the Warrior synergy could be hard to see from a theoryscape pespective.

That's a testing issue though, so to review.
I think there's a lot to be said for versatility here, they're not either Deathchasers or Drones, they're both over the course of the game. It also helps that you get 'Drones' early game where you typically want more movement and number of attacks, and switch to 'Deathchasers' late game where the beefier attack can be more useful cleaning up stranglers.

On the figures, I have them myself and I think they look fine. They're small I guess, but stylistically they're actually a really nice match with the classic figures. They have a lot of that scape 'meatyness' going for them, and they certainly don't look out of scale or anything like that.

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