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Old February 19th, 2019, 05:28 AM
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Soundwarp SG-1 Soundwarp SG-1 is offline
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Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth Soundwarp SG-1 is a man of the cloth
Re: The Book of Wreck-Gar - Breathing Period

A few thoughts:

A: The current bio isn't super accurate for G1 Cartoon Wreck-Gar, let alone one of the comic book versions. Personally I'd just do some silly talk tv style bio. It sums up the idea and Wreck-Gar doesn't really have a meaningful personality or bio to convey anyway.

B: Wreck-Gar essentially doesn't exist in the American version of Marvel continuity, and he's only in the future timeline stuff in the UK, so I'm not sure if that matters for the publisher bit. I don't think Marvel UK has it's own logo, but IDK for sure.

C: I don't really get what 'important bit of theme' the Uncle Istvan style class is supposed to convey. Mechanically it's just a still-born class that labels him as 'Starlord's bike'. Like couldn't he just be a 'Scavenger' or something? Something that has some remote room to go somewhere? I'd hate for this to set a standard where Bombshell's class is 'Insecticon' or Groove's is 'Protectobot', or Windblade's is 'Camien', or Leozack's 'Breastforce'... etc. (Also, I'd hate to have to follow through on this precedent and make Detritus a 'Junkion' instead of a 'Mercenary' on the incredibly unlikely chance he gets both comic history and figure enough to justify a card). If for some reason the word 'Junkion' just has to be on the card, you could just have it as his species. Junkions' having Cybertronian origins at all is sort of a vague 'ya, that's probably a thing' assumption for most continuities, and either way the whole 'living junk pile' thing seems like it would be enough justification for a different species considering dudes like Daredevil get that just for having bad eye sight.

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