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Old September 14th, 2018, 09:22 PM
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Leaf_It Leaf_It is offline
Night of the Living Plastic
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Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: Leaf_It's customs. [UPDATED: 5.10.18]

Originally Posted by Lazy Orang View Post
I absolutely adore this concept - the rerouting of power from offensive to defensive systems is awesome. Any reason he's Uncommon? Feels more like a Unique Hero to me.
I'm glad you like it. I came up with the idea of "Priority power systems" months ago, but didn't have a mini to attach it to. One day I was scrolling through Troll and Toad, and happened upon this figure. I felt that the ability could work, and the jumping idea seemed fun, so I ordered the mini, and put it all together. The reason I chose uncommon over Unique was simply because of how many of the figure I found. Over 200 of them before I even checked ebay. I feel that the opportunity to create an uncommon, or common is important to take advantage of, when we get the chance, but Common didn't feel right, so I went with uncommon.
Originally Posted by BiggaBullfrog View Post
Cool mini -- I really like the jump theme. Should be noted though that, if/when this goes through SoV, there are some people who are against minis that use stands (I'm personally fine with it). If you get the mini and show that the stand can be cut off and it can be rebased easily (i.e. it balances on its feet okay with some glue) then you'll be fine.

Hoplitron bonding seems off to me here .... Not sure why. But the guns definitely warrant range being used. In fact, it doesn't look very melee at all. Double shot is cool and thematic. I like the mechanic of it having that attack for range and then the melee high attack, but I don't see it with this mini since there doesn't seem to be a reason for it to have higher melee attack.

Aggressive seems like a weird personality.... Fearsome, Ferocious, Menacing, Terrifying, and Wild are all current personalities that would work, I think. Relentless would be perfect but then you'd have to worry about Death Knight bonding.
I wasn't planning to keep the stand on anyway, so that's fine.

I didn't create the design with hops in mind, I just realize that it applied due to the range. I'm not against it, but I wouldn't be hurt if most people didn't want it.

The idea I had for why it could deal so much damage up close was because of the legs. If this thing can jump like that, what would happen if it just kicked really hard? Of course as it sustains damage, it's kick won't be as strong, and that works great with the "Priority Power Systems" ability.

The personality was honestly an after thought. I will likely change it at some point.

Originally Posted by Son of Arathorn View Post
If I recall correctly, Hoppitrons bond with Soulborgs with a Range of 1? If you decide to incorporate the shoulder guns but want to keep the bonding, a fairly vanilla SA could help.

Range 5. Attack 2.
When this Vulcanmech Striker attacks with Repeating Cannons Special Attack, it may attack one additional time.

And if the Leap power isn’t set in stone as a means to give him heightened mobility, the Vault power from the Varkaanan Quickblades makes normal melee figures feel both ungodly quick and hard to pin down.

I really like the mini and the design- more Valkrill Soulborgs = a better canon, IMO.

EDIT: aaaand you already had this idea on the previous page. That’s what I get for skimming on my phone.
Yes, that's how Hops work. I kind of wish they had another limiter, like a Tricky personality, or the class of Major, because it's kind of limiting needing to make sure that any soulborg with a range of 1 is only a range one through special or something if you don't want that bonding.

I feel that the Leap/jump ability is more thematic with the figure than the vault power is.
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