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Old October 1st, 2018, 02:30 PM
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Re: Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Originally Posted by Kinseth View Post
Airborne Elite cost 110, and there is MUCH more risk involved for their Special attack on the startzone of an opposing army. Getting the drop, Exposing the AE and then having to win Init. A One-Shot special where their max attack dice is 2(vs 3).

DW8000/Laglor - Sure could they wipe a board? The Odds of rolling enough attack dice or valkyrie dice are waaay waaay lower. DW8000 also carries that 1 life chance of dying quickly on any hit.

I think this figures potency is far above these two listed. Having the ability to choose two different figures and all their surrounding hexes with a six range(He can cover most competitive heroscape boards from being in the middle.).

Thematically it also doesn't make sense to me either. The idea of missiles pounding an area means that the Cyborg has to lock in its target and the missiles come out fast and furious. Accuracy isn't thought about, it is pure decimation. The idea that the missiles hit one target, then swivel and hit another target accurately... A huge reach IMO.

I think there are some solid ideas here, I would ditch the idea of hitting two different figures and reduce it to one and focus on a way to make his Hex Busting attack unique from other attacks that also target figures and surrounding figures.
My bad on the price of the Airborne. It was 4am, I was tired, and didn't proof read it very well.

Since we're comparing the Deathwalkers, M.A.R.S. does have a similar risk of getting one shot. The running joke is that it only takes 1 skull to kill the Deathwalkers. For the same reason that only 1 skull can break the 8 or 9 defense, it will only take 2 skulls to break the lower defense of 5 that M.A.R.S. has. Honestly, I would feel more confident killing M.A.R.S. than DW9, DW8 or DW7.

I would agree that the potency of M.A.R.S. is higher than DW8, or Laglor, but DW8, and DW9 are C- tier in Classic scape, and only rise to B in C3V/SoV rankings because of all the synergy that was added to help them. The same situation is true for Laglor. If the goal as I understand it, is to aim for B tier, than without any synergy M.A.R.S. should be a straight upgrade to DW8, and DW9. Isn't the C3V, and SoV's goal to make everything sit at around B tier? Why are we trying to tie something down to C tier?

It has been brought up by others already, but missiles are actually very accurate. I'm not sure where you came to believe that missiles wouldn't be. Almost every video game in existence that has any kind of missile launcher, has a guided missile launcher as well, or even instead of a non-guided launcher. In just the militaries of today, we have very sophisticated targeting technology to guide missiles to their targets with extremely high accuracy. A robot from the future is going to be even more sophisticated, and accurate. Also, as it was brought up by others, Missiles don't have kick like bullets. They are self-propelled once ignited, and igniting them is as easy as a spark.


I'm a little irritated that no one has taken much of a look at my Deathwing comparison. Seriously, think about it. 2 explosion special attacks, in 2 different places. The Deathwings have flying to compensate for not being a ranged special attack, there's 2 of them so you can get even farther away from each than M.A.R.S. can, and they roll 5 attack dice, over the measly 3 that M.A.R.S. gets. They even get the same 5 defense at range that M.A.R.S. has. You might loose 50 points for the 2 of them that exploded, but for the same price as M.A.R.S. you'll get 3 more, and they are much more versatile with their Hyper Speed Burst run 'n gun potential. There's 2 of them to match the 2 lives that M.A.R.S. has. Looking at it, M.A.R.S. is just the slower, non-flying hero version of the Deathwings. If they aren't broken, I really don't think M.A.R.S. will be either.
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