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Old August 7th, 2022, 11:46 AM
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Re: The minis will not be a sea of unpainted gray

I posted this in the main 2nd edition thread since I think it might be useful to anyone less excited about the new minis being unpainted since up until three years ago I would have been in the same camp:

To anyone despairing at the idea of needing to paint your own minis, I once avoided any games with unpainted minis, or in a few cases commissioned a fellow heroscaper to paint a board game for me since I was convinced I wouldn't be able to paint whatsoever- Now I've painted probably 1000 or so detailed minis and I can honestly say I think anyone has the ability to paint at a top tier level with just a little practice.

Not only do you exponentially improve with each miniature you paint(My first painted mini was an abomination, but by the second it was a night and day difference), but unlike something like pencil sketching or canvas painting there are tons of tricks for quick and good looking results. A couple base colors with the right shades will produce something that is HS quality in no time. Ditto for contrast paints, assuming a figure has large portions that are the same color.

One thing to keep in mind if you're nervous about your results is that while Heroscape looks significantly better than things like heroclix, and are excellent pre-painted minis- That they are generally very simple paint jobs, with it being rare for a unit to have more than a smudge for a face, or any fine details. They just did a masterful job of making the paint job look great from the birds eye view you will usually be seeing them from.

Depending on the volume of units released I might do some tutorial videos on my channel to try and help ease people into this new phase of scapes. Since at least speaking personally, an important part of HS is its visual appeal and how it ignites the imagination which just doesn't go hand in hand with armies of mono colored plastic.
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