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Old February 27th, 2018, 04:47 PM
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Leaf_It Leaf_It is offline
Night of the Living Plastic
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Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Originally Posted by Astroking112 View Post
To that end, I feel like a repainted Einar Imperium would be more acceptable than the Izumi Samurai, since their repaint would be about as easy as Tyrian's. The main problem is their availability, as others have mentioned. Just like with Tyrian and Samuel Brown, though, you can still use the figure as another member of that squad if you need to, so I believe that it's less destructive than modding or other techniques used to create new heroes, and I don't see any other options for making these two units a reality.
If this is allowed, which would surprise me, Please allow for all three sculpts to be used. Yes you could just throw it back with the squad, but I've seen countless Samuel Browns on ebay that use the other 4th mass sculpts, and they almost never sell, because they aren't the correct pose. If this gets passed, I'll paint up a squad, and give the other two poses to friends, or as prizes at the Utah Tournaments, and I'd rather I was giving away an approved sculpt/pose/figure.
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