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Old October 5th, 2018, 07:09 AM
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Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

shadow made is clearly two powers hacked together to get around having to many powers per card. In fact the common heroes all seem to be really wordy for units where you could take turns with 4 different units.

I would highly recommend going back and making them all two (or less) simpler powers in the vein of the elementals or wyrmlings.

That said I love the theme. right now it does feel like you have lots of bells and whistles. If it was my design I would get rid of the re-casting and give the mage a way to do damage by destroying his creations like pelloth.

I would strait up get rid of shadowmade. Phantom walk is over used and lurk in the shadows make them good on shadow maps but is no use elsewhere. also unit table from range should be used sparingly otherwise it's a crutch for people who are not good with melee.

Im torn about how I feel about the interplay of units. Grab a unit to get it close, speed up the hound to engage and then boost your special attack. Seems neat but also a complicated turn with so many powers activating.

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Last edited by wriggz; October 5th, 2018 at 07:26 AM.
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