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Old September 22nd, 2019, 08:17 PM
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Leaf_It Leaf_It is offline
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Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun Leaf_It is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

Originally Posted by All Your Pie View Post
The size and common restrictions are the ones I was sideyeing. I think the size restriction is the one that reads the most messily and is also the least likely to come up. The common restriction would be a substantive design change, since protecting other bonders such as Darrak could be quite useful. It's up to you if you want to go that route. Since the theme I get from the ability suggest more interfering with enemies and reducing their attack rather than outright forcing them to attack him, I think you can justify whichever direction you want to take.

As for the Charge, Dalmar's drive to protect his fellow dwarves is already represented in his ability to protect them. He doesn't need a second ability to sell that theme, or even to suggest his playstyle--his first ability already tells the player that he wants to engage the same enemy as his fellow dwarves, both thematically and mechanically. If the power makes him interesting mechanically, then keep it, but if it's mostly for flavor, you'd just be double dipping.
I am okay with removing the size restriction. There aren't very many large commons anyway, and none of them bond with Dalmar, so I don't think it will change him much.

When I came up with the machanics for the charge, I liked the concept of seeing something that made the character want to go faster, than they were currently going. If you are running a race, you are trying to go fast, but seeing the finish line will give you a small burst of speed to help get you to there. I think that concept is common enough, that the ability could be reused on many different designs.
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