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Old October 14th, 2019, 10:58 AM
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Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

My impression of the Vulcanmech Striker is that you have a great design held back by sticking too heavily to desired themes. You really have four powers, including one wordy one. Two of those power are offensive, one defensive, and one positioning. Frankly, that's unnecessary. A more focus would turn this from a good custom to a great one (and practically a shoe-in for approval, imo).

The part that screams to be dropped is Priority Power Systems, either the defense boost, the melee boost, or both. A leaping Vulcanmech with dual cannons? Awesome! Anything beyond that isn't gravy, it's spice that distracts from the flavor of the main dish. Yes, it has big legs, and you have great representation of them in Jump. The defense boost is a neat power, but not especially exciting on a low-Life figure, and it doesn't feel especially fitting for a Soulborg. I would drop the whole power myself and boost Attack and Defense, and let the unit shine as a Double Shot Jumping mech.

If you do insist on a third power, let me workshop a bit and recommend reusing Redundant Systems. It would be a neat tie back to the other Vulcanmechs, and would feel different on a multi-life Hero instead of a Squad. While they seem like just more Life points, they aren't, as they can be saved to prevent multi-wound hits.

Other less important bits. I don't like Move 7. I understand why with the legs, but to me at least 7 seems reserved for speedsters like Vipers. Move 6 is already plenty with Jump. Move 7 also cuts into the value of Jump, as it allows it to do a lot of climbing naturally.

I somewhat dislike Range 5; it seems like an unnecessary limitation. This guy will naturally want to leap onto a hill and shoot down. That's a really great visual and tactically valuable. Range 5 just makes that harder too do. If it's intended as a painful weakness, ok, but I don't think it needs it.

Marauder is great, Sporadic is ... huh? I don't really get what that's saying. A jumping shooter would play like a Precise, but you could go with something more thematic. I just don't get Sporadic, not on this design.

I prefer calling the power Jump, for exactly the reasons you stated. I think the mini itself clears up what that means.
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