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Old February 20th, 2021, 05:36 PM
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Astroking112 Astroking112 is offline
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Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun Astroking112 is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

My understanding was actually that the suggestion was for Seishin Samurai to still start off of the board (in a hypothetical "haven't spawned yet" pile), and when any Human Samurai dies, a Seishin Samurai that hasn't been placed yet can replace that figure. When a Seishin Samurai dies, it still cannot be placed again.

Reading through it again, I realize now that I'm not quite sure whether the intent was for them to start on the board or not. They're a lot stronger if they get two lives (especially since in the beginning, you could move all of them) and it could get confusing for who is alive for the first time or not, so I don't really like that direction too much.

Originally Posted by Leaf_It View Post
Also just realized that they work with commons, which is pretty neat.
Yeah, one of the most fun pairings for them is actually with the TSA, who I think really suffer from only having three ranged attacks of 2 and 3D Counterstrike to their name for 65pts. They're not bad, but they definitely feel a bit dull too often for my tastes, and having the added tactics of replacing them upon death (or tying up certain key figures) really makes them feel much more engaging to play.
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