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Old October 25th, 2006, 01:33 PM
CornPuff CornPuff is offline
Join Date: May 9, 2006
Location: WA - Seattle
Posts: 901
CornPuff knows what's in an order marker CornPuff knows what's in an order marker
Wow, a lot has happened in the other thread since I made that big post. We can ignore all of my past rhetoric about the 'directors cut,' as i think that has all been resolved.

Since it is our duty to present the best version of the map to tourney organizers, I think we should use the map in the image above, without random glphs, instead with all 4 pre-placed glyphs. I've played the 'winter holdout' scenario several times, and always thought it was a blast, I think the Kelda glyph is a fine addition to this map, even though it may increase gametimes.

I really think specific glyphs are great for many maps, as where a glyph is changes the dynamic of the map a lot. Say you have a glyph of lodin randomly placed in the V or K spot. Well then that sucks, because now no one really has any incentive to go over there. Randomness should be left for casual play IMO, while people should have more knowledge ahead of time for competitive play.

Then again, if you know what glyphs are going to be on a map, and then randomize their locations, then that is a different story

Sudema is top notch in Heroscape: Legacy. Try out this alternative unit cost system at your next game day or tournament.
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