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Old July 6th, 2016, 07:23 PM
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Re: Sir Heroscape's customs

My thoughts at first read:

-Full metal (warforged barb) seems a little OP/underpriced at 90 points. He has good stats along with those two powers. Oh, you have "a warforged ranger adds one automatic shield" in his defense power, btw.

-Hulgrim Grayforge (Larethar Gulgrin) looks like a terror against my poor deathwalkers although his power is pretty cool.

-Hounds of vydar look cool and different. I feel like I would want them to be 4 atk/3 def so they have some sort of staying power when engaged, and 5 atk just seems a little high, especially paired up with high move which would likely mean height advantage on top of that 5 atk.

-Bhaltair MacDirk's war cry probably needs reworded. It currently sounds like he adds two movement to human warriors on his turn, where human warriors are almost never going to move on his turn. I assume you mean to buff macdirk bonding squad movement, don't forget heroes take a separate turn from the squad.

-The Queen's Guard looks slightly OP at 60 points/squad. My first thought is to compare them to roman archers: 4 move, 6 range, 2 atk, 1 def, 3 man squad for 55 points (I hope I remember that right.)

-Sorrilth the Dragonlord looks fairly fun, but I feel like I wouldn't know what to do with him if he was in one of my armies. Doesn't mean I don't like him, btw.

All just my opinion, take with grains of salt.
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