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Old November 8th, 2017, 12:18 PM
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Dad_Scaper Dad_Scaper is offline. Isn't that smurfy?
Enjoy the Sausage
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Re: Letters From the Front

Excellent! I don't know anything about the system, but I look forward to updates. One hour sessions should be fine if you can get them in regularly. My brother has tried to give us a couple NPC helpers in our current campaign but they keep getting killed. Maybe they are more than one level behind us?

After a week off for Halloween, we came back last night to a quiet day in Port Shy. We found that the NPC who had tasked us with finding the captured adventurers had, along with all the others in his faction, been driven from town. We had no great attachment to him, though, so we spent the day selling some odds and ends from our adventure, and the ranger went to the nearby woods to collect another piggy to replace the one that died.

Before we went to the book merchant I inspected one of the arcane texts we had collected, and it turned out that it was trapped. Some kind of rune exploded. I bluffed our way out of any accountability for ensuing injuries and property damage ("I am going to demand justice from the merchant who just sold us this book!" And angrily stormed off.).

We picked up a couple leads on adventures to pursue next, including a lead on the mysterious disappearance of our halfling monk's family.

So, in order, we are going into the wilderness (1) to sell or trade a relic (a book) to a clan of druids, (2) to resolve a mystery about what's happening to the beer in a dwarven village, and (3) going to the inland city to pick up the trail on the halfling's family. That's not the order of importance; it's just the order in which we will encounter these things as we journey inland.

When we left our bright-eyed adventurers, they were at the bottom of a ravine in the wilderness, peering up at a giant holding a boulder up above his head.

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