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Old September 9th, 2016, 03:55 PM
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Tiranx Tiranx is offline
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C3V/C3G for AotP

I am very much a side liner when it comes to this forum. I love to support, play test, and brainstorm, but am not the type to start things. However, I really see a need for a C3Vish group for AotP.

How did the C3V, C3G, HoSS, etc. get started? It seems like we need representation for this game to actually be able to officially encorperate it into "official" Heroscape. I would love to attend a tournament where there was 'scape vs. HoSS vs. SoV vs. C3G vs. AotP.

I have already seen several people on this forum give great ideas on how to merge the two. If we took some of the more vocal ones and made them into the decision making engine for AotP, we could accomplish a lot more.

So, what is it going to take to make the P.O.S. Planeswalkers of 'Scape (PoS) happen?
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