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Old July 10th, 2012, 05:54 PM
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Re: SmartHawk's Customs Evaluation request for Auggies Games

Hi and welcome to the customs community! Some impressive work from a newcomer! I have some comments on the units up for evaluation.

The Field Surgeons

Straightforward concept and not obviously broken. I like the use of these figures as a squad and them being a single-power unit. However I do have the vague feeling that they are broken in certain builds, with Raelin and Q9 perhaps, or maybe Sentinels. I do not know for sure without playtesting though. This sort of unit is incredibly difficult (perhaps impossible) to balance, as the damage prevention falls precariously between boosting already very powerful figures and not being consistent enough. I recommend limiting their power to small/medium heroes, similar to Ana Karithon, who has a different passive "healing" ability.

Surgery is also a little strange with Stealth Armor, Sacred Band Defy Death, and other similar powers that do the same thing -- having two d20 powers that could save a unit is strange, but not a problem I suppose. I think that technically there would be a roll-off to see with death-defying power triggers first.

As a general rule, aura abilities only affect figures you control, not friendlies. I can imagine some craziness with multiple teammates all protecting each other with Field Surgeons.

Which leads to another question, can a single squad of Field Surgeons do Surgery on each other? Can a single Field Surgeon perform Surgery on himself? A strict reading of the card would say yes to both.

I also recommend one wording change for clarity: "When a friendly figure within 6 clear sight spaces of at least one Field Surgeon you control receives one or more wounds,".

The Kaminoan Medic

The problem I have with Advanced Treatment is that the connection between "Army Card" and "that figure" is not clear. Does the hero that is the target of the Surgery need to be within 6 clear sight spaces of the Medic or does the Field Surgeon "performing" the Surgery? The first would be easier to word. Either way, the card should be clarified.

Artemis Entreri

Some neat ideas here for an assassin, but some problematic ones too.

Replace Ambush 2 with First Assault 2 (from Valguard). Same mechanic, official wording.

Gauntlet is a neat idea but does not work. In this case, it does not work with combined attacks like Arrow Volley, Encircle, or Onslaught -- in those cases it is not possible to point to which figure did the attacking. Special Attacks, by definition, break game rules. Messing with special attacks can cause all sorts of rule problems; I highly recommend just removing the power altogether.

Gidan Vade

Interesting approach to a guard unit -- tying him directly to Zelrig. It severely limits his build options, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Strengthened Resolve is a neat power with a great name.

I do not understand the last line of Loyalty to the Emperor: "If Gidan Vade is adjacent to Zelrig, than after you take a turn with Zelrig, you may move Gidan Vade adjacent to Zelrig." Do you mean "If Gidan Vade is adjacent to Zelrig before taking a turn with Zelrig, ..."? If so, the end should be worded to be "you may place Gidan Vade on any empty space adjacent to Zelrig".

Bruenor Battlehammer

Holy wow. Reading the first power I thought he was crazy overpowered, but then I saw the price tag. Interesting fellow. Definitely a king, and definitely would need playtesting to get right.

My one real complaint is that he is basically Spartacus. By that I mean he does not add anything new per se, just makes the Axegrinders act like Gladiators.
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