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Old December 4th, 2018, 03:01 AM
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Re: Out-there Heaven (Movie, TV, and Video Game Characters)

Originally Posted by Jack o' Blades View Post
But this...does a put a smile on my face.

This thread is a ton of fun so far. C3G has been my preferred way to play 'scape for many years now, and ever since the release of the DC set I've been able to live out those awesome cross-over fights. Then I started thinking about Marvel vs Capcom, or Mortal Kombat vs DC, and how cool it would be to be able to play those fights out within HeroScape. Eventually we got some Street Fighter representation added into the mix, and seeing Ryu duke it out with other characters like Batman or TMNT is super tight. I see we recently got the horror icons, so I imagine the other half of the MK roster is coming soon too

Anyway, with all of these various universes/franchises/characters coming into the game these days, I've started thinking about adding a lot of characters like the ones that have been presented in this thread to the game. Ultimately, the goal I had in mind was to sort of create a "Super Smash Bros" within HeroScape. Smash is a series where you get to see your favorite characters duke it out, and honestly I feel C3G is pretty gdang close to that in board game form. It would be awesome to see Goku be pitted against Superman like so many forum debates prior. Scorpion vs Ghost Rider in "Who wore it better? Flaming Skull Edition". Big Boss / Venom Snake locked in the ultimate CQC battle with Captain America himself, and so on.

I'll for sure be keeping an eye on this thread. If I can manage the time, I'll start to cook up some real drafts instead of the super light WIPs I've got scattered around and post 'em. Some characters I've got at least rough outlines or ideas for include:

Cloud (FF7)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
Diablo (Diablo)
Barbarian (Diablo)
McCree (Overwatch)
Reaper (Overwatch)
Reinhardt (Overwatch)
Zenyatta (Overwatch)
Mercy (Overwatch)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Broly (Dragon Ball Z)
Kid Buu (Dragon Ball Z)
Android 21 (Dragon Ball Z)
Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid)
Big Boss "Venom Snake" (Metal Gear Solid)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Gray Fox (Metal Gear Solid)
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid)

Keep it up fellas, I'll be around
Awesome man! Glad to hear it. One of the things that I found so interesting about Heroscape way back in the day was the crazy mish-mash of characters they had, and I'm really happy that C3G is opening up to embracing that. I'd love to be able to one day play a C3G "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" with all sorts of pop culture icons duking it out.

Like Alexan said, this is kind of the out-there loony bin so far. Something being in this thread certainly isn't a promise that it will get made in C3G, or even be allowed to. A lot of game/tv/movie character I think are cool just don't have comics like C3G requires. But I think it's fun either way.

On the characters you mentioned;
-I'd love to see Cloud one day, maybe even Sephiroth too. Although since my brother is really into Kingdom Hearts, that means I'd probably have to make a Sora as well to appease him.
-Link and Zelda would be fun. I had the idea once for a Link with a Batman style equipment system. Might as well throw Gannondorf in there too.
-I don't have too much experience with Diablo
-Like I said just a few pages back, I'm not the biggest Overwatch fan (nothing wrong with it, it's just not how I spend my freetime) but I've always really liked their characters, and I think they would fit perfectly in C3G. Especially interested in McCree, because I've always liked cowboy characters a lot. He was my favorite when I played the game.
-DBZ is another cool one for sure. Peep my Goku linked on the first page, and then I'm thinking each SS form could be a separate card. I have no ideas for any of the other characters though.
-I have vague ideas for all the Snakes. I'm personally thinking a Naked Snake (like in Snake Eater), then a leader-style Big Boss, then of course a Venom Snake (maybe with Buddy Bonding?)

If you want to post anything, I'd be excited to look over it!
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