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Old January 7th, 2021, 06:56 PM
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Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

First, cheers for choosing an insect-winged figure for an Aquillan Kyrie. That's an absolute must to me; I love how the ODs made different styles of "winged human" for the different factions of kyrie, and insect-winged seems so appropriate for Aquilla.

A fair number of people like to press the "all kyrie have cheerleader powers" thing, though I personally don't care about that myself. I don't mind a kyrie with a special attack.

As a unit, though, Valtia is bad. It takes a lot of effort to set up a good attack--using mostly fragile figures--all to hopefully get a single attack that's just pretty good (assuming you guessed right with order marker placement). Once enemies are surrounded by your insects you're better off just activating the insects anyway. And Valtia does nothing once the insects are killed off.
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