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Old June 3rd, 2009, 05:11 PM
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Create-A-Unit 2: Part 8.5 - Figure Poll

As continued from PART 7.5...

Our unit is now finished! YAY! Here's our cowpoke, in all his glory.

Lawman Support Hero - Fights for Aquilla
Human, Unique Hero, Lawman, Relentless; from Earth
5 Life, 5 Move, 8 Range, 3 Attack, 2 Defense, 120 Points
Posse! - Instead of taking a turn with <UNIT>, you may move all Lawmen within four clear sight spaces of <UNIT> (including <UNIT>) up to five spaces each.
Shootout! - Instead of taking a turn with <UNIT>, all Lawmen you control within four clear sight spaces of <UNIT> (including <UNIT>) may attack with either a normal or special attack (they may not move or use special abilities).
Now let's get down to aesthetics, shall we? Scour the internet, my friends, for whatever awesome figures you can find. As we haven't named the figure or anything, exactly WHAT he/she is - outside of being a Relentless Human Lawman that fights for Aquilla and a leader for other Lawmen, of course - is up to you!

So get to it and all that. I'll put up a poll in three days.

EDIT: Alright, here's your choices. Six of 'em, all being pretty different. Wonder which one will end up winning...



FIGURE 2 (Far Left)






FIGURE 5 (Center)


FIGURE 6 (Far Right)


...and, poll closes in three days. Huzzah, huzzah, so on, so forth.

Last edited by johnny139; June 6th, 2009 at 05:08 PM.
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