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Old June 30th, 2012, 02:40 PM
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Mage Knight is on Kickstarter

Wizkids has put up a Kickstarter page to bring back Mage Knight. Here is the link:

While it doesn't have any direct impact on Heroscape it is a very good sign for the industry. There have been several ideas tossed around on this board about a Kickstarter campaign to buy the rights to HS or commission a reprint. To see a big company take that iniative is a very encouraging sign. It means that WizKids is exploring non-conventional ways of marketing their products. Big companies all tend to copy each other, so with some luck, if MK is successful we could eventually see Hasbro/WotC jump on the bandwagon and Kickstart HS!

The advantages that Kickstarter offers to risk adverse companies (like most publicly traded companies are) are many. There's a reduction in upfront costs. There's already a good gauge on the market. And there's the gaurantee of sold product. Its a big risk to take to spend a bunch of money on something (like Wave 4/TT reprints) if you don't know how many, if any, are going to be sold.

I will be watching the Kickstarter page very closely to watch its progress.
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