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Old February 14th, 2020, 03:16 PM
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Re: CHOPS Poll - QC3 Winter Custom Contest - Vote by 2/17

Elemental Sorceress
Primary Fury is a fun idea, and I appreciate the creativity. Arguably a contest like this is the best place for such a unit. But I should never get bored while reading a card, as I did here. Worse, playing a Sorceress I would have to keep re-reading the card to try to figure out which versions of the power would be applicable to me each time, and even worse situation for my opponents who do not have a copy of the card in front of them. Mistress of the Elements is problematic from a rules perspective. What does it mean to ignore the special powers of elementals? If she immune to an Earth Elemental's Earth Slam? Can she pretend that the space she is on has not been changed to ice by a Greater Ice Elemental? Can she take a leaving engagment swipe at an Air Elemental trying to fly over her? Special powers can do pretty much anything, so powers like these just don't work within the game system, even if no existing elemental powers caused problems.

Frost Dwarf
I like everything except Snow Drift, which is unfortunate since it is the signature power. "To a minimum of..." powers are always a no-go. The problem is an ordering one, since Heroscape does not define any ordering. If a Hero with 5 Move has two Snow Markers and a Marro Gnids on it, what is it's Move value? It depends on the order you apply them, which is problematic with the existing ruleset. Even without that, the Snow Markers are more exciting in theory than in practice, where they are mostly an annoyance. 15+ is too high for it to happen much, and there's no way to mitigate it from happening anyway. It's a lot of trouble for little payoff or tactical choices. I also don't like the Lava Resistant immunity, since Lava Resistant figures aren't necessarily burning up, like the Iron Golem.

Glacian Worg
I like the stats (though it could use more Attack, and maybe a bit more Defense) and I like the use of Disengage. I like the reuse of Snow and Ice Enhanced Movement, even if the power should have been named that and should have followed its wording. Scent of Blood is a power that is trying to hard to force theme, and it weakens the unit for it. Having to roll the die for each wounded figure nearby (including on the other side of walls, since no clear sight is required) is potentially annoying. "Move this Glacian Worg adjacent to that figure if possible" is not clearly defined. Is that intended to be a teleport-like placement, or a space-by-space movement? That matters for extreme height changes, walls, and the like. What happens if the Worg cannot attack that figure for some reason (next to Tandros, perhaps)? Simply giving the unit Blood Frenzy would make the unit play much the same without forcing the player's hand and causing rules issues.

Kanaspi Wendigo
Cool concepts, overcooked. Any one of the three powers would make the unit interesting (and two of them are multiple powers combined!); two of them is too many, and three of them is all the more so. Winter Hunter is fun and thematic. I don't like Insatiable Hunger because of the memory mechanic; you shouldn't have to remember whether or not the Wendigo killed something during the round. The movement on top of that is thematic but just unnecessary. Gargantuan Gluttony is a really cool idea--increasing the size stat is new and cool. Too easy to do, though. Or rather, too easy to snowball. If you can get the first kill early, the rest will come fast.

Snow Crawler
Lots to like here. I like that it's an Arachnid Predator, and I like Hide in Snow (though I think it should be renamed) and Vicegrip (though I think it should be more like Cyberclaw). I'm not thrilled with the slow 4 Move, which is odd compared to other insects. The high Defense combined with multiple Life points is worrisome, but it fits with the defender class you're going for. I do think Vicious Swarm is a mistake, though. It's cool that it gives the Crawler some value outside of Spider builds, but the investment is way too big (160 points) for very little payoff. You aren't going to have numerous of these on the front lines, despite its role, and their Move is too low for them to do much on the extra turn other than move up a bit. Higher Move and no Vicious Swarm and this would be a great unit.

Stormblast Spider
I like the overall design and concept. I don't really like the low Move for an insect, but Snow Shoes is supposed to cover that. There are some rules problems, though. There's a reason that no power has ever tried to choose a space instead of a figure; it doesn't really work all that well. For one thing, a space has no hit zones. "Within 1 space" has some real oddities as well, such as hitting everything on a ladder. I don't like the added d20 roll in the power; that just feels like an added bell/whistle when the card is already busy. I don't understand the intent of Snow Shoes either. So can the spider move up two levels onto a snow space and not count that as any movements? It's unclear. Can this ability be used with bonus movements, or it is supposed to be normal movement only?

Thaelenk Snow Worm
This is a good, solid design. Its Move is too low; it probably won't be worth activations at that speed. "Tricky" fits its abilities, but feels tame for such a nasty-looking miniature. Otherwise I like it's stats, Predator bonding, and the special powers. Snow Burrow is a cool rework of Vanish, and Poison Fangs is a good reuse of Poison Weapons. Both fitting and useful powers.

Thaelenk Snowman
Ha! Humorous design, but that's what makes it work. Snowball Throw is silly and thematic, and it actually combines well with Cold Healing. Pretty useless guy outside of a snow map, but pretty darn good cleanup on one, probably too good for the price. I don't like reusing Elementar, but that comes down to what people think Elementars are.

Transition Elemental
Really curious concept. I like that it has the two different forms, that of water and of ice. Evaporate is neat, and Ice Form is useful even if the theme is a little odd to me. The wound restriction on Ice Form causes some timing problems, though. If a Transition Elemental has 3 wounds and receives one wound from an attack, can it use Evaporate? I don't think so since Evaporate triggers off taking the wound, but it's not clear. More difficult are timing windows with leaving engagement attacks, engagment strikes, and moving from and to water spaces. At what point does the second part of Water Enhancement no longer take effect? These can be solved, though, I think. As a playable unit, I have to say that the Transition Elemental looks poor. Lots of stuff going on, but mostly it's just a melee attack of 3, with some conditional range that's usually from the lowest level. Defenses are good, but with slow movement and weak offense, it's hard to imagine it getting any activations as long as there's another unit available.
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