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Old December 6th, 2017, 12:18 AM
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront offline

Star Wars Battlefront I's offline content is severely lacking. You can play some basic AT-AT battles against bots similar to the original Instant Action modes, but there are only this mode and a Starfighter dogfight mode as options (and, in my opinion, the ship combat in the game is very unsatisfying already). You can do some basic missions and a survival mode, but I highly doubt that the game will hold anyone's attention for long without online play (and I say this as someone who was able to get the pricy Season Pass for free).

As for Star Wars Battlefront II, I highly encourage you to not buy the game. EA has forced tons of microtransactions and other forms of monetization into the game, leading to a huge internet outrage at how greedy the game is. I can't speak for what content is available without going online, so maybe it would be fine if you never see the other players who paid more money to get better stuff, but I personally don't think that the game is worth supporting.

For alternative options, my favorite party game on the PS4 would be Towerfall, which is primarily focused on versus mode but has a two-player quest mode that is sure to get you some hours of entertainment. If you enjoy the game, then there's also a Dark World expansion that includes four short-but-sweet four-player cooperative levels. The game doesn't even have any online multiplayer options, so there's no worries there.

There's also Knack 1 and Knack 2, which are fun (albeit challenging) platformers. The characterization and story are a bit dull, but you can probably pick the first game up for pretty cheap and see if it clicks with your son. If either of you are a fan of platformers, there aren't many more options with co-op on the system, unfortunately.

LittleBigPlanet 3 or Minecraft could also be good options, as both allow for a lot of creativity and can still be thoroughly enjoyed without branching online to experience other player's creations.

Sorry for the long post. I hope that you can find this useful!
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