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Old June 9th, 2018, 05:46 PM
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Dysole Dysole is offline
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Round 1

"Round 1 is on Ice Blossom.

The Sir Heroscape v. Dr.Goomonkey playtest pool of armies is:
* Marro Warriors, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Banshees of Durgeth Swampx6
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Sgt. Drake Alexander [SotM], 8th Infantry Pathfinderx6, Deltacron
* Azazel the Kyrie Warrior, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Sir Gilbert, Knights of Westonx4
* Akumaken, Ashi-Dhulu, Deathwalker 8000, Marutuk
Sir Heroscape chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Dr.Goomonkey chooses who places first.

The superfrog v. Kinseth playtest pool of armies is:
* Banshees of Durgeth Swampx7, Yi Feng
* Emperor Andask, Krav Maga Agents, Shiori, Buccaneers of Tortugax4
* Gothlok, Marcu Esenwein, Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx6
* Azazel the Kyrie Warrior, B-11 Resistance Corps, Guilty McCreech, Dreadgul Raidersx4
Kinseth chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, superfrog chooses who places first.

The flameslayer93 v. kevindola playtest pool of armies is:
* Avernus, Brunak, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein
* Heracles, Buccaneers of Tortugax4, Feral Troll
* Agent Skahen, Dünd, Marro Warriors, Otonashi, Buccaneers of Tortugax4
* Gothlok, Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx4, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2
kevindola chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, flameslayer93 chooses who places first.

The Dysole v. LoveElemental playtest pool of armies is:
* Nakita Agents, Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, 12th Caucasus Riflesx5
* Grigor & Rogirg, Isamu, Krug, Kuthnak, Arrow Grutsx4, Swog Rider
* Major Q10, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Banshees of Durgeth Swampx4
* Marcu Esenwein, Ornak, Suskra, Blade Grutsx2, Werewolf Lordx2
LoveElemental chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Dysole chooses who places first. "

All Your Pie has a bye.

~Dysole, noting that if anyone also wants to play AYP for a non official game can absolutely do so, just let her know and she'll make sure his armies are posted.

Last edited by superfrog; June 11th, 2018 at 04:55 PM.
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