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Old October 24th, 2019, 10:32 PM
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Frank Lloyd Wright of Scape
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Re: Casters of Valhalla

Originally Posted by Dad_Scaper View Post
Originally Posted by Ericth74 View Post
I really enjoyed to 1st 2 podcasts. I'd like to add that the length doesn't matter if the content is good, which it was for the most part. I would also suggest to just sticking with two people to start with. Once you get 3 or 4 people on mic it's easier to go on tangents, talk over each other and lose conversation threads.

As a non-tournament player, I'm always interested in hearing about other formats that people play. Any favorites? Also I'd like to hear about best teams made from B- figures and under (400 to 500 pts).
This is the feedback you guys need most. There is a small handful of players who will keep up with your high-level banter. If you're serious about this, and I believe that you are, then you and your co-hosts will have to go slowly.

What is the Reverse the Whip format? Easy enough to describe. So take a few minutes to describe it. Then you can spend a whole 45 minutes to an hour talking about different ways it can be implemented (one day or two day event; the significance of each) and the different basic strategies one might adopt in preparing an army for it.

Go slowly, and be accessible to players who you never met. That doesn't mean dumbing it down, it just means starting with something simple, moving forward from there, and keeping yourselves focused and building on one idea at a time. Build quickly if you want! But start simple, and stay focused.
Amen to all this.

I've started listening to it, and I've enjoyed it so far, but I'm excited for when the kinks get worked out and it's a little more methodical. Thanks so much for doing this guys! I'm really excited to see where it goes.

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