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Old October 21st, 2019, 12:41 AM
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Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

Originally Posted by The Long eared bat View Post
I have been contemplating Olog over the last few weeks and I have made changes to him. The powers are similar to the origional but I personaly prefer these new ones. I still need to test him with the new powers, but just wanted to see what people thought.

My initial impression is that the 20-30 point range is more interesting, but if he's been testing too powerfully at that bracket then don't try to force him into it.

I like the change to First Assault. It still conveys the same playstyle and has the familiarity of a pre-existing power.

I'm less enthused by dropping the Orc Battle Rush. I thought it was a neat reuse tying him to the Death Chasers of Thesk, and the power itself is very distinct but hasn't been explored outside of that squad yet. Changing it to less movement but at the start of every round loses a bit of what made it feel distinct to me.

Originally Posted by Leaf_It View Post
Originally Posted by Astroking112 View Post
I'm hesitant to bump the points further. I like the weird point value at 25--it slots in nicely with the TSA's 65 points, and it stacks to 50 or 75 to give Samurai builds more options for filler. At 30, 2x of them competes directly with the Izumi Samurai and 4x conflicts with the Tagawa Samurai, so they'd find less use in non-archer builds. Once you can start affording the other squads, they've often proven to be the better choice.

Also, the Wave of Fear is actually a lot more difficult to set up than anticipated. Moving and attacking with 5 of them is definitely scary, but that costs 125 points + the dead Samurai, which at best is about an additional 100 points of killed figures. Many games that I've played with them, I realize that I could've gotten away with fewer Seishin than I expected, since the opponent is often pretty smart about not letting them build up forever. So far I've found the sweetspot to be 2-3 for TSA builds and 1-2 for Unique ones, because they do experience some diminishing returns.

That said, I definitely could stand to test more with 5+ of them in the army. I'll need to see them at those higher totals in action more before feeling justified in a price bump.
You have a point with them needing to replace a figure, rather than starting on the board. In some ways starting on the board is a downside to the Ebon Armor though, because you need them to die for them to serve their purpose. I'd have to play with these guys to get a feel for how different this can make things play out. I'm pretty excited for this design though. I hope you see it to submission. (also really hoping a certain soulborg makes a return someday...)
That's true with the Ebon Armor needing to get into battle in the first place. The Seishin only have 4 move, but if played well then that's all that they'll need. I haven't seen anyone successfully pull off a huge Seishin attack yet (the most that I've seen on the board at once is three, even in TSA armies), so I'll engineer some scenarios to see how problematic it'll be in action.

(As for a certain SoulBorg, he'll be back once I don't have Samurai sculpts dwindling in supply.)
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