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Scaper(s) of the Week

Posted January 9th, 2011 at 01:11 PM by rym
Updated January 9th, 2011 at 09:47 PM by rym
Well, we're into a new year and up to numbers 53 and 54 in our Scaper of the Week interviews. It occurs to me that, were I as diligent as Hex_Enduction_hour was, then we would have reached this point some time last year.

The truth is, is that I'm tired. I'm overwhelmed with many things, not the least of which is work and kids and all projects on the side, and I'm a tad burned out on it all.

I've enjoyed my time doing these interviews and I certainly appreciate H_E_H giving me that oppurtunity. But I feel my time is done and I would like to pass this mantel on (hopefully to someone that can keep this feature up much more frequently than I have as of late ).

PM me if you're interested in taking this over, and we'll go from there. Since there are two interviews here, I will finish my run by doing one of the two interviews next week and leave the other interview for whomever takes this over.

Thanks again to the this community for letting me do this feature and for all the wonderful interviewee's that have so graciously taken their time to respond and for all the kind words from everyone.

Now, without further adieu:

'Scapers of the Week 53 & 54:

Dad_Scaper & ManTrainChooChoo

Who are you?

M: ManTrainChooChoo

D: Father of KidScaper, of course. I used to be DaddyScaper but it turns out my kids got older and someone referred to me online as Daddy, and... I wished & prayed & broke out a tooth and stuck it under my pillow, and in the morning my new name was Dad_Scaper.

Who, or what, is your avatar and how did you come up with your username?

M: It's an old school army recruitment picture I think. My user name was created years ago as a joke, so when I went to a tournament I used that as my name so now I'm stuck with it.

D: My avatar is from one of my early battle reports, linked here. I loved writing those and taking all the pictures. It was so time intensive, though; I don't have the time anymore and we'd rather just play.

My user name I picked when I thought I'd only be lurking and I've always hated it. It's better now, a little, which goes to show you the power of believing in your dreams.


M: 28

D: 40


M: Help Desk/Customer Service rep. or something

D: Dad, of course

Allegiance and why?

M: Utgar, most likely for the toughness of the units.

D: Valkrill. Root for the underdog. Go Evil! Took a Death Chasers army to 4-1 at a great tourney on 12/11, too. Believe in your cause!

When did you get into HeroScape and why?

M: I can't remember exactly when, but it was around wave 3 I think. Weesel99 saw a commercial for heroscape way back in the day, and despite his girlfriend noticing that it said ages 6 and up, we picked it up and became hooked instantly.

D: Saw it on a store shelf or somewhere, did some research, & really wanted to play. So I persuaded my mother to give it to my kid as a present. Go Evil, like I said.

Favorite aspect of HeroScape and why?

M: Order Marker Management. It's the best way to steal games that would otherwise be unwinnable.

D: I love the tournaments. I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but the guys who we play with are so great, and it's so much fun, and they all treat KidScaper so great, without question that's my favorite part.

Favorite Hero and why?

M: Probably Grimnak for allowing some of the most insane turns, but Arkmer has a new special place in my heart since he wiped out some scrub's Knights at Gencon.

D: Q10. The Swiss Army Knife unit - a tool for every job, and not cheese like his bigger cousin.

Favorite Unique Squad and why?

M: Tagawa Samurai. If they're fed, man they can just wipe through the board.

D: Airborne Elite. Fun, nasty, high attack and low defense.

Favorite Common Squad and why?

M: Heavy Gruts. Disengage lets you beat rats.

D: Death Chasers of Thesk. Go Evil. I like a bunch of the units from D1 and D2, though. Goblins, too. Lots of fun, which is the main thing, and good enough for me to play them at tourneys.

Favorite Special ability and why?

M: Disengage. Read above statement.

D: Phantom Knights combo of Stealth Flying & Insubstantial 3. Another fun, competitive Dx unit I've brought to a tournament.

Anything you'd change about the game - a unit, rule, or mechanic?

M: Not really, I love the game the way it is right now.

D: Yes. I think it's just stupid that units whose cards say "flying" can choose not to fly. No, it didn't make sense that flyers got a road bonus, but at least when they did I could say "Read the card," or "It's a game, not a simulation." Now I don't know what to say.

Ogre Pulverizer or Ogre Warhulk?

M: Pulverizer. I've played the Warhulk before, felt like an overpriced Krug.

What do you enjoy most about heroscapers.com?

M: How active the community is. There always seem to be events going on everywhere and as long as that is happening, the game won't go anywhere as far as I'm concerned.

D: What keeps me coming back is that it is welcoming, casual, and civilized.

Favorite HeroScape moment:

M: A couple years ago, I was in the top 4 for a tournament in Dayton. The Tournament Director decided to make a giant map and make it a free for all. I was running Knights whereas my opponents each had a Major Q9. I didn't win the game, but I definitely destroyed each one of those annoying soulborgs.

D: First (and only) tourney win. It's buried somewhere in my tourney reports, the multi player event.

Another board game you enjoy and why?

M: Cosmic Encounter is easily one of my favorites. There's no such thing as too much conflict.

D: There are a bunch. Ticket to Ride is great because everyone loves it, including non-gamers. I would play Race for the Galaxy way more often if I could get the kid to play it with me.

Three true things and one lie about yourself:

  • I'm a better player than MattserTruckRally.
  • I'm not a fan of most fruit or vegetables.
  • I love 80's music.
  • I never lose at Heroscape.
  • I bake cakes.
  • I have five cats.
  • I play banjo.
  • I play ultimate frisbee.
Other interests?

M: Pretty much gaming of all kinds

D: Oh, let's see. Baking, ultimate, banjo...

Any Heroscapers member you'd really like to play against?

M: I'd like to play against Lonewolf. The only time I've played him, he utterly embarassed me.

D: All of 'em. Any of 'em.

Any other bitter rivals at Gencon other than MattserTruckRally ?

M: Matthias most likely. He insults my awesome style and tends to cheat(AE on turn 1 that kill Raelin and Kaemon Awa... Seriously?).

Five Fun Favourites
(because, let's face it, you won't find these things out in the middle of a Competitive armies thread or the What's In An Order Marker discussion )

Favorite TV Show:

M: Community

D: Homicide

Favorite Movie Of All Time:

M: Empire Strikes Back

D: Oooh, tough one. I'll go with Blazing Saddles. "We want a song! A real song! You know, like Camptown Ladies!" The funniest five minutes in all of cinema is the first 5 of that movie.

Favorite book:

M: Breakfast of Champions

D: Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco.

Favorite sport:

M: Football

D: Big Ravens fan, but I routinely miss watching Sunday afternoon football because I'm playing disc.

Favorite food:

M: Skyline Chili

D: Prime rib roasted exactly as instructed by Alton Brown in I'm Just Here for the Food, including aging it a few days in your fridge first.

What message do you have for the community?

M: Stay Golden, Ponyboy.

D: Get out of your house and play at your local events. Don't be shy. Do it.

Who do you pick for the next 'Scaper of the Week?

M: Lefton4ya

D: Lamaclown. I'm not convinced he's only one person; I think there might be four of them.
Total Comments 8


killercactus's Avatar
ManTrain's lie is that he never loses at Heroscape. If you want to beat him, just play Q10.

DS's is the cats.

Great interviews, guys!!!
Posted January 9th, 2011 at 02:51 PM by killercactus killercactus is offline
Shockma Ranyk's Avatar
I second KC's guesses.
Posted January 9th, 2011 at 04:58 PM by Shockma Ranyk Shockma Ranyk is offline
dok's Avatar
I'm confused; doesn't Mantrainchoochoo have two lies there?

No surprise that MTCC loves OM management; he totally owned me on OM management when we played.

DS, one of these days we should play a game of ultimate and a game of Heroscape.
Posted January 9th, 2011 at 06:37 PM by dok dok is offline
Dad_Scaper's Avatar
*chuckle* I'd lose at both, dok.

Didn't realize I was supposed to cleverly conceal my lie, sorry to ruin the puzzle, guys.
Posted January 9th, 2011 at 06:48 PM by Dad_Scaper Dad_Scaper is offline
AliasQTip's Avatar
This is getting more and more confusing having two 'Scapers of the Week. A message to Lefton4ya and Lamaclown: Please, for my sake, choose the same 'Scaper for the next SotW! Do it for me. Thank you.
Posted January 9th, 2011 at 09:25 PM by AliasQTip AliasQTip is offline
rym's Avatar
Well, as hinted at in my write-up, whichever one I do the interview with (either Lefton4ya or Llamaclown) will be my final interview, and I do not plan to to have them choose a 'next' SotW. That honor will fall to whomever takes up the mantel in my stead in their interview.

That way we get back to having only one interview going at a time again.

Simple, right?
Posted January 9th, 2011 at 09:47 PM by rym rym is offline
lefton4ya's Avatar
Great interviews. ManTrain, I am shocked and honored I got chosen next.
Posted January 11th, 2011 at 02:23 PM by lefton4ya lefton4ya is offline
killercactus's Avatar
We need to get a Heroscapers Ultimate game going. I'm thinking that myself, dok and DS could wreck some people.

And no, dok - ManTrain does not have 2 lies there. I don't doubt that he throroughly believes himself to be a better player than Mattser. Having played against them both multiple times, I'd rank them about equal.
Posted January 11th, 2011 at 03:06 PM by killercactus killercactus is offline
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