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Draft Test: Emilia and Big Earth

Posted May 12th, 2018 at 02:02 AM by flameslayer93
I decided to run a draft game against @LoveElemental in an effort to teach her how to use the actual Online Heroscape App through Google Docs and to also teach her about the drafting format for army building.

Plenty of appreciation to @kolakoski for reminding me that Drafting is an actual thing too lol.

We started out by choosing 16 units to be in the draft pool. These cards could range from Official, C3V/SoV, and our customs. We went back and forth picking units pretty much at random lol.

The pool resulted in the following 16 entries:
1. Sienna (Unique Hero)
2. Deathwalker 8000
3. Emilia Clair (Unique Hero)
4. Sir Hawthorne
5. Dund
6. Ashigaru Yari
7. Rastuci Sunce (Common Squad)
8. Protectors of Ullar
9. Ne Gok Sa
10. Mohican River Tribe
11. Wolves of Badru
12. Grand Earth Elemental (Uncommon Hero)
13. Kaemon Awa
14. Kursus
15. Grimnak
16. Kozuke Samurai

We played that for common squads you could only draft one copy of them per draft turn. Additionally neither player could draft a card the other player had, so we both couldn't use Ashigaru Yari for example.

Taking turns drafting to hit 480 points, or close enough to it, our armies ended up as:

FS93's: Grimnak, Emilia Clair, Grand Earth Elemental, Ashigaru Yari x4 (470)

LE's: Kaemon Awa, Sir Hawthorne, Kozuke Samurai, Wolves of Badru x2 (470)

These are the two customs who actually got drafted.

We played the match out on The Spiderweb and drew the glyphs of Negation and Teleportation. It's worth pointing out that I like a lot of the glyphs, and have made a bunch for our customs. We never did pick up the Treasures lol.

My Yari and her Wolves took the lead, and I got to the Glyph of Negation to Negate Kaemon Awa's powers. Then my Yari just got trashed. I did get my Earth Elemental up to the level 4 hill and Bulwark'd as much as I could. Unfortunately, I simply couldn't do damage and using precious turns to get a single attack per turn and then Bulwarking up did not get me anywhere quickly. Her Kozuke managed to charge in and tore my Elemental a new butthole after she won a major initiative roll. I couldn't Bulwark to get that helpful 10 Defense. Her Kozuke then proceeded to OHKO Emilia Clair... Her low stats couldn't have an attack of 5 . Grimnak and the Yari managed to get to work eventually, slowly whittling down her forces. In a stroke of luck, my Yari managed to kill Hawthorne and then proceeded to get killed by the master samurai Kaemon. Well done my dear!

LE did comment that the Bulwark getting my Earth Elemental up to 10 defense was concerning, since that is VERY hard to crack. She was mostly only able to kill him because of the Kozuke and the Initiative Switch. We aren't ready to change the cost yet, but we may cut the Bulwark's bonus down to +5 Defense after some more testing.

We still need to see more of Emilia Clair before we can really gauge her. I'm still quite excited about this design, simply because it's so thematic.

Until next time! Maybe we'll do another draft next?
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Quote of the game:

Me: You know what killed me about this game?
LE: My attacks?

Posted May 12th, 2018 at 09:56 AM by flameslayer93 flameslayer93 is offline
First of all @flameslayer93 it was a ton of fun playing a draft game with you my dear, Thank you so much and I hope to play another one soon! We have a lot of playtesting ahead of us all of which will be fun as well as a learning experience! I am longing to see more of Emilia Clair so we can gauge her better and decide what may or may not need tweaking, plus just get a good sight of how she plays. Your Spiderweb map that we have been playing on keeps on proving to be efficient and did I say a whole ton of fun? because it is! Your ability to Bulwark with Earth Elemental was a sure fright to me, it is also highly impressive! 10 Defense? Now that is a wonderful defender! It is true that it is super tough to crack (but I love it) and I finally managed to get a good idea in my mind of how to *hopefully* take down your Earth Elemental, plus winning initiative is what really helped me. The Kozuke on my side and winning initiative I think are what really gave me that boost I needed. You fought hard and defended even harder, you did a fantastic job as well and I congratulate you on doing so! So far I really like the Earth Elemental and I know we'll love Emilia too. Slowly but surely I have been getting better when playing Heroscape but I credit you for teaching me, Thank you for teaching me the ways and for your everlasting encouragement, I love playing it with you and I look forward to playing many more games together! It is a lot of fun I am eager to go to tournaments with you too my dear! ^_^

P.S. I am very glad you enjoyed my savage comment
Posted May 12th, 2018 at 02:21 PM by LoveElemental LoveElemental is offline
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