The Spartans of HS Tourneys
Spoiler Alert!
So I’ve been working on a home project for quite some time. A while back I was introduced to Sylvano’s “Heroscape” variant and was inspired to arrange all my thousands of miniature into factions. So I went home and turned My Collection into lots of factions.
But this year, actually January 1st; I had this epiphany that all those factions were not working…I had nothing to base them on…as many factions did not make sense because I was mixing Generals, and basically re-creating the Scape landscape. Did I really want to re-create everything? Was that the direction I wanted to pursue? Well on New Year’s Day, I was sitting at my computer, football games in the background, and began to really take apart my factions and really look at their make-up.
What did I discover? That my factions were not what I wanted…I did not want to re-create Valhalla…I wanted to expand it. I wanted usable factions that made sense in the framework of the Heroscape fiction. But I felt that making the 7 Armies larger and larger would not work…it would create complications that would lead to dust-covered customs. So I needed a way to evolve the original Valhalla, to fit what I wanted….more than just the 7 Armies that existed so far.
“How do I do that?” I asked myself. Well, I had this idea about Valkrill. What if his “chaotic” nature leads to him to mold a more War-torn Valhalla, than ever before? War is Chaotic in nature. Right?
So, after that epiphany I began to plan out the background of……
The Plan:
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I plan to post factions, with pictures, links to customs…ect. (Each custom will still have one of the basic Generals listed, but when New Valhalla is in place, I will “substitute” Faction names for Generals for synergistic powers)
I plan to post how the map of Valhalla has changed and where each faction’s influence is strongest.
The Map will change, which I plan on posting. I’m hoping to take a page from old Mage Knight and use the results of battles to mold the landscape and show each faction’s influence. Using ideas form Risk, each faction will have battalions that they move into a territory and then battles are determined by map size. (More on this later, as the rules are not set yet).
Who is Valkrill?
The most important part of my plans for New Valhalla, was getting to know what makes Valkrill tick, so this is what I came up with.
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I see Valkrill as one who enjoys the Chaos that is caused by War. He’s like cross between Ares and an Arms Dealer.
Valkrill is the one who orchestrates Vydar’s Betrayal by preying upon Vydar’s paranoia. He gains power through the wellsprings and through some Amulets of power he discovers. He begins to De-stabilize the Factions that exist upon Valhalla. He wants War, but sees the tightly knit General's Armies as too well organized to keep the War going indefinitely. So through spies, assassins and his acquired powers he begins to manipulate all of Valhalla into smaller groups that will allow him to orchestrate an never-ending War.
Factions created by this chaper:
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Valkrill’s minions have successfully influenced Vydar…and have enhanced his natural paranoia. Thus Vydar’s Betrayal and the subsequent events at the Shadow Cavern occur. Shortly after those events, Vydar gets more paranoid and starts to seclude himself more and more.
Valkrill meanwhile makes two discoveries that none other has. The first discovery is an amulet that allows the wearer to enter the dreams of the subject that is being visioned within his Wellspring. The second, more important discovery is an amulet that allows you to influence the visions of those who have drank from the Wellsprings. Valkrill begins to make plans to use these new abilities to lead to the downfall of the Archyries.
First he visits Erica Sinadi’s dreams. He influences her, promises her power once she is Summone; that she will gain a large Army for her to control. When Valkrill is sure that he has gained her trust, he influences Vydar’s visions, so Erica is the main focus. Erica Sinadi is summoned by Vydar and that spells the end of him. She uses her charms to get close to Vydar, and begins to strengthen his paranoia…until Vydar finally just disappears. Many of his followers think he’s hiding from spies and assassins. But Vydar has disappeared from Annud, never to be seen again.
Two members of Vydar step up to take over the Army; Erica Sinadi, (of course) and Colonel Savage (the recently recruited Microcorp Commander). Both drink from Vydar’s wellspring to gain its power and Valkrill uses his abilities to create strife between the two. The Army of Vydar splits into two factions and eventually Colonel Savage and the Microcorp leave the Montfre Manor and set up shop on Haukeland.
Meanwhile, Valkrill summons T-Prima, the Soulborg Overlord. T-Prima was able to activate a planet wide beacon that activates a hidden subroutine that calls all Soulborg to her. (Except for the Omnicrons; as Omegacron removed the Beacon programing as soon as he was summoned by Jandar. Omegacron also removes the programming from Major Q10 as a favor to Sgt. Drake.)
After the Beacon is activated; all Soulborg join T-Prima and they set up shop on another area of Valhalla. Valkrill allows T-Prima full autonomy and she begins forming Beta Prime. T-Prima gains access to a hidden wellspring and begins to summon her Army (once again being influenced by Valkrill’s machinations).
Factions created by this chaper:
- Marro
- Taelord's Army
- Orc Hordes
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Then Valkrill, begins turning his eyes toward Utgar. He feels that Utgar’s Army is too big and eventually it will win the War after the betrayal of Vydar. Valkrill wants war, he relishes it…so Utgar needs to go and his Army needs to break apart.
This time Valkrill contacts Runa, directly. He makes her promises and convinces her that if she were to engineer the demise of Utgar, she and Taelord would rise from the ashes to rule all of Valhalla. Runa’s greed gets the better of her and she orchestrates the assassination of Utgar.
This causes a major stir in the Utgar Army. The Soulborg have left (summoned by T-Prima) and Ne-Gok-Sa decides it is time for the Marro to lead. Ne-Gok-Sa finds his way to the Wellspring and drinks from it. Taelord, assuming that he has always been Utgar’s Champion, takes Utgar’s amulets and also drinks from the Wellspring. Taelord and an enhanced Ne-Gok-Sa battle each other for control. Both are severely injured in the contest. Runa steps in to take control until Taelord recovers, and the Marro take the opportunity to leave Utgar’s Army behind and relocate the rest of their Army deep within the Ticalla Jungle; where they have already established a foothold.
Ne-Gok-Sa, through his influence by Valkrill, directs the Marro towards Aquilla and her home. Valkrill sends the Havech Marro, in gesture of good faith, to join with their legendary hero, Ne-Gok-Sa. Valkrill also sends his Demon Army to attack the edges of the Ticalla Jungle, to draw away some of Aquilla’s reserves.
Aquilla, in turn, sends the Dwarves, the Mohicans and the Varkaanans to face the Demon Army. While Aquillia and Valkrill’s forces clash; the Marro move into the Jungle quietly and are able to reach the home of Aquiila and the Moon Tribes. Aquilla and the Moon Tribes fall under the combined weight and power of the Marro and the Havech. Kee-Mo-Shi actually takes over the mind of Sujoah and Aquilla dies by the stinger of her beloved pet.
Valkrill, retreats his Demons, and the Dwarves and Varkaanans find out about Aquilla’s fall too late. They find themselves facing the Marro at their backs; so they flee north towards Jandar’s realm. The Mohicans decide to join with Ullar’s Army when they reach Elkstrom as they see their beliefs in the quality of nature as kindred.
Meanwhile, Morag has whipped into a frenzy the Orcs of Utgar. He tells them he has been visited by the Great spirits (Valkrill) and Orcs from other lands will come, if the Orcs leave Taelord, while he is weak and helpless. Morag promises the Orcs viscous glory as they raze this land to the ground. So the Orcs leave the lands of Utgar’s reign and start the Orc Nation.
What happens next as the story of New Valhalla unfolds...find out soon.
New Valhalla Factions (so far )
{Linked factions are to individual posts about that faction}
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Map has not been completed as factions are still being formed; the story is not done only beginning.
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Rules are still in the works.
Based on Risk.