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YouTube delights

Hex_Enduction_Hour said:
I'm totally intrigued. Thanks for sharing that link!

no problem. i'd keep its eyes and replace them with mine... so i'd look cool in the dark- i mean cooler 8)
drudgereport.com linked it in two places, so it must be real. Or an elaborate hoax with a doctored corpse.
I found it strange there was no autopsy performed whether it was by official sources or at least some of the lunatic fringe scientists ... That fact simply screams HOAX to me. Especially as the photo seems to be of a young Labrador puppy.
Malechi said:
I found it strange there was no autopsy performed whether it was by official sources or at least some of the lunatic fringe scientists ... That fact simply sceams HOAX to me.

I know. I know. Suspicious happenings. But dang that head looks so real and weird. I would love to see more photos.
Hex_Enduction_Hour said:
But dang that head looks so real and weird.

Yes, but so do still moving hands severed by trains ...

(Don't try to read too much into that it is a private joke people!)
only other image I was able to Google. Looks very real to me.
yeah that does not work you cant file a complaint against the cops.when i was about 16 i was walking home and a couple guys i knew were hanging out in front of a house i walked by and said whats up whatever and right then 4 cop cars pulled up grabbed all of us put us on our knees and a few drew there guns i said i was not hanging out there i was just going home and the F*cking pig punched me in the face and tried to pull my hair out the top of head i said what the f and he stopped but then stepped on my ankle forcing my heel outward trying to break it then another pig said ok lets go and picked us up i think there were 5 of and handcuffed us at tight as the cuffs could go and smashed us all in the back of one car took us to the pig pen and there i was marked by the cops as a latin king how nice my parents came to pick me up i told them what happened i wanted to file a report my parents when to see if they could and then they had no idea who just arrested us and told my parents to get out ive hated the cops ever since.
no no there not all bad. but there are a lot of shady cops out there one thing i hate more than cops are protesters depending on why there protesting.but that video is funny thats something you forget to check for on a daily basis am i safe from flying bean bags?
django said:
no no there not all bad. but there are a lot of shady cops out there one thing i hate more than cops are protesters depending on why there protesting.but that video is funny thats something you forget to check for on a daily basis am i safe from flying bean bags?

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