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YagyuNinja's Custom Units - Achilles


New member

6/17/10 - Need help costing this guy and checking my power wording for problems.

2/10/10 - Ahah! Bonding for Nilfheim and Charos finally arrives!

4/24/08 - Thanks Karkadinn.

1/26/07 - Added Sgt. Darke Aleksander


1/23/07 - Added Master Xiao Jing Ling.


No updates for a while I know. I recently ordered a bunch of MK and D&D minis though, so I'm ready to start up again.

KentonSama is another member of the legendary and powerful Triumvirate of the MWAA. The idea with his card is that we have a ranged warlord, a tank warlord, and support warlords, but not an offensive warlord. I think he might be undercosted, but I haven't played him at all.


Well, I normally wouldn't do this, but I found these little starwars minis at a garage sale down the street. Vader was actually the first custom I ever made, since I was trying to get my brother in law to play and being able to use the Darth Vader lego guy he had was enough enticement to get him to play.

I've played him a few times and it seems like he's worth his points. I wanted him to be able to destroy groups of little guys and be able to hold his own against bigger dudes. Also, he had to be very slow and plodding.


Ok, fixed the picture. I basically wanted more vikings and have always loved the idea of all-singing/all-fighting warriors. As he is worded now, his death defy only affects the Tarn Vikings and the MacDirk Warriors. His warrior move enhancement affects many more though, including all the Kyrie.


I had some manatees that were in the center of bars of soap that I got at the Oregon coast some years back and they were a good scale. And manatees rock. So here you go: a manatee and Nathaniel, Lord of the Sea Cows.



I'm planning on making a bunch more MWAA units in the future. I'm not sure if the manatee's special abilities are too powerful, but he's easy to take out if you have ranged units or the guy being tied down has a special...

What do you think?

And thanks for omitting the phrase "but they are totally ridiculous" from your reply :D

I realize they are, and that no one but me (and a few select friends) would be interested in using them necessarily. I do wonder what kind of effect they might have on a game though. Guess I should probably playtest my own customs...
I'm gonna give these a try i have a family gathering and were having and HS tourney, customs allowed. I think my little cousins would love these guys
Cool! I used them yesterday with the knights and they did alright. They weren't as powerful as I thought, but they did delay the romans and 4th mass enough for my knights to get 'em.
LoL! That Viking Skald pic is the funny! I have a skald in the works but have not been able to find a good figure. Maybe I should take a closer look at Thorgrimm! =P

The extra movement for the warriors will be a welcomed addition for the warriors I'm sure! You may want to increase his point cost since he does affect quite a few figures. Since his song affects a 4 space radius and more figures you may also want to increase the die roll for a successful Defy Death. I would say 17 or 18 would be good numbers. Changing his attack to 3 will also help balance him a little.
YagyuNinja said:

And thanks for omitting the phrase "but they are totally ridiculous" from your reply :D

I realize they are, and that no one but me (and a few select friends) would be interested in using them necessarily. I do wonder what kind of effect they might have on a game though. Guess I should probably playtest my own customs...

Dude, you've seen my thread, I know because you've posted in it.

I use digimon, and I have a buzz lightyear custom, I'd use your customs, maybe not the manetee, because mainly I play figs for looks, and well, I think manitees are ugly, not your model mind you, I think the real creatures are ugly, and not ugly in a good way.

I hope that didn't come off as dissing your work, I think your stuff is cool, and as for using a legoman I've often times thought of making a lego man custom, infact while I was at work today I thought about making rules for a lego exoskelton that could be piloted and modified.
Lego exoskeleton...that would be cool. Have you heard of Lego Factory? You can design your own lego using their 3-d lego modeling program (which is a pain in the behind) and then order it. They send you the parts and instruction manual created from your design, and then other people can order it from their site. I love the idea, but I still haven't gotten the hang of the modelling program.

As soon as I do, I'm going to make cannons and other terrain stuff for heroscape. :)
YagyuNinja said:
Lego exoskeleton...that would be cool. Have you heard of Lego Factory? You can design your own lego using their 3-d lego modeling program (which is a pain in the behind) and then order it. They send you the parts and instruction manual created from your design, and then other people can order it from their site. I love the idea, but I still haven't gotten the hang of the modelling program.

As soon as I do, I'm going to make cannons and other terrain stuff for heroscape. :)

Sounds sweet to me :D good luck with that.
OK Rhydderch, I changed a couple things around.

I raised the die roll for death defy from 15 to 16 and limited it to only human warriors (tarn and macdirk).

I spruced up the picture too, but I just now noticed I forgot the fog! D'oh!
I'm glad you like it Reaper. I just watched Equilibrium again a day or two ago. SO good. I love how everyone I show it to says "Why haven't I even head of this movie!?!?"

Also, added Darth Vader.
I would take the example from the Marrden Hounds and make the Soulborg immune to Force Choke:

Soulborgs are not affected by Force Choke.

It would make sense since I doubt they need to breathe. I also think Sith Defense should be modelled from the Krav Maga ability: basically allows him to block ranged attacks with his Lightsaber like in the movies.

Otherwise its a pretty solid effort on Darth Vader. Good job.
Rhydderch said:
Soulborgs are not affected by Force Choke.
I would believe they would be affected. Mainly because a force choke is a clamp on the neck area so couldnt that crush the metal around the neck and wound the soulborg. Or just change the name of the ability to force crush of Darkside Grasp
Very nice conversion.

Force Choke might be too powerful though. I would limit it to small or medium figs or have a number for squads and a number for heroes.

I like Sith Defense the way it is. He is reflecting shots back to the attacker with his lightsaber. (Of course I'm not sure how that would work with anything but lasers. :p )

He might be worth more than 150 points.
Thanks for the ideas on Vader, guys.

Rhydderch, I think Force Choke should work on soulborgs, but I can see changing the name to Force Crush like fallen templar said. I haven't personally seen them, but my brother told me that the reason General Greivous is all wheezy in the movies is because Mace Windu force crushed him in the Clone wars cartoons.

In a somewhat related note, I was thinking of making Vader himself into a soulborg. Not sure if that would really make sense, but it would make it so that I could make him into a Warlord or Warrior without him being affected too much by other units powers. Maybe the Romans being able to bond with him is too ridiculous, though.

ChaosChild, I also thought about limiting Force Choke to small or medium, but didn't Yoda say size matters not (or something to that effect)? I thought it was more thematic that Vader can hurt you no matter what size you are. And anyway, even if he puts a wound on Jotun or Charos they're still going to tear him up in a turn or two. Also, this guy will never have a chance against mimring (one of the reasons I stopped his cost at 150).

I also like Sith Defense the way it is, even though it is kinda hard to imagine deflecting arrows with a lightsaber (maybe he just tosses them back with the force :) ). If its just stealth dodge then it encourages people to shoot at him a bunch...he's real slow and would eventually die in that situation. With a ranged counterattack, people should be afraid to attack him from range. On one hand it represents the futility of attacking a Jedi from a distance, on the other hand its really awesome to kill stupid Syvarris with his own arrows (happened in one of my playtests). I guess one way to represent the first part and not run into the inconsistencies of the second is to just make it into a Thorian Speed-type power.
YagyuNinja said:
Thanks for the ideas on Vader, guys.

Rhydderch, I think Force Choke should work on soulborgs, but I can see changing the name to Force Crush like fallen templar said. I haven't personally seen them, but my brother told me that the reason General Greivous is all wheezy in the movies is because Mace Windu force crushed him in the Clone wars cartoons
yes the last chapter that what i was basing my answer on :D
YagyuNinja said:
Rhydderch, I think Force Choke should work on soulborgs, but I can see changing the name to Force Crush like fallen templar said. I haven't personally seen them, but my brother told me that the reason General Greivous is all wheezy in the movies is because Mace Windu force crushed him in the Clone wars cartoons.

I can see that since the Jedi and Sith do use the force to pull metal off the walls and throw it at characters. At the same time I think it begs the question of why we do not see the Jedi simply use the force to crush the many droids in the movies - I mean they're necks are spindly and small unlike the muscular Soulborg necks! =P

Also the strength of the Force largely depends on which source you use. I usually stick to the movies when I make customs. The cartoons, books and comics all have a version of the Force which is much more powerful than in the movies. As an example: one Sith used the force to cause the plumes from twin suns to lash out and destroy an entire fleet of ships. In another book the Jedi were able to FORCE PUSH a fleet so it took the fleet an extra week to get to the planet. That is with hyperdrive so you can just imagine how far they must have pushed the ships. I hear the Jedi and Sith in the cartoons were also much more bad-ass than in the movies.

Anyway its up to you but I do wonder why a Sith who can crush metal and destroy a Soulborg cannot use the same Force to squish a human into goo! :p
OK Rhydderch, you convinced me. :) Anyway, the Deathwalkers suck enough...they don't need some guy walking around that has a 65% chance to just instantly crush them.

Also, I changed his class to Darklord, since thats an established class and it even says it below his name. :lol:
The Viking should be more expensive. Parmenio for 90 points has to be adjacent AND it only works for Sacred Band plus he does not boost movement. Parmenio does have 1 more life but also 1 less defense