Part of the reason why I think they are rolling out 2.0 is that they never expected the game to get this big and ran out of design space. So instead of fixing the original problems, they have added patch upon patch (turrets too powerful? Add autothrusters! Now arc dodgers are too powerful! Add TLT! Now turrets are overpowered. Add 4 dice attacks with Harpoons, etc, etc).
Also, FFG sells millions of dollars worth of product but, if you look at their design teams, they are acting like small company. I think there are only a handful of guys actually designing the game - even the actual play testing is completely done by volunteers. I believe that X-wing was a surprise hit for FFG and they never expected it to grow as exponentially large as it did. Some great examples are the supply issues they've had (remember when used K-wings were going for $50+ on eBay?!?!?). So this allows them to add some more design space and 'fix' some of the original mistakes that they made. On top of that, the new ships they are designing right now won't be released until 1-2 years so it's hard for them to really know how new ships affect the meta.
Additionally, using the app for points allows them to essentially ban combinations of cards that were unintentionally overpowered. Before this change, they had to go to Disney (who is very protective of the Star Wars license) for any modification to any of the 'text' because Disney was afraid of lore changes affecting the Star Wars franchise. With an online point system, they can right size the upgrades on the fly quickly (and fix their own oversights and mistakes) and without going to another organization.
As for myself, I still enjoy the game and expect a second-hand market to pop up where people are swapping conversion kit pieces. I know $90 is a lot of money and am not super rich, but, for me, it's honestly a price I'm willing to pay (I shudder when I think of how much I've spent on Heroscape). On top of that, compared to other miniature games (Warhammer 40K, I'm looking at you), I've found X wing to be much cheaper.
If you want to read more, here's a decent article talking about the changes:
Here are a bunch of video interviews with the developers for our visual learners:
Finally, I sincerely doubt the viability of this guide because he doesn't have the point values, but here's a way-too-early buying guides. I like this guy's blog because he has some decent strategy articles, particularly his one about dice variance.
Hope this helps! And fly casual!