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What Video Game are you Currently Playing?


New member
After seeing similar threads for books, and music, I figured why not one for video games?

I am working on Dynasty Warriors 6 (XBox 360), I have gotten 1 officer (Sun Shang Xiang) to level 50 and am working on unlocking the remaining characters.
Civilization: Beyond the Sword. That game gets in your head. I'm nearly on Prince difficulty, using a cottage economy and a builder gamestyle.
I've got an older computer, so I play Diablo 2, Starcraft, and Civilization 3. Love them all!
Some Warhammer Online with a side of Warhammer Online. A dessert of Warhammer Online also accompanies the meal.
I got a Wii for Christmas, so I'm playing LoZ:Twilight Princess. :thumbsup: Awesome game!

Pick up The Wind Waker for the Gamecube, or download, well, pretty much any other Zelda off of the Virtual Console. They're lightyears better. You know, if you haven't played them. If you have... play them again. I don't want to see someone throwing away their taste buds. :p

Currently, other than Animal Crossing: City Folk and Wii Fit as daily activities, I've been plowing through Okami on the Wii. FANTASTIC game. It has fantastic gameplay, style that makes TWW pale in comparison, and great plot and pacing. It's five stars - honestly, anyone who likes adventure games should pick it up. It's just that good.
I'm currently working on Fable II (360) and Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP) at this point. After I'm finished with Fable, I'll move onto Mirror's Edge.
PC: Civilization: Beyond the Sword (I have owned every version of this game. It is without a doubt the best franchise ever! :2cents: )

PS3: Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe (My MK skills have always been a bit lacking so, I'm trying to catch-up.)
Rock Band 2 (I can now perform some of the easier songs on hard.)
PC: Civilization: Beyond the Sword (I have owned every version of this game. It is without a doubt the best franchise ever! :2cents: )
Word! High-five, brother! You ever consider playing a by-email game? I still play at noble, so I'd probably get creamed, but oh, well.
PC: Civilization: Beyond the Sword (I have owned every version of this game. It is without a doubt the best franchise ever! :2cents: )
Word! High-five, brother! You ever consider playing a by-email game? I still play at noble, so I'd probably get creamed, but oh, well.

I have never played a by-e-mail game. How are they? If I can get some free time I will definitely send you a PM. That game tend to take-over my life and I can't afford to let that happen right now.;)
PC: Civilization: Beyond the Sword (I have owned every version of this game. It is without a doubt the best franchise ever! :2cents: )
Word! High-five, brother! You ever consider playing a by-email game? I still play at noble, so I'd probably get creamed, but oh, well.

I have never played a by-e-mail game. How are they? If I can get some free time I will definitely send you a PM. That game tend to take-over my life and I can't afford to let that happen right now.;)
They're just like a normal game, except you take one turn and send the file to another person. It's suggested that you put it on Quick mode for this one.

And I totally get you about it taking over your life. Why do you think they added an optional on-screen clock to the game? So you can see if you're up at three in the morning again. :p
I got a Wii for Christmas, so I'm playing LoZ:Twilight Princess. :thumbsup: Awesome game!

Pick up The Wind Waker for the Gamecube, or download, well, pretty much any other Zelda off of the Virtual Console. They're lightyears better. You know, if you haven't played them. If you have... play them again. I don't want to see someone throwing away their taste buds. :p

Oh, cut it out, already. :roll: TP was my second favorite Zelda game, and I've planed nearly all of them. It's personal preference.

Currently I'm playing Okami. It's darn good, but the dodging and camera controls are a little annoying... After I play that, I'm going to finish playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time. One of the few I've never finished. But so far I still like TP and Wind Waker better...
They're just like a normal game, except you take one turn and send the file to another person. It's suggested that you put it on Quick mode for this one.

And I totally get you about it taking over your life. Why do you think they added an optional on-screen clock to the game? So you can see if you're up at three in the morning again. :p

Seems like it would be a little slow at start of the game, but once you got on a bit you could really maximize each turn. Late game world war… yummy!
Currently playing Assassins creed (360) i just figured out there are counter attacks and quick kills. no more getting my butt kicked by guards.
I've recently (re)discovered the solution to my hopeless lack of spare time: old-style arcade games. not necessary old games, but games you can pick up for a quick couple of games, then forget them for two weeks without forgetting buttons layout and combos or what was happening in the meantime. games such as Out Run 2006, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Resident Evil Umbrella Chonicles and House of the Dead, Geometry Wars, etc...
Gabbi reminds me. I have also recently pulled my Sega Genesis out of storage. Boy, what great games there were for that. Street Fighter? Vectorman? Vapor Trail? Clayfighter? The very underrated Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine? All of the good Sonic games? Right now I'm playing through Sonic 3 for the umpteenth time; it feels good to remember all those little secrets you thought you forgot.
I was playing LoZ:TP as well, but that was set aside unfinished; thanks Left 4 Dead! I'll finish up Twilight Princess soon, since I know Hyrule Castle has to be near the finish, but there's nothing quite like getting some friends together to survive commit genocide against the zombie horde.

On the DS front, I just started playing a game called Dementium - The Ward. It's pretty spooky so far. I'm wandering through a dark and bloody, and I do mean bloody hospital. Not shore why I'm there yet. Or what was going on there. But I keep running into this things that I don't think should be real... and they seem to be hungry.
I was playing LoZ:TP as well, but that was set aside unfinished; thanks Left 4 Dead! I'll finish up Twilight Princess soon, since I know Hyrule Castle has to be near the finish, but there's nothing quite like getting some friends together to survive commit genocide against the zombie horde.
Funny thing about that; the Zombie Genocide achievement originated in Dead Rising, in which you also had to kill 53,594 zombies.
I tried to like L4D, I really did, and I tried to accept it for what it is but I couldn't though playing it on a PC may alter my views on it as it stands, I dont like FPS' on my console, or my zombies stupid fast and moderately intelligent.
I am currently hooked on:

Supreme Commander (Large scale RTS)
Warcraft 3 FT (RTS)
Guild Wars (MMO)
Heroscape :D (Board game)

I'm curious if anyone else has had experience with SupCom; they have announced a SupCom 2 (not Forged Alliance), and I don't know what I want to think of it. The first was good, but had some major set backs; the "expansion" IMO wasn't much better, and they took away from some aspects of the game that I really liked.

EDIT:If anyone is interested this is the link to were I found the announcement. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/42912/Supreme-Commander-2-Announced

(I couldn't get the underline to go away for some reason.)
I really like sports video games. I realize that I'm probably in the minority here though. I really like NBA Live 09 and Fifa 09. I am currently playing NBA since I recently got the game but both are awesome.
I play on all-star on NBA and legendary on Fifa 09.
Currently attempting to finish:

Fable 1: The Lost Chapters
SimCity 4
Starcraft and Brood War expansions

Too much to do. So little time.
