The Last Kingdom (2-5 Players) 5 Player. This followed earlier games with live opponents of 3 and 4 Players. And these followed 7 solitaires I did at all possible player counts for 2-5 Players.
These solitaire games (there is no solo mode) included playing all 10 very asymmetric Leaders, in both their Leader and Hero versions each, and all 6 Heroes (who cannot perform as Leaders). This is only one of 15 factors which make each game different, and replayability very high.
Its rare these days that I can get 5 Players around our table here at my place, so I was glad this worked out.
We did three games of Heroscape in August, to playtest minis by Kolakoski and Sherman Davies. This was the heaviest August in terms of gaming in general as well as Scape, that I remember in a long gaming career!
Next Saturday we'll be playing my own custom Heroscape scenario Switcheroo. For details see my signature thread. This will be a game where players steal some of the cards of other players! It is based loosely on the alliance shifting that is prominent in The Last Kingdom. The scenario is on Post #1700 if you'd like to try it out.
There are many other interesting resources on this longtime thread as well, plus descriptions and photos of our monthly games, which we've been running for the last 16 years; broken only by the Pandemic for a while! Each game features a customs scenario by a veteran Scaper.
It also includes my Age of Annihilation project, which we've used to integrate Anitar's and my AOA cards and other elements of the failed Hasbro offering into our regular games after a series of "playtests." So we are happy that Renegade Games will revive AOA next year!
The New York City Gang of Four are Chas, Kolakoski, Sherman Davies, Taeblewalker, and now Thrasher Darkrai.