• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

What Board Game Are You Currently Playing?

April gaming:

Heroscape x 16
Marvel Champions x 9
LotR LCG x 4
Chess x 3
GI Joe Deckbuilder x 3
Warfighter x 3
Ashes x 2
Dragon Dice x 2
Marvel Zombies x 2
Imperial Assault x 2
War of the Ring: the card game x 2
Aeon's End x 1
Chronicles of Avel x 1
Defenders of the Realm x 1
Lasting Tales x 1
Marvel United x 1
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza x 1
Street Masters x 1
Here is one I am thinking of getting (looking for thoughts). Mechs vs Minions. Does anyone play and what are your thoughts?
Just played my fifth session of Spring and Autumn: Story of China. I've now played each player kingdom once.

A pal is coming back from a Memoir 44 Con in Chattanooga with a set of the maps he played there. We'll start in on them on Saturday.
My group played a 4 person game of Scarface 1920 last weekend. I kickstarted the game but this was the first time we got a chance to try it out. We did a tutorial partial game at first just so everyone could learn the rules as their are a lot of options in the game. Once you start to play the game though you find out that you only have a few options per turn to choose from, they just change from turn to turn. We then played a full game and had a good time. Everyone agreed it was one we can see ourselves playing again soon, and we may even get in another game this weekend. Learned quite a bit from the first game so I'm interested to see how people play differently the next time.
I've been playing Thunder Road: Vendetta about every weekend since I got it. Mainly played the main game, but have used the motorcycles and big rig a couple times. My non gamer wife pulled off a brutal unexpected move that removed all but 2 other vehicles with a new road tile being added. The last game my son narrowly lost to my youngest daughter when he needed to get at least one 3 on the big rig dice to win the game before my daughter moved one space to the finish line. Good game. Good times.
I've had Dorf Romantik set up for a solo game for a few days and haven't had time to try it out. Fingers crossed for tonight!
We played Scarface 1920 again last night (3 player) and it was a lot of fun. One of my players is trying to see if we can pull together another game of it today. Learning a lot about the strategy of it all and eager to apply some lessons. Each 'gang' having very different strengths they want to play to makes is pretty interesting. I think all 4 gangs are perfectly capable of winning, just using different tactics/play styles in order to gain the upper hand.

Pro-tip of the day, if you play this game I think getting a new deal early is a smart move for all gangs. You need to generate alcohol and guns at a faster rate than what the starter deals provide on their own.
Just updating my Scarface 1920 experience. We got in a 3rd game this past weekend and continue to enjoy it. We have come up with one change the 3 of us have agreed to try next time we play. The Associates don't cycle fast enough for us and we'd like to try and speed it up. So when each of us does a re-organization turn we are going to cycle the last card for a new one just like it's done when the News card changes. Then when the News card changes, we are going to replace all the face up Associate cards at once. It might be a few weeks before we get to try it out, but I'm hopeful it has no unforeseen impacts and just makes it easier to hire associates we need for our jobs.
Getting ready to use Pathfinder RPG 2e rules to do a little 2v2 arena battle a few nights from now. Should be interesting!
Today I'll be going back to Firefly The Game (GF9), with my pal who is having some of his custom modules for this game published as part of the new 10th Anniversary Gamefound Offering, which still has a few days to run. If you don't have the game, this baby is a Big Box with everything ever published for it over the years (about 7 expansions, large and small), and a brand new one called Still Flying by this pal and another guy! Congratulations to him. He also designed some of the Stretch Goals in the offering. I wouldn't be suprised if he spices up our game with some of these new features he designed, so it will be an interesting adventure today, and I'll be one of the first to play them!

Firefly changed the hobby by raising the standard for Media Tie In Intellectual Property games, which no one thought much of back then. It offers a good game while being rich in the theme of the old TV show and movie (Serenity). There is also an option to buy just the new stuff with some special Bling. Supposedly the new stuff without the Bling will be available in retail afterwards.

Other media tie in games I'll be getting this Summer and Fall include The Last Kingdom, and Dune: War For Arrakis. See my thread on what games we'll be buying for some details, and check them out on BGG.

On Wednesday I'll be playing the first custom Heroscape scenario by Thrasher Darkrai for our group The New York City Gang of Four. This time around we'll be using Classic and Custom Scape, and even some cards from the failed Age of Annihilation offering by Anitar or Me, which I make available to our gang regularly, along with other elements of that offering such as terrain rules and the first scenario it included or foreshadowed. To follow our group experiences over the last 15 years or so right up to today, see my signature thread as usual.
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I've been playing Dominion: Plunder (with a few other sets). Its an incredibly good time. It is a true sequel to Seaside and Prosperity and has my strong recommendation.
For the Firefly game I pledged for the Captains' Upgrade or whatever it's called. You don't get the game again or either of the two big expansions, but you do get all the new stuff along with some upgrades. The extra large money is left out, but the painted ships, game mat, and storage box are all included. It's worth checking out if you already have the game and expansions. Interested in some of the stretch goals, which are included.
Yes. My pal designer George says GF9 will make the new module available at retail after the campaign, although we don't know about the Stretch Goals yet.

Since he has lots of other stuff available, some of which is up on BGG, we're hoping the publisher will continue putting out more new Firefly products afterwards. I got to play with some of the new elements yesterday, but I can't discuss them. Lots of fun, though.
Oh that's cool your friend did designing for it! I was definitely tempted by that box, but talked myself out of it since its pricey and I rarely get Firefly to the table anyway. But its stil ldefinitely a cool product.
Played a game called Dice Forge twice this weekend. It was a pretty fun, simple game. I think I know a few people who would be into it and might try to pick it up at some point.
New games: Kingmaker II with a full 5 Players. Lords of Ragnarok with 2 Players. The Last Kingdom has been moved up once again to this month delivery. Best Crowdfunder ever!

My Memoir 44 pal and I will be playing the second half of the recent Chattanooga Open maps on Sunday. Last year featured the fights of the 101st Airborne on D-Day; this year its the 82nd Paratroops, who finally get some support from forces coming up from Utah Beach.
The Last Kingdom has arrived, and I solitaired a full Five Player. I'll do another, and then will have gotten the feel of all 10 playable Leaders. I've taken some notes on strategies suggested from the KS Updates, and exchanged some early FAQ with the publisher. Its summer and a bit harder to get people over, but I'm hoping some will show up on the weekend, or soon thereafter.