• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

What Board Game Are You Currently Playing?

3 Player Alien Frontiers; my first using the Factions Definitive Edition expansion. Lots of fun. As the last player I got to choose my Faction first, and got the REV one everyone wanted most. I didn't achieve any Agenda Cards (secret missions). A new pal won; which was nice for her first time over here at The Game Palace.

My incoming copy of The Russian Campaign 5th Edition (GMT) was delayed one day by UPS and then once again; its now due here today! Its been delayed for something like 4 years! I got in after 2 years of their P500; after all, how much longer could it take after that? Hah!

Learning Eleven from Portal Games for an upcoming con (running through a 2-player game solo).
Saturday: Mosaic, Dungeon of Fortune, Secret Hitler, Blood Rage and Bravo and one other I forget the name

Sunday: Skyrim
My Russian Campaign Deluxe 5th Edition (GMT) finally showed up. It took me quite a while to prepare it for play, since it includes extra counters for all kinds of options and variants that have been used in the hobby over 49 years of play, with extra counters for many of them! There is even an alternate set of counters for armored units with vehicle silhouettes instead of the usual NATO military symbols.

Following the general idea of Taeblewalker's old copy which he's lent me, in which he broke the counters up into various groups for easier set up, I've now got them in 14 different baggies!

After all that, one counter from each side was temporarily missing (I put the counter total on each bag, in case it gets spilled out). But I was checking the correctness of the Order of Battle sheets which has a space for every counter; both the Standard game side and the Optional side of each! I found the Russian counter in the wrong bag where I'd put it. The German counter was even more nasty--I found it stuck to the bottom of one of the now empty counter sprues I was getting ready to throw out! Whew--close one. Even these larger sized counters have a mind of their own.

I may get in a first game today; if not soon. I played one of the older game versions twice last year with TW and another pal. The first time I'd played it was back in 1976! So its a return to my wargaming roots with the old hex and chit system I haven't played in quite some time. Its was very nostalgic to prep a game like this.

And who knows, maybe some day I'll win a game...
Had a local convention this weekend. Got to try out Village, Turing Machine, Hibachi, and War of Whispers for the first time.

I personally hosted some C3G Heroscape, Star Wars Pandemic, and Death May Die. Played a handful of games of MTG in between things as well. Fun weekend!
Saturday, Heroscape with the NYC Gang of 4 5!
Sunday, Bravo!, Timeline: Science and Discoveries and Tales of the Arabian Nights.
Canceled Monday gaming tonight because of the snow.
The Great Wall: 4 Player with the Genghis Khan expansion (second time with live opponents for GK). Awaiting notice for TGW Update Kit delivery--reformatted rule book and 19 revised cards. Included our site pals Taeblewalker and Sherman Davies and a mutual friend who was the first to get the game a couple of years ago and bring it over for a first every play. The game has just been reprinted.

Memoir 44 Breakthrough Format: Autumn Mist Fascinating fan scenario at the Battle of the Bulge, including McAuliffe, Patton, and a US Fuel Depot to destroy before the Germans get it! Lost as the US by 1 point. Next month we'll switch sides and play it again. Also four standard format games online on Board Game Arena, which added many more scenarios recently.

The Russian Campaign 5th Edition Finally got this and played a first game. Playing a second on Wednesday. Besides the campaign game there are five scenarios; we've done one and will do a second soon. This was my fourth play, the first back in 1976 and two more last year with older editions.

Heroscape: Sherman Davies scenario with Taeblewalker, Kolakoski, and Thrasher Darkrai (see my signature thread for upcoming photos and details. Played twice with different armies, one with five players and one with four (team games).

Undaunted Stalingrad: Continued our first 2 Player Legacy style campaign with a third and fourth scenario of this brand new design. The game gets better as you progress, with more types of units being brought in, and different battles to fight.

Expected in March: Spring and Autumn: Story of China. This is the sequel to Hellenica: Story of Greece, which we last played around Christmas with its expansion Leaders and Legends. Everyone who has played the latter can't wait for the former! So hopefully a first play in late March will be possible.
February gaming:

LotR: LCG - 8
Heroscape - 7
Fairy Tale - 3
Last Bastion - 3
Mage Knight - 3
Altar Quest - 2
Dragon Dice - 2
Magic - 2
Marvel Champions - 2
Marvel Zombies - 2
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza - 2
Dungeon Mayhem
Maximum Apocalypse
Sheriff of Nottingham
Death Angel
Ken Con Gaming

LotR: LCG x 7
Hexplore It
Hoplomachus Remastered x 3
Tiny Epic Dungeons x 2
Too Many Bones x 3
Dragon Dice x 2
Marvel Champions
Heroscape x 2
Secret Hitler x 4
Last Bastion
Gloom of Kilforth
Maximum Apocalypse
King of Tokyo
Star Wars RPG

Other games played:
Return to Dark Tower
Dune Imperium
Ark Nova
Dice Throne
Mansions of Madness
Ken Con Gaming

LotR: LCG x 7
Hexplore It
Hoplomachus Remastered x 3
Tiny Epic Dungeons x 2
Too Many Bones x 3
Dragon Dice x 2
Marvel Champions
Heroscape x 2
Secret Hitler x 4
Last Bastion
Gloom of Kilforth
Maximum Apocalypse
King of Tokyo
Star Wars RPG

Other games played:
Return to Dark Tower
Dune Imperium
Ark Nova
Dice Throne
Mansions of Madness

First or second edition Mansions of Madness?
Ken Con Gaming

LotR: LCG x 7
Hexplore It
Hoplomachus Remastered x 3
Tiny Epic Dungeons x 2
Too Many Bones x 3
Dragon Dice x 2
Marvel Champions
Heroscape x 2
Secret Hitler x 4
Last Bastion
Gloom of Kilforth
Maximum Apocalypse
King of Tokyo
Star Wars RPG

Other games played:
Return to Dark Tower
Dune Imperium
Ark Nova
Dice Throne
Mansions of Madness

First or second edition Mansions of Madness?

90% sure it was 2nd.
Got to play Sherolock Holmes Consulting Detective (Jack the Ripper) and Fate of the Elder Gods this weekend!
Played some Catan, Dominion (Guilds, Cornucopia, Prosperity, and 2nd edition base).
It went over very well, so I picked up the 2nd edition Prosperity pack too and am eager to play it.

Also, Disney Sorcerer's Arena is a surprisingly solid skirmish game.

SiegeStorm: SiegeMode
Been exploring the solo mode. It's not bad, though the 1vs1 is clearly better.

* For over a decade I've been hoping that one of my kids would catch the fever for one of the waaaay too many head-to-head card games I have. Clearly not going to happen with 'Wave 1' now 20, 17 and 14, but I do have hope for 'Wave 2,' 4 and 11mths, even if I have a bit of waiting to do. :)
Spring and Autumn: Story of China is due here today. We'll be playing our first game with people who have played Hellenica: Story of Greece (its series predecessor) on Sat. Mar. 28 in a 4 Player. I'll be offering it again in April for newbies to get on board!

Besides waiting the usual Kickstarter year for the game's development, I had input into the subject and some of the philosophies of that famous era (800 BCE), when people like Confucius and Lao Tzu were alive and developing their schools of thought. Later I playtested the prototype online with the designer.

As an expensive "overproduced" game its literally a work of art! I'm getting an all in package with the minis and the game mat as I did for Hellenica.

We had a 3 Player as our first game and we all loved the design! Hooray!
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Unmatched now has a digital edition! With asynchronous multiplayer! Hit me up if you want to play; I just bought it ($8 ) but it looks pretty sweet. Only $12 to get all of the "season 1" DLC which at least triples the number of available heroes (once they finish releasing it).
March gaming:

Dragon Dice x 16
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn x 11
Hoplomachus Remastered x 7
Too Many Bones x 6
LotR LCG: x 17
Hoplomachus Victorum x 4
Secret Hitler x 4
The Resistance Avalon x 2
Drako x 2
Heroscape x 2
Marvel Champions x 2
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza x 2
Tiny Epic Dungeons x 2
Fairy Tile
Gloom of Kilforth
Hexplore It
King of Tokyo
Last Bastion
Maximum Apocalypse