The Great Wall: 4 Player with the Genghis Khan expansion (second time with live opponents for GK). Awaiting notice for TGW Update Kit delivery--reformatted rule book and 19 revised cards. Included our site pals Taeblewalker and Sherman Davies and a mutual friend who was the first to get the game a couple of years ago and bring it over for a first every play. The game has just been reprinted.
Memoir 44 Breakthrough Format: Autumn Mist Fascinating fan scenario at the Battle of the Bulge, including McAuliffe, Patton, and a US Fuel Depot to destroy before the Germans get it! Lost as the US by 1 point. Next month we'll switch sides and play it again. Also four standard format games online on Board Game Arena, which added many more scenarios recently.
The Russian Campaign 5th Edition Finally got this and played a first game. Playing a second on Wednesday. Besides the campaign game there are five scenarios; we've done one and will do a second soon. This was my fourth play, the first back in 1976 and two more last year with older editions.
Heroscape: Sherman Davies scenario with Taeblewalker, Kolakoski, and Thrasher Darkrai (see my signature thread for upcoming photos and details. Played twice with different armies, one with five players and one with four (team games).
Undaunted Stalingrad: Continued our first 2 Player Legacy style campaign with a third and fourth scenario of this brand new design. The game gets better as you progress, with more types of units being brought in, and different battles to fight.
Expected in March: Spring and Autumn: Story of China. This is the sequel to Hellenica: Story of Greece, which we last played around Christmas with its expansion Leaders and Legends. Everyone who has played the latter can't wait for the former! So hopefully a first play in late March will be possible.