• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Welcome to C3V

I think I remember asking about why the Valkrill official cards looked so poor and they were a different printer and quality level compared to the old. More obvious halftone if you look at the closely, cost cutting when they switched to using D&D to keep the game going.
Compare these scans for yourself. I've used BftU as a control (since it had very good production quality on the cards and was very close in time to D3).

:utgar: Feral Troll (BftU) vs. Frost Giant of Morh (D3)

:jandar: Erevan Sunshadow (BftU) vs. Eltahale (D3)

:einar: Tandros Kreel (BftU) vs. Red Wyrmling (D3)

:aquilla: Darrak Ambershard (BftU) vs. Blue Wyrmling (D3)

You can see the D3 ones are less saturated, and it looks like our Art guys from back then decided to reverse engineer what the original cards would have/should have looked like.
Any of you fine gentlemen have a Valkrill basic side template? I've located the advanced side just not the basic. Thanks!
Hey folks, the next PAM (Public Access Member) poll is coming up soon. The list of names on the poll mainly comes from internal suggestions based on people who are engaged and involved in our process, or those who we think have cool ideas that we could benefit from.

In light of some of the recent discussion I thought I would give you all a heads up about that before the names get posted.

If you don't think we would have you in mind but you'd like us to have you in mind, please send me a PM with some reasons why you'd be a great 9-month addition to the C3V. Thanks!
Hey folks, the next PAM (Public Access Member) poll is coming up soon. The list of names on the poll mainly comes from internal suggestions based on people who are engaged and involved in our process, or those who we think have cool ideas that we could benefit from.

In light of some of the recent discussion I thought I would give you all a heads up about that before the names get posted.

If you don't think we would have you in mind but you'd like us to have you in mind, please send me a PM with some reasons why you'd be a great 9-month addition to the C3V. Thanks!

This is great super! I know the community will appreciate you sharing this information. Small steps in the right direction. :)
Hi folks, I'm only going to post about this here one time, as it is a little off-topic. Although I work with C3V as a Designer and SoV as a judge, I am also helping on a similar project to make Lord of the Rings customs. We want to try to serve the community at large with what we make, so please help us out by answering these four quick polls.

To keep this thread on topic, please send any questions or comments to me via PM or to the HoME general discussion thread.

Thanks and I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming... which should be speculating on what will be in C3V's next release, and when it will be!
Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this - I am quite new to Heroscape and I have been collecting everything that I can find. I also collect C3V and SoV units as they have opinion of being very well playtested. However, I didn't find any information on the subject of tournament play - are they allowed by the community or not? Considering that there are no official guidelines at this point (game is not officially supported) and that the very strong community keeps the game alive - are these units already "legal", on par with official units, or still not very much so? They are certainly not some random customs at this point, as far as I can tell. I understand that reviewing proces is very thorough. Thanks!
Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this - I am quite new to Heroscape and I have been collecting everything that I can find. I also collect C3V and SoV units as they have opinion of being very well playtested. However, I didn't find any information on the subject of tournament play - are they allowed by the community or not? Considering that there are no official guidelines at this point (game is not officially supported) and that the very strong community keeps the game alive - are these units already "legal", on par with official units, or still not very much so? They are certainly not some random customs at this point, as far as I can tell. I understand that reviewing proces is very thorough. Thanks!
Excellent question!

There was never a time, even when Heroscape was in production, that there was an "official" tournament scene. It's always been something that local communities run on their own.

As for the C3V/SoV's presence in the current tournament scene, almost every tournament shared on this site seems to permit those units. There are some exceptions, most notably the Gencon events. But most tournaments are local tournaments, and among those, the C3V and SoV units are (as far as I can tell) generally accepted.

It's ultimately a decision that a local tournament director would have to make for him- or herself, for his or her own reasons.
You're welcome. I love to see posts from overseas! I hope all is well for you and yours during these strange days, Duke.
https://role4initiative.com/ is having a great sale today only. They have some nice Tomb Skeleton proxies (archers and guards). They also have zombies. You could probably use some of the generic heroes as proxies for something or other too (or make customs out of them).
