• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Welcome to C3V


The Spartans of HS Tourneys
Welcome to the C3V

(Classic Custom Creators of Valhalla)


We're glad you could stop in. This is the place where you can come to extend your Heroscape game with some amazing, community-approved customs. We hope you take the time to see what this piece of Heroscapers is all about.

Allow me to be your guide into the new era of Classic Heroscape.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Choose some cards to play with: Check out our C3V Books of Index. There you will be able to browse through all the cards that we have designed.
  2. Get the figures: Each Book will list, below the cards, what figures that card uses. You can purchase these figures from many stores, both online and brick-and-mortar.
  3. Print the cards: Each Book has a PDF link under each card. You can download those PDFs by clicking on the links. Save those PDFs to your computer and print them out at home or at a print shop. Then simply cut the cards out and take them to your gaming table.
What? You want to know more about the C3V first? Sure, no problem!

What is the C3V?
C3V is a customs project with the goal of creating fun, reliable, playtested Heroscape customs that are designed to work seamlessly with all other C3V and SoV customs, as well as official Heroscape units.

Our History and Process:
Spoiler Alert!

Is that it?

Nope! There is so much more I'd like to show you ...

What figures are used and where do we get them?
We use figures from other games that look like they will work with official Heroscape sculpts. We list information about a figure being used right in the unit's "Book of" thread for easy reference. After C3V1 (Wave 14), the ERB decided to release information about each figure that has been approved by the ERB in the C3V Public Miniature Information Thread . Every figure the C3V will be using at some point is listed there. It may be in the next wave or another one down the road, but we will use that figure.

How We Choose Figures:
Spoiler Alert!

Can I contribute more to the C3V?
There are many ways to get involved. You can volunteer to playtest, you can make suggestions to the designers, you can author the public books for released C3V units, you can get voted in as a PAM (Public Access Member) by your fellow Heroscapers, or you could even be inducted as an C3V Member or SoV Judge by existing Inner Sanctum members.

Public Playtesting
We always have units ready for you to playtest. Just PM the guys in our Playtesting Department, let them know you're interested, and they'll hook you up.

Suggestion Boxes
The Suggestions for the C3V Design Team thread is where you can make figure, power, and theme suggestions to our design team. Not only do they watch that thread, but all suggestions are posted to a thread in the Inner Sanctum so we can keep track of what our fans want.

The C3V Human Resources Department thread is where you can go to offer suggestions to the entire team, comment on how we are doing, or register complaints. The ERB watches this thread and monitors how the community perceives the project.

Books of C3V/Sov Units
C3V Books of Index
The C3V is a community project, so any community member can author a "Book of" thread for a unit released on the front page or in the Soldiers of Valhalla - display thread. Just PM Dad_Scaper and ask to author a Book. He'll let you know the format and if it is OK to proceed.

PAM (Public Access Member)
Periodically, the Inner Sanctum (which includes current PAMs) makes a list of candidates for a PAM vote. A thread is created for the entire Heroscapers community to vote for a new Public Access Member. The 'scaper with the most votes gets a temporary pass into the Inner Sanctum, with all the voting and posting privileges of a full-time member, including participation in Brainstorming and on Lead Teams.

C3V Membership
C3V Inner Sanctum members
C3V members are voted in by other members. There is no term limit on membership; you are a member until you decide to retire. We periodically bring in new membership after a retirement or when the department heads decide they need to expand and bring in some new blood.

Well, that's it ...

Oh, you have one more question? OK, shoot!

Why use the C3V?
Spoiler Alert!

This concludes our journey through the C3V. I'm glad you took the time to join us on this tour.

I hoped I answered all your questions. If not, please do not hesitate to ask.

Also, one last thing: all important announcements for the C3V (new figures being used, contests, front page and blog alerts, etc) can be found in the C3V Public Announcements Thread.


Promotions Director
C3V ERB Member and SoV Judge Emeritus



Fun C3V Threads:

A special thanks to Infectedsloth for his suggestions about an improved "Welcome to C3V" post. You were an inspiration!
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Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

EVERYONE is always welcome to post here and ask anything that they would like to. :)
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Does "soon" and "they're working on it really hard" count? :)
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

So did everyone notice that Truth updated the front of the site today? ;)
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Congrats C3V, these new units look great. I like how you have decided to release them as well, it really gives us some thing to look forward to. I can't wait to get these new units on my gaming table.
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

So did everyone notice that Truth updated the front of the site today? ;)

Ya! That is what led me to this thread. I have always been curious about the C3V stuff I see posted on this site, but never took the time to take a closer look at what it all was. What a great effort this must have been. These look really neat. Thanks guys. :D
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Are there plans to generate a pdf file with all units that prints more than one per page?
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I just played my first game with C3V figures and they were great. I won't go into all the details, but I personally got to play with four squads of the M-43 Resistance fighters in a 3v3 match. They were a blast! I picked them mainly just to try them, but I loved getting to bring up supports/replacements after I attacked. My opponent's wizard army went essentially untouched because I wouldn't bother pitting my 2-attack resistance fighters against his Haduc-boosted elves. Meanwhile one of my allies was completely decimated, so I didn't end up winning, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to try the other figures and see what else you come up with! I'm looking at finding a way to purchase figures to help with playtesting.
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I just played my first game with C3V figures and they were great. I won't go into all the details, but I personally got to play with four squads of the M-43 Resistance fighters in a 3v3 match. They were a blast! I picked them mainly just to try them, but I loved getting to bring up supports/replacements after I attacked. My opponent's wizard army went essentially untouched because I wouldn't bother pitting my 2-attack resistance fighters against his Haduc-boosted elves. Meanwhile one of my allies was completely decimated, so I didn't end up winning, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Awesome! I am glad you had a good time. Fun is what games are all about, especially with customs when no one is getting paid. :lol: Did you put Kira Jax in your Army?
Keep up the good work! I can't wait to try the other figures and see what else you come up with! I'm looking at finding a way to purchase figures to help with playtesting.
Proxies dude, proxies. Just grab some other figures that you have and use them as whatever it is you are playtesting with. If you have a friend or group that wants to playtest, you can even use their stuff. Thanks for your future playtests, we need all the community support/help we can get.
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Are there plans to generate a pdf file with all units that prints more than one per page?

Very likely, once everything is complete.
Do we know if we're going to get a "all cards this wave" pdf, with multiple cards per page? That would make them a lot nicer to print out, now that all the cards are revealed.
That's not something on our Art Team's to-do list.

There are others, not in the C3V, who may want to try to put something like that together.
Three pages of one-off heroes. Two more for the five Commons, especially if you add the Zombie Hulk's card.

Any idea when this would be done (and by whom)? :grandfather: (Before or after NHSD?)
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Did you put Kira Jax in your Army?
I did not have her. I want to try her. It would have been great to have her around, because I could have used her ability on Haduc and the pesky wizards near him.

Proxies dude, proxies. Just grab some other figures that you have and use them as whatever it is you are playtesting with. If you have a friend or group that wants to playtest, you can even use their stuff. Thanks for your future playtests, we need all the community support/help we can get.

I'm waiting for more pieces to be available for playtesting. I definitely want to get in on it.
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Until you pick up the actual mini (or a better proxy), just use Trinity (from the Krav) or one of the Nakitas to be Kira. Any of those would be fine, imo.

I use a female Mage Knight unit for my Kira. She is a lot of fun to play, though mostly a filler, of course.
Re: Welcome to C3V!!!

Our next set of nominations for the Public Access Program have been announced and a new poll will be up shortly.