• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Welcome to C3G! – Directory


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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Welcome to C3G: The Comic Custom Creators Guild!


Art by @Sam

What is C3G?

The Comic Custom Creators Guild, colloquially known as The C3G Project, is a collaborative project that produces Heroscape content based on superheroes and other comic franchises. Since 2009, members of C3G have collaborated to design over 1300 custom units to be played with one another.

While C3G products are not officially endorsed by Hasbro, The C3G Project is highly regarded as one of the most successful and credible customs projects for Heroscape. Every C3G unit is playtested and balanced within the C3G system. We recommend playing C3G units by themselves for the best experience.

How do I start playing C3G?
Getting started with a new game system can be daunting. Here, you will find some simple steps to follow in order to get going.

  1. Choose some cards to play with: The C3G Books of Index thread contains links to every C3G unit, sortable alphabetically, by point cost, and by release date. The thread is continuously updated with the latest releases. The Sortable Index is a downloadable excel sheet with the same information.

  2. Get the figures: Each unit's Book thread contains blue text detailing which mini(s) the cards use. You can purchase these figures from many stores and online retailers. Most units use Heroclix figures, which are often cheap and widely available at vendors such as TrollAndToad and CoolStuffInc.

  3. Print the cards: Each unit's Book contains high resolution cards in JPG and PDF format. You can download and save cards to your computer and print them out at home or at a print shop. The X Minus 2 Customs Card Printer is a popular tool for printing C3G cards.

  4. Check out the extras: C3G uses the same rules as classic Heroscape, but also includes some Optional Rules to enhance the gameplay experience. You can find these rules, as well as numerous Destructible Objects, Glyphs, Maps, and Spells in the C3G Books of Index underneath the units.

How can I be a part of C3G?

C3G is open and welcoming to all. Please read our C3G Goals and Process thread to learn how our process works. Everyone is allowed and encouraged to post in any of our threads. Our design process is very collaborative and opinions from onlookers often prove to be more valuable than those of the core designers.

The easiest and most helpful contribution you can make to the project beyond participation in discussion is playtesting units. C3G playtests every unit multiple times to ensure their point cost and powers are balanced within the game system. Public participation in playtesting helps us design units faster and makes sure they are just as fun an balanced as we envision them. Check out the C3G Playtesting Sign-Ups thread to get involved.

If you are interested in designing your own C3G units, the Public Design Workshop is a thread where anyone can post and discuss design ideas they are working on or thinking about. This thread also contains specific details regarding how to make one of your designs official once you have been recognized as a regular contributor, otherwise known as an Ally.

Questions, comments, and our directory

We encourage all onlookers to post their questions, comments, and feedback in this thread and our other threads. In the next post, you will find a directory of all important C3G threads. If something is missing from the directory, let us know!
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C3G Directory
If there is something missing or something you would like to add, please comment on this thread and let us know!


Books of Index – Links to all released units.
Jumpstart Guide – How to get started playing C3G.
Goals & Procedures of the Project – An overview of C3G goals and production guidelines.
Membership List – Current Heroes, Legends, Sidekicks, Allies, and Art Department members.
Promotions Department – News on recent and upcoming releases.
Question Dump & Advice Column – Have a question? This is the place.
Rules for Playing C3G – All required and optional rules needed to play.
Sortable Spreadsheet of Figures - a sheet of all the official figures used on C3G cards for easy shopping


Ally and Fan Reward Thread – Spend Reward Points on design threads and more.
Points Update - An update to how points are awarded for MODS & figure tutorials (Paint/MOD).
Playtesting FAQ – Have a question about playtesting? Ask it here.
Playtesting Sign-Ups – Help ensure our units are balanced and get rewarded.
Playtesting Strategies, Builds, and Tips – General advice for playtesting effectively.
Public Design Nominations – Nominate and vote on the next public design.
Public Design Workshop – A place to post your design ideas and comments on others.
How to Lead a C3G Design - Learn how to earn a design slot and lead the design once you earn it.
Public Map & Scenario Submissions – A place to post your map and scenario ideas.
Poll: Most Popular Unannounced Characters – A place to vote your favorite characters C3G is yet to design.


Official C3G Discord Server – Chat and hangout with C3G members any time, anywhere.

Hangout Cave – General hangout and fun conversation.
Battle Reports – A place to share your game experiences.
Glyph Pool Discussion – Discussion regarding which glyphs you use when you play.
Human Resources Department – Voice your complaints about the project in good light.
Meet-Ups – Arrange online or in-person Heroscape games.
Member Interviews – An inside look at some of our past and present members.
SuperHeroScape Online – General thread regarding online C3G games.


Blank Book for New Designs – Use this when starting a new design thread.
Design Process Checklist – Things to keep in mind during the design process.
Mini Photo Depository – A place to post and find mini photos to use for card art.
Point Valuation System - Spreadsheet for estimating point values of designs
Sortable Spreadsheet – A list of units searchable by stats and powers.
Sisyphus' Probability Tables - A breakdown of probabilities of event occurrences.
C3G Approved Properties - A list of specifically approved and disapproved C3G designs.


Faction Workshop: Agents of Atlas – Post your ideas for Agents of Atlas units here.
Faction Workshop: Alpha Flight – Post your ideas for Alpha Flight units here.
Faction Workshop: Amalgam Comics - Post your ideas for Amalgam Comics units here.
Faction Workshop: Avatar: The Last Airbender- Post your ideas for Avatar units here.
Faction Workshop: Dark Avengers/Cabal/HAMMER – Post your ideas for Dark Reign units here.
Faction Workshop: Doctor Who – Post your ideas for Doctor Who units here.
Faction Workshop: Dredd'verse – Post your ideas for 2000AD units here.
Faction Workshop: Godzilla – Post your ideas for Godzilla units here.
Faction Workshop: Justice League Dark – Post your ideas for Justice League Dark units here.
Faction Workshop: Modern Cosmic Marvel – Post your ideas for Marvel Cosmic units here.
Faction Workshop: My Hero Academia – Post your ideas for MHA units here.
Faction Workshop: New 52 DC Rebirth – Post your ideas for New 52 DC Rebirth units here.
Faction Workshop: Overwatch - Post your ideas for units from the video game Overwatch here.
Faction Workshop: New Gods/Fourth World – Post your ideas for Fourth World units here.
Faction Workshop: Robots - Post your ideas for androids and android-friendly units here.
Faction Workshop: Spider-Verse/Spider-Family - Post your ideas for friends of Spider-Man and wacky alternate universe Spider-Folks here
Faction Workshop: Valiant Universe – Post your ideas for Valiant Universe units here.
Faction Workshop: Venom – Post your ideas for Venom-related designs here.
Hero Workshop: Dr. Jekyll - See what Dr. Jekyll is working on.
Legend Workshop: japes – See what japes is working on.
Legend Workshop: Karat – See what Karat is working on.
Legend Workshop: Scapemage – See what Scapemage is working on.
Legend Workshop: Arkham – See what Arkham is working on.
Legend Workshop: IAmBatman – See what IAmBatman is working on.
Legend Workshop: Quozl – See what Quozl is working on.
Legend Workshop: Spidey'tilIdie – See what Spidey'tilIdie is working on.
Legend Workshop: Lazy Orang – See what Lazy Orang is working on.


Base Product Options – Recommendations for rebasing figures.
X Minus 2 Customs Card Printer – An easy tool for compiling Army Cards to print.
C3G Rules – Answers regarding confusing powers.
Map Department – Headquarters for C3G Mapmakers.
Figures that Require Customization – A list of units that use modded or painted minis.
Markers Used by C3G Units – A collection of all units that use special markers.
Rebasing Tutorial (Hahma) – How to rebase units onto Impact or Cavalier bases.
Rebasing Tutorial (Grishnakh) – How to rebase units without external bases.
Terrain Dept – How to create your own custom terrain.
Poker Sized Playing Cards
Tabletop Simulator Links - resources for playing C3G on Tabletop Simulator


General Strategy Discussion – Questions, comments, and concerns about C3G strategy.
C3G Faction Guides - Learn how to play cards designs to play together
C3G Strategy Discussions – A list of units, their power levels and best uses.
Reevaluation Requests – Think a unit is too strong or too weak? Post about it here.
Synergy Archive – A list of all interactions and synergies between units.
Tips for Playing Various Units – How to effectively use a variety of units.
What's in an Order Marker (C3G Style) – A guide to thinking about C3G strategically.
Rock-Paper-Scissors: Competitive Play 101

:grandfather: HISTORY

How C3G Differed from TNT and NM24 – How different groups influenced C3G.
Insight on C3G's Conception – The ideas behind the beginning of the project.
The Thread that Started it All (2009) – Discussion of the World's Finest Master Set.
April Fools Day (2011) – A collection of joke threads.
Community Input (2011) – Feedback from the public.
Secret Wars (2013) – An interactive event using fantasy teams.
C3G Events (2013) – An interactive battle royale.
I'm a C3G'er (2014) – The stories behind many members and why they love C3G.
What Got You Into C3G? (2014) – Insight on where our members came from.
Community Input v 2.0 (2014) – Feedback from the public.
Community Input v 3.0 (2016) – Feedback from the public.
12 Questions to Help Shape Our Future (2018.) – Future wishes and thoughts from members.
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Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Outdated or Irrelevant Threads
Want to join C3G?
Bookkeeper Department
Power Marker PDF
Proxy Resources
Tutorial for Dummies
Power Rankings (Scapemage)
Custom Figure Brainstorming
Definitive Lists
Membership Sign-Up
Recommended Stacking Counters that can proxy as Markers
Reward Shop

Previous OP:
Spoiler Alert!

Previous SP:
Spoiler Alert!


Looking good! I would add a line about withdrawing designs that don't generate interest. Also for testing optional rulesets, it may not always be possible on BoV maps, due to the nature of the rules (I'm thinking specifically of the Vehicle Rules, since none of those maps may be big and/or flat enough).
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Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

April Fools Day Prank 2011 Threads

C3G April Fools: What did you think?
Is this going to stay open?
Our Darkest Secret
Compatibility Discussion
The NEW Power Symbols Discussion Thread
The Book of Glyph of Infectious Disease
Sanctum Voting Thread
Marvel Studios going under
Free GALACTUS figures!!!
The Book of Iron Man
2011 Release Schedule
DC is scheduled to be bought out by DREAM WORKS
Sidekick & Ally Discussions #7
Destructible Objects
Spider-Man Clone Saga Master Set
The Book of Sticky-Web Equipment Glyph
Welcome Back to the Inner Sanctum!
Amazing Bag Man


I think it looks good as well.

I think it's important to remember, once we get into creating individual threads, that each unit/rule/whatever is still not "yours": it's a C3G design. So those last bits of each paragraph, "Collaborative changes should be expected"? Those are the most important.
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Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Looking good! I would add a line about withdrawing designs that don't generate interest. Also for testing optional rulesets, it may not always be possible on BoV maps, due to the nature of the rules (I'm thinking specifically of the Vehicle Rules, since none of those maps may be big and/or flat enough).

Good points! I think that there will always be some exceptions to the above, especially for optional rules, so I don't think that one's really an issue. I'll add that line about withdrawing (always forget about that).

I think it looks good as well.

I think it's important to remember, once we get into creating individual threads, that each unit/rule/whatever is still not "yours": it's a C3G design. So those last bits of each paragraph, "Collaborative changes should be expected"? Those are the most important.

Exactly! As much as I want this to promote individual initiative, the feelings of ownership should be group wide. You're directing the individual project, but it's still a collaborative project.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Looking good! I would add a line about withdrawing designs that don't generate interest. Also for testing optional rulesets, it may not always be possible on BoV maps, due to the nature of the rules (I'm thinking specifically of the Vehicle Rules, since none of those maps may be big and/or flat enough).

Good points! I think that there will always be some exceptions to the above, especially for optional rules, so I don't think that one's really an issue. I'll add that line about withdrawing (always forget about that).

I think it looks good as well.

I think it's important to remember, once we get into creating individual threads, that each unit/rule/whatever is still not "yours": it's a C3G design. So those last bits of each paragraph, "Collaborative changes should be expected"? Those are the most important.

Exactly! As much as I want this to promote individual initiative, the feelings of ownership should be group wide. You're directing the individual project, but it's still a collaborative project.

Thanks to Bats and Griff for getting this thing put together:thumbsup:

Great points were made by GreyOwl and Necro.

I was going to suggest it but GO beat me to it, we should have the right (after a vote) to withdrawal someone's design if for whatever reason they are not generating interest after a fair time frame. If someone knows ahead of time that they are going to be on vacation or being extremely busy for an extended period of time, they shouldn't post a design just to hold it until they get back, they should have the courtesy of waiting until they can be "around" to contribute before posting a new design. The great thing about this new way of doing this is if for whatever reason, someone can't participate for a while, they won't hold things up and are welcome to join in when they know it's a good time for them. Conversely, it also allows for those who can stay around and contribute consistently, to have a better chance of getting characters/rules/scenarios etc. that they want created and passed through the C3G system, so you are rewarded for active participation.

Necro's point is great as well in that despite who comes up with the initial design, it's not going to be "theirs" once it's passed through. It's going to be a C3G design. We all know how things look in the beginning and how they look when they are done. We have a variety of people here with a variety of skills and points of view to bring to the table. Some know the game inside and out and the rules like the back of their hand, some are artistically inclined, some know about certain characters more than others and visa versa. What makes for a great C3G card is the passion and various experience levels and points of view of the contributors. Anyone wanting to be involved with this need to know this ahead of time.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Great post, Hahma! And that's why I like keeping the Heroes and Sidekicks only requirement - so people know what it's all about before starting a Design Thread.
I'm not sure if we need to be able to as a group decide to withdraw a design thread. If someone wants to start a thread but then go completely inactive, that's their fault, and we can just ignore it - they won't be able to post any new designs until their design thread goes through the process, so they're only penalizing themselves.
Of course, I suppose there will be some cases where someone claims, for instance, a unit that we're all interested in, and then disappears. If that happens, I can always update the first post in lieu of the original designer or we can vote as a group to close the thread and someone new can step to the plate. Hopefully we won't have many cases where a group decision to lock down a design thread is necessary, but it could come up.
The great thing about C3G, too, is that we can always just vote to make anything happen if circumstances we didn't anticipate arise.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Thanks and I agree with the rest of what you said. :D
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Looks good to me. There's nothing about map design or are you expecting all maps to have a scenario attached? Which wouldn't be an issue for me as I don't put up maps without a scenario or two :p. In the initial thread the scenario design doesn't make it sound like you are designing the map as well just making scenario for an existing map, and I think that's probably the best way to do it. But we should promote Map design as well. Or because this is in a character design thread you don't want to do maps here? I can understand that as well but I think it would be nice to have C3G approved maps.

BTW I never suggested the design side be an open slather event which was why I suggested the sponsorship idea, but hey I'm cool with your reasoning I didn't know you were looking to opening the sidekick role so wide, which is fine & I think works well also. Is there a separate badge for a side kick, as your response made it sound like there should be one & I don't have one.:cry:

Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

I really think that if people are interested in making Maps without Scenarios attached, they're more likely to be competitive maps (there's really no way to playtest non-competitive maps without scenarios attached). The best place for work like that is the Best of Marvel maps thread or the Best of Valhalla maps thread, depending on what people are working on.
Maps are cool and all, but unless they're associated with a scenario, I don't really feel that's the domain of this project.
Ah, and you don't have a badge, do you? Oops! Need to fix that right away. :)
Go to the User CP screen and then the Group Membership link on the left. Then go to the Comics Customs Creators Guild and click "join group." Let me know you've done so after you do it, so I can go and make sure you're approved. Then, bam, you should have a badge! :)
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

So if someone wanted to design a scenario are you saying they can only use approved BOM maps or are you saying that C3G will be approving a scenario if it has it's own map & we put both the scenario & map through scrutiny?

Membership requested :D.

Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

I actually think we could fill a niche that BoV doesn't by allowing submissions of maps that are not meant for competitive play. Someone may want to build a really cool city map for superhero battles, but it may not have to have a scenario attached to it, right? We'd just have to make it clear that our review of the map is not for competitive purposes, but only for playability, stability, and theme.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

C3G will be approving a scenario if it has its own map and we will definitely be putting each scenario and map through scrutiny unless they happen to be using a BoM map. But even then we'll be putting the map through scrutiny for how it works with the scenario.
Really, though, with the map usage being scenario based, we don't have to have the same type of scrutiny BoM or BoV have. We're not testing to see if the map works for competitive play - we're only testing to make sure the build instructions aren't flawed, the map actually stays together, and that the map works for the scenario (and that the scenario works in general). So it's really a horse of a different color. You could end up using a BoV map and while it's a great map for tourney play, it ends up being horrible for the scenario you create.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

I actually think we could fill a niche that BoV doesn't by allowing submissions of maps that are not meant for competitive play. Someone may want to build a really cool city map for superhero battles, but it may not have to have a scenario attached to it, right? We'd just have to make it clear that our review of the map is not for competitive purposes, but only for playability, stability, and theme.

Noncompetitive maps are great. I love them. But there's really very little to "test" with them outside of scenario use if they're noncompetitive maps. That's why I didn't end up going with maps as a separate category.

Membership requested :D.

You're not a member?!!

I officially nominate A3n!!!

He's been officially voted in as a sidekick, I'd just forgotten to tell him all about the badges until today.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

Ohhh shiny badge. Pretty.
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

I agree. Once the X-Men set is done, we'll shift focus to waves in general and I can unsticky both the X-Men thread and the World's Finest thread in favor of a single thread that has links to all active Development threads (I actually might just use this thread's first post for that purpose) and then a single "Release Thread" where we'll update the first post with the most recent "release" and we'll also have links to the "books" of each unit once they're released and changed into "books." The Design thread for each unit will eventually become a "book of" thread for that same unit. We will need to start individual threads for the books of each of the World's Finest units and Glyphs eventually, though ...
Re: The Life Of A C3G Design

My hat's off to you Bats, you have a lot of work just organising all this never lone participating. And it appears you have done a lot of thinking around it also.
