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Wasp (Janet Van Dyne)


C3G Landlord
Site Supporter
Wasp (Janet Van Dyne)


Card PDF




LIFE = 1

MOVE = 5


Range 2. Attack 1.
Instead of Wasp's move through attack phases, she may maneuver up to 4 spaces. Wasp may attack up to 2 times with this special attack at any point during the maneuver. Defenders cannot roll defense.

Wasp is never in clear sight of non-adjacent enemies and only takes swipes from Tiny figures.

Wasp is a priority target. Figures engaged with Wasp can only attack priority targets.

WORLDS COLLIDE: Granted the ability to shrink, grow wings, and fire blasts of energy, wealthy socialite Janet Van Dyne charges into adventures as the Wasp!

Resources and Rulings
  • The suggested figure for this unit is a Heroclix figure: Chaos War #030 / Wasp and Chaos War Fast Forces #004 / Wasp.
  • See this card's wiki page for synergies and strategies.
  • Legacy design: Hahma
  • Card art: Arkham
  • Comic creators: Stan Lee, Ernie Hart, & Jack Kirby
  • N/A
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I figured out that the first Synergy section is suppose to be outgoing, while the second is for incoming. I'll return the other ones I've done to that format.

As for Wasp, just want to make sure @Ronin is happy with how the SA ended up. Then I wasted to ask if anyone wanted a different personality here since it seems pretty limited in use.
Is it weird for her not to have the Stealth symbol? I realize Tiny figures can still get swipes on her, so it doesn't save much space to word it the other way around.

• Stealth - This figure does not take swipes during a move action.

Daring Decoy should say "ability" in the place of "special power."
I asked about that in the other thread when I first brought her up. It seemed as though some wanted to keep the tiny fights in place. I think someone mentioned the name of the ability 'Tiny Stealth' would be odd without the stealth aspect. I'll go review what was said in the other thread.

Will update Daring Decoy.
Wondering if we can rework Daring Decoy into something that claims less design space. I’ve been told several times that similar mechanics don’t work because, combined with Daring Decoy, they break the game.

I almost want to create some sort of priority target system that figures can slot into. I know that probably doesn’t make sense, but I’m imagining something like this.
Wasp is a priority target. Figures engaged with Wasp can only attack priority targets.
Then other powers could work within that same system and stack with DD.

Also wonder if making the ability more active could work.
If a figure engaged with Wasp would target a figure other than Wasp for an attack, you may have them target Wasp instead.
I like both of those. Technically two figures with the second version could have you ping pong back and forth forever, but I think that as long as no players are being butts, it works fine. Obviously the intent that you have to let them attack one of them is pretty clear. The first one introduces a new term but seems pretty clean.
Doing something with DD was mentioned in the other thread as well, but no solutions. I'm fine with either direction.
Daring Decoy is definitely one I think of as an issue and I like both directions for a fix. :up:

I think the SA saying that it replaces her move + attack phases is the key thing and that's in place.
Cool. I see I never updated the Maneuver wording away from the short hand I prefer. So lets sort that out.

Instead of using Wasp's Move and Attack Phases, you may Maneuver up to 4 spaces with Wasp. During this Maneuver, Wasp may attack up to 2 times with this special attack at any point before, during, or after the Maneuver. When Wasp attacks a figure that is not a destructible object with this special attack, the figure cannot roll defense dice.

Are the red parts what you all want when referencing a Maneuver then?
Loving the movement we are building up. Feels like we are accomplishing something. Even though I know we were...now we have proof. :D
Maneuver with the red text looks good to me. Not sure we need to capitalize "maneuver" though? But still hoping for the next version of the style guide to get a better idea of what to capitalize or not. I felt like I was capitalizing way too much in the rulebook, so I put most stuff in lowercase and figured I can go in and edit it to capitalize stuff later once we iron that all out.

Loving the movement we are building up. Feels like we are accomplishing something. Even though I know we were...now we have proof. :D

Yep, it's pretty great.
Yeah, I'm not the one to be making final decisions on what gets capitalized and what doesn't. My internal default setting is to capitalize words that seem to carry greater importance so they pop out when quickly scanning the text. As such I capitalize most abilities/keywords/game terms without thinking about it as those are the things I'm looking for when trying to quickly process the information. Looking at what else is not capitalized in the text I'm guessing you are correct and maneuver should be lower case. So I'll update it accordingly.

The one thing I will advocate for is keeping Attack Phase/Attack Action capitalized, while attack is left lower case. It will help distinguish between these two different game terms that both use 'attack' in it's description.
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Wondering if we can rework Daring Decoy into something that claims less design space. I’ve been told several times that similar mechanics don’t work because, combined with Daring Decoy, they break the game.

I almost want to create some sort of priority target system that figures can slot into. I know that probably doesn’t make sense, but I’m imagining something like this.
Wasp is a priority target. Figures engaged with Wasp can only attack priority targets.
Then other powers could work within that same system and stack with DD.

Also wonder if making the ability more active could work.
If a figure engaged with Wasp would target a figure other than Wasp for an attack, you may have them target Wasp instead.

Circling back around to this, it seems everyone is on board with making an update to DD & both options were well received. So I'll go out on a limb here and back the first idea as my preference. It's shorter and more to the point. I also think the Priority Target concept is something we might be able to work with in other interesting ways going forward, so defining it now in the rule book (and introducing in on a starter deck card) seems like a good idea.
Also no one has commented on my question about her personality. I'm fine either way, but it we are trying to move towards more general use Personalities now is the time to make a change here.
I like the priority target thing too.

Yeah, removing one-off personalities and consolidating when it makes sense sounds like a good plan. Don't know the character either so no suggestions from me.
I think saying "priority target" the way it is in the text defines it clearly enough without having to mention a thing in the rulebook.

I kind of like Tenacious and Colossal Boy has it too, but if we were to change it, I'd suggest either Daring or Bold.
Alright updated Daring Decoy with Nobody's priority target suggestion. Last thing to sort before the vote is her personality. So quick poll. Here are the options presented.

A. Leave personality Tenacious
B. Change personality to Brave
C. Change personality to Bold
D. Change personality to Daring.
Bold and daring both seem fitting. It sure of the current breakdown of how many others use those.
Spider-Woman (Jessica)
Gohan (Kid)
Flash (Justice League)
Spider-Woman (Avengers)
Ultra Boy
Black Ranger
Flash (Barry)
Speedy (Roy)

Aaron Cash
5th Precinct Beat Cops
Tornado Twin
Wonder Girl (Donna)

Rip Cord
Mister Miracle
Atom (Ray)
Robin (Dick)
Kid Flash (Bart)

I'd be good with either Bold or Daring, but I guess I'll lean slightly towards C, just so we don't have all the Daring Decoys as Daring. :p
It’s all the same to me really, but I’ll toss a vote for Brave as Bats’ logic makes sense.
Looks like C (Bold) is the acceptable front runner at the moment. Will update and call for the Art vote later tonight.