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Warmachine/Hordes by Privateer Press

Yes, that Khador beast-of-a-warjack. The name escapes me, but I believe its one of the character type 'jacks.
Some more Skorne figures I've finished:

Tyrant Xerxis:






Archdomina Makeda:




Titan Gladiator:



Oh yeah, those kick rear. I like your choice of colors. The silver armor with touches of reds, to me, looks better than the traditional red armor. It really looks well on Xerxis. Very nice, Newbie.8)
Thanks, Boom! I flipped the standard Skorne colors since painting red is a pain. After a few test figures, the steel w/red looked good and decided to stick with it.

After a long time and some consideration, I am going to be painting my Everblight in an undead color scheme, with the grayish green skin, bone white armor protrusions and the like.

Great job on those Skorne Newb!
Plus I have battle boxes for Khador, Menoth and Merc (almost finished) for you to try out. My only Hordes army is the Skorne.
Yes, that Khador beast-of-a-warjack. The name escapes me, but I believe its one of the character type 'jacks.

The Beast warjack is named Beast-09, Sorscha's. It is 4 spd, 12 str, 6 Mat, 3 RAT, 10 DEF, 20 ARF and a damage grid just like every other Khador warjack.

It has 3 melee weapons, an open fist, an ice axe (p+s 19) and a head spike.

Affinity with Sorscha: Eager - it can reroll failed charge and slam attempts.

It gets an additional damage die on heat butt, slam and trample attacks.

Runs without spending a focus

Any time it suffers damage, it can move its Speed toward what damaged it.

Can spend a focus to get an extra die for attack rolls against living models

Ice axe has reach, thresher and critical freeze

Costs 126 points
Oh, Roland, you are correct as well, Vlad's jack is called Drago and is a Berserker with two axes and doesnt explode if it is within Vlad's control area, or something like that.
I am starting to put together a list of new units, namely a couple new warlocks to test out, harriers, and I am debating on a few of the medium warbeasts for my Legion of Everblight.
I recently picked up a box of Venators and an Ancestral Guardian for my Skorne. I really don't know how well they'll work in the game, but I liked the sculpts on all, so there you go. The venators should at least help me with range when we expand up to 500 points.
Venators and the AG are excellent units. Venators have CRA which allows them to move, combine attack with one other Venator and get the same bonus equal to the aiming bonus. They can also do a some nasty damage to one figure with one big CRA plus their bonus damage versus medium and large based models. They also are souls to fuel up the AG. AGs are excellent but you have to time their usage. They are extremely useful with Immortals (my favorite Skorne infantry unit) who get buffed by the AGs using their powers. Another excellent unit is the Praetorian Swordsman. Inexpensive and very effective especially with some buffs from some of the Skorne Warlocks (and more souls for the AG).

Drago is one of my favorite 'Jacks and plan on picking it up just to put together and paint and I don't even play Khador.

Thanks for the info, Newbie, now I'm glad I made the purchases. I'm excited to paint up the Ancestral Guardian and I also like the Immortals. I see them more of a clay color, like the Chinese terracotta warriors, but I'll figure something out when I snag them. My AG will be the test paint.
Finally broke out the camera to snap a couple of shots of my first Minion. Now I've got to force myself to finish Magnus' battle group. Here's the Totem Hunter.


Thanks to Heroscape I was able to get my friends into miniature gaming. We all saw Hordes and fell in love with it. I've ordered some Trollbloods, my one friend Circle, and my other plans on getting Legion. Some questions if anyone feels like answering.

1. I already have a good idea of what Trollbloods I want but what are some good Circle/Legion figures my friends should pick up?
2. Are the Tharns as BA as they look?
3. Tiberius, next Western PA tourney I make, if my army is up and running could we play a match or two?

Anyway my demo was quite awesome, books are sitting at home ready for me to read, and warpacks to be painted. Can't wait!!!
Most of my mini's are in New Castle JediNate but I will see about getting something to transport them. I would definately be up for a match or two.
Lol, I looked at my above post, and the first thought that came into my mind was " Says the guy who has $500 worth of warhammer minis, and has spent nearly 500 hours of worth of painting on his army".

Maybe its time I got into this game, as Games workshop is raising prices, AGAIN. What is the most money I should plan on spending for a 500 pt army?
Most companies are raising prices based on rising cost of materials. I think the privateer press stuff is pretty good, the game is fun, I even tried out the new Mark II rules and they seemed to be pretty balanced for the most part.