Yes, that Khador beast-of-a-warjack. The name escapes me, but I believe its one of the character type 'jacks.
The Beast warjack is named Beast-09, Sorscha's. It is 4 spd, 12 str, 6 Mat, 3 RAT, 10 DEF, 20 ARF and a damage grid just like every other Khador warjack.
It has 3 melee weapons, an open fist, an ice axe (p+s 19) and a head spike.
Affinity with Sorscha: Eager - it can reroll failed charge and slam attempts.
It gets an additional damage die on heat butt, slam and trample attacks.
Runs without spending a focus
Any time it suffers damage, it can move its Speed toward what damaged it.
Can spend a focus to get an extra die for attack rolls against living models
Ice axe has reach, thresher and critical freeze
Costs 126 points