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VLP's Custom Marvel & DC & a few others


New member
Hi everyone,

Here I am posting links to some of the Marvel characters that my son and I have made. Some are characters that I haven't found elsewhere on the forums and others are characters that I have modified a little. I will also be adding DC characters and a few others from time to time.

I welcome your feedback on the card designs as well as the characters themselves and their playability.

Hope you enjoy these.

High Evolutionary

Red Shift
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7t3i4utbau4ayq/Red Shift.jpg

Silver Surfer


I am planning on adding Air Walker and Morg very soon.

Here is one I did just for fun because my son and I are Dr. Who fans.

Dr. Who
If I'm being honest, I think Silver Surfer and Thanos have too many powers on their card. I know that they have a bevy of powers, but so does Superman. The real trick to making Heroscape cards (One that I feel the designers did pretty well with the original Marvelscape I might add) is that you need to be creative in the way you represent various powers on a card. For instance, Spiderman can climb walls and web swing, but the designers realized that making a power that allowed Spidey to climb walls would just be redundant if he had Web Swing. So they made WS usable in more instances to represent the fact that he could travel in more ways than one.
I am glad you took a shot at the High Evolutionary. He is moderately prominent character and yet there are very few cards made for him, perhaps because he is really hard to capture.

My question is how you priced a character like him. I have a number of epic characters that are very difficult to price and I always like hearing methods/ideas. I have playtested my epic characters upwards of 10-15 time and am still making periodic tweaks.

EDIT: Was also going to add that on the HE card, it looks like your image was stretched. Either that or it was just a poor image to start with. It ultimately doesn't matter for game play, but I know that I won't use a card if it doesn't look nice. Just me being picky, but thought it would be an easy thing to change.
I like how you started your review "If I'm being honest", sounded like Simon Cowel on American Idol. I really appreciate your honest assessment. You are right, too many powers. I know it should be 3 and maybe 4 at the very most. I made adjustments to both cards removing some powers so the cards aren't so cluttered. Thanks for your input. What you all did with the C3G customizations is amazing.
The point total for HE is just an estimate based on other Event Hero's like Galacticus and Anti-Monitor and where I figured HE fit compared to them. My son and I are going to start playing testing him. I put his card up just to get some feedback even though I haven't played tested him yet.

And you are right, the picture is stretched some. It was the picture I liked the most but it didn't quit fit. I can fix that. I feel the same way, I won't use a card if I don't like how it looks. That's all part of being immersed in the game.

Thanks for your input.
Might I suggest that you type up your powers here as well. If I had an easy post to quote that contained powers I would be happy to make suggestions there as well. Cards are looking better, BTW! My experience of Event Heroes is that heavy tweaking usually take place once you playtest them a couple times.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I imagine there will be a lot of tweaking. Even with the other Unique Hero's I've made because I haven't play tested them yet. When I get a chance I will post the powers for each of these characters. I appreciate any advice you can give. I'm very new to this (only found out about Heroscape about a month ago).

Anyway here is Air Walker

Air Walker
https://www.dropbox.com/s/stturwbm774azem/Air Walker.jpg
Powers for my Hero's.

High Evolutionary
Genetic Manipulation
Range 3. Attack Special.
High Evolutionary may choose any
or all characters within 3 spaces of
High Evolutionary. Chosen characters
lose all Special Abilities for the rest
of this Round and the next Round,
this includes Super Strength and
Flying abilities.
Cosmic Destination
Instead of his normal move, High
Evolutionary may use Cosmic
Destination to move to any space, regardless of height, within 12 spaces of High Evolutionary. If High
Evolutionary uses Cosmic Destination
he may not attack this turn.
At the end of each round remove 2
Wound Markers from High
Evolutionary's card.
Life 25
Move 6
Range 5
Attack 8
Defense 7
Points 2200
Powers for my Hero's.

Cosmic Hand Blast
Range 5. Attack 5.
When Thanos attacks with this ability he may attack twice. He can attack 1 figure twice or 2 figures once.
Rejected Death
At start of each of your turns after Thanos has been destroyed, roll the 20 sided die. If you roll a 19 or higher, immediately place Thanos on a space adjacent to any figure you control and remove all Wound Markers on Thanos' card.
When Thanos is attacked with a normal attack he
gets 1 automatic shield.

Life 9
Move 5
Range 6
Attack 6
Defense 7
Points 585
Powers for my Hero's.

Red Shift
Flaming Swords
Attack Special.
Red Shift may attack 2 times this turn. When he does he attacks with 5 dice each time. He may attack the same opponent twice or 2 different opponents once.
Cosmic Portal
When Red Shift is attacked by a ranged attack he may open a Cosmic Portal. If he does all the skulls rolled against him are redirected towards his opponent. His opponent must roll its defense die against the attack.
Black Hole
Red Shift may open a Black Hole on any space within 6 spaces of Red Shift. When he does all figures within 5 spaces of the Black Hole are pulled into the Black Hole. Place those figures adjacent to the Black Hole space.

Life 9
Move 6
Range 1
Attack 7
Defense 5
Points 485
If it helps at all, here is my Korvac card. It has been playtested by a number of people over 10-15 games and I am pretty happy with the cost (so far...long process with epic characters). Perhaps some rough comparisons will help you narrow some more?

Powers of my Hero's.

Air Walker
Summon Lightning
Range 3. Attack Special.
Air Walker may us Summon Lightning on any figures within 3 spaces of Air Walker. When he does roll the attack dice twice. With the first roll use 5 attack dice, with the second use 3 attack dice. Opponents roll defense dice seperately for each attack.
Weather Control
Instead of moving this turn Air Walker may use Weather Control to create a dense fog around himself. If he does, no opponent can attack him unless they are adjacent to Air Walker.
Hyper Speed 4
After taking a turn with Air Walker he may move up to an additional 4 spaces.

Life 8
Move 7
Range 6
Attack 6
Defense 6
Points 510
Thanks badgermaniac. As I mentioned before I am very new to this. So I have a question about play testing. I just took a guess for HE at 2200 points. To test that, should I put together an army of around 2200 points to battle HE, if he easily defeats them raise his points, if he is easily defeated, lower his points?
Basically yes. However, you also have to look at circumstances (really good or bad die rolls for instance), what map you played on, and things of that nature. You also have to look at different army builds. Some figures are strong against certain types of heroes, but perform worse vs. squads. How do they perform vs. ranged figures with flying as opposed to melee type figures. There are so many combinations that it is tough to truly nail down.

Don't feel bad, I don't think anyone on the site truly does enough to 100% nail down costs. Even after quite a few playtests, it is effectively just an estimate. The good news is that a good estimate works fine.
I would state that pay better attention to your points. Your HE is 2200 points. I can crush him with my 450 Doomsday, 250 Wolverine, 220 Professor X, 140 Cyclops, and 320 Dr.Doom. That only totals 1380 and I can get a turn with every figure. That 450 Doomsday crushed 650 Fin Fang Foom in singles and he destroyed without a chance a 500 Dr.Manhattan. I have a 1200 point Galacticus thats better than HE.

I like your HE but he is way too pricy. I would go for maybe 1000 to 1200 to start. Also greyowl has a great PDF on making your own figures. It's a good guide line really. I sometime find I need to jack a base line price. You want the 2nd edition. Happy customizing.

High Evolutionary has a spelling error where his race should go. Higer Being should be Higher Being.

keep up the good work buddy! I'm liking where this is going. I'm a huge fan of making an army of 3 or 4 big point people to fend off an army of 10-15. Don't get discouraged!
I would state that pay better attention to your points. Your HE is 2200 points. I can crush him with my 450 Doomsday, 250 Wolverine, 220 Professor X, 140 Cyclops, and 320 Dr.Doom. That only totals 1380 and I can get a turn with every figure. That 450 Doomsday crushed 650 Fin Fang Foom in singles and he destroyed without a chance a 500 Dr.Manhattan. I have a 1200 point Galacticus thats better than HE.

I like your HE but he is way too pricy. I would go for maybe 1000 to 1200 to start. Also greyowl has a great PDF on making your own figures. It's a good guide line really. I sometime find I need to jack a base line price. You want the 2nd edition. Happy customizing.


Dont sweat this Vince. Playtesting is about more than just pitting metagaming teams against a single hero. I try and playtest my big figure point cards with "minions". That way you dont feel locked into providing AOE (area of effect) or MAMT (multi-attack multi-target) for your card. Just keep in mind that a point value that high can often make the player feel like they are not getting the most out of their points. I think you did pretty damn well with your "Genetic Manipulation" and "Matter Explosion" abilities. Just remember that a few high ranged heroes with kiting potential might tick this guy down.