Un-official Entry
In honor of Jexik, We have Ronin Keji
A Menacing, Defending, Sharking, Clean Up Hero, depending on where you put your order marker.
What we have here is a Unique Hero designed to keep unique Samurai units alive longer. Note that Keji only attacks AFTER the squad has attacked meaning you have to choose which squad you are using first, thus you get the chance to attack a weakened hero if the battle went well, or run away if it did not.
Keji is a good addition to the Izumi since he has a better attack, good with the Kozuke with better defense but lower attack, and good with the Tagawa with better attacks but slower. At his best Keji could move 8, and attack 7 but not at the same time. Keji is also a decent stand alone figure able to block advancing units with his decent life, and high defense.
Keji forces you opponent to choose between attacking Keji who is more powerful and versatile thus more dangerous, or the squad itself crippling Keji's enhancements but leaving him to attack again.
I could see someone drafting Keji, the Tagawa and the Kozuke at 310. The Tagawa and Keji take out some small units to get up the blood lust pumping. Then the Kozuke Run out with Keji and take out the heavy hitters. At this point Blood lust should be primed with 3 makers, and Keji is right at the front lines. Reactivate the Tagawa and Keji with 7 Attack makes short work of heroes. Throw in 2 sets of Tagawa Archers and the Izumi to round out your all samurai army. The Izumi make fairly good defensive screens with counterstrike and the Tagawa Archers are okay range fighters.
EDIT: I'm adding this power to balance his points out a bit:
No Allegiance
Before taking a turn with the Keji, you must roll the 20 sided die. If you roll a 18 or higher, Keji may not move or attack this turn.
This will make Keji a little less reliable. I realizied that 90 points was far to low for a hero of this caliber, so knowing that 15 % of the time Keji wont do anything will make him a bit more challenging to play and really fits with his style of only fighting whe odds are in his favor.