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"Unofficial" Not an Exclusive entry thread


Will Ultimately Face the Evil Black Dragon
Site Supporter
This thread is for posting entries to the "Unoffical"Not an Exclusive FigureContest entries.

If you are an entrant, all you do here is post your entry, and that's it!

If you are not an entrant, don't post here!

If you need to modify or change your entry, edit your one post.


EDIT: Prizes. We still have a Marvel set, a Skahen, a Minutemen and Wolves set and a Redcoats and Wolves set.

Necroblade - Gift Certificate
Kyren Valkyrie - SotM
1111 - Agent Skahen
Lamaclown - Marvel Set
Kafkaesque -Minutemen and Wolves
NYYS -Wolves and Militia

The raised club comes down with a sickening crunch, the victim collapses to the ground soundlessly. The club's wielder vanishes back into the dense foliage before the others can even turn and open fire. They pursue, the "krack kaw" of their guns sounding feeble in the sudden jungle silence. Suddenly their quarry reemerges from the fronds, a tall menacing creature covered in long brown hair and thick silver strands. But this time the creature has friends; large spiders who have been waiting patiently. So many friends, and they all look hungry. They raise their heavy guns to defend themselves, and the creature gives them a toothy smile. The predators have become the prey.
My entry is a repaint of one of the Wolves of Badru. He would be white/grey. (No idea how to get the image on the card)

Here are the stats (in case you can't read the card)

Fang, Einar's Hound

Unique Hero
Small 3

Life 4
110 points
Move 6
Range 1
Attack 4
Defense 3

Inspired Attack Aura - Any figure you control that follows Einar and is within 4 clear sight spaces of Fang may add 1 extra die to their attack.

Climb 2X - When moving up or down levels of terrain, Fang may double his height.

Einar's Gift - When Fang rolls defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent figure, one shield will block all the damage.

(A tip of the hat to Wytefang and Einar's puppy. Both really cool Avatars)


I'm going to choose a Minion for my repaint / entry (the one with the axe pointed towards the ground. The shield would be repainted to solid silver with the Mitonsoul crest in Black), named using an anagram of my last name (I'll try to get a card up when I can). Reasoning: because players need a lot of Marro Drones to make a good army using them, but not a lot of Minions. This at least gives a reason to buy Minions and Drones. Secondly, I want to help an under-used unit. Thirdly, I arrogantly named it after myself because no one else in the world would want to be named after a figure that helps Runa:

Aragrim, the leader of the Tarn Viking Warriors, finds himself alone after a failed mission, in the heart of Utgar's fortress. He knows that the dreaded Minions of Utgar defend this hellish place, but no fear pierces his heart - he has been through worse. Suddenly, a sound somewhere above him - a faint whooshing, as if something passed over his head. Aragrim freezes and surveys the area, his sword at the ready.

Two red-skinned Kyrie descend slowly towards him - a male and a female. With the first stab of fear he's yet felt, he realizes that the Kyrie woman is wearing the legendary Helm of Mitonsoul. Aragrim mentally prepares himself, for Raelin has taught the forces of Jandar how to withstand the evil that protrudes from that helmet into one's very consciousness. He would not succumb to it's power.

The male Kyrie was a Minion of Utgar, but his shield, Aragrim noticed, was unlike the broad shields that Minions hid behind. This shield was thinner, and emblazoned with the Mitonsoul crest.

The woman suddenly straightened, and focused her eyes on Aragrim. He knew what was coming now to destroy his soul - or at least, he thought he did. What crashed upon his mind was far stronger than Raelin had taught them to resist - far stronger than Raelin had known to be possible.

The Helm and Shield of Mitonsoul were together again, and no one would escape their wrath.


EDIT: Thanks to Mooseman for the repaint and card!

Gabol the Kyrie Warrior
Unique Hero - Utgar
Medium 6

Life: 3
Move: 4
Range: 1
Attack: 2
Defense: 5
Points: 60

Deadly Strike - Whenever Gabol attacks, any skulls rolled count as one additional hit.

Shield of Mitonsoul Aura - Whenever a unit within 5 clear sight spaces of Gabol is the target of a power or glyph with the word "Mitonsoul" in the title and the 20 sided-die is rolled, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll.

Flying - When counting spaces for Gabol's movement, ignore elevations. Gabol may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Gabol starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.
This is my entry. He is a repaint of an Armoc Viper into The Armoc Warlord. His paint features alternating red and black with yellow stripes on his body; yellow with black around his frill; yellow eyes; and his most important feature what appears to be two red socks located below his head (explained in his biography). His name is Synn (nyys backwards:grin:) and I've nicknamed him Socks. I made the card in Microsoft paint, so cut me some slack.

Synn The Armoc Warlord
Ullar-Viper-Unique Hero-Warlord-Relentless-Medium 5
Life 6/Move 7/Range 4/Attack 3/Defense 0/50points.
Spit and Move
Synn may attack before he moves or at any point during his move. When using Spit and Move reduce Syyn's attack by 1.
Frenzy Fiend
After taking a turn with Syyn roll the D20. If you roll a 16 or higher you may take another turn with Syyn. Add 1 to this roll for every friendly scout within 6 clear sight spaces of Syyn to a max of +4. Additionally, Syyn may use this power after any squad you control with the Frenzy ability fails a Frenzy roll.
Safety Slither
Syyn does not have to stop his movement when entering a water space and non-adjacent enemy figures have no line of sight to Syyn while he is on a water space.


As a slave, Syyn was forced into mining a newly discovered and potentially useful gas. The gas turned out to be quite toxic, but some of the vipers immune systems were able to adapt to it. Syyn, a young stud amongst vipers, was found to have a strong resilience to this toxic gas and was forced deeper underground to discover its source. Here his lungs (Vipers lungs happen to be shaped like a pair of socks) began to glow red through his skin. He soon discovered that he could spew this toxic waste back out at his enemies and that his lungs were producing it. However this burning in his lungs causes him some pain; this, combined with his idiocy, makes him run around the battlefield in a thoughtless and unpredictable manner. Syyn also has a deep hatred for the Yankees (though no one seems to know whom he's referring to.)
Here is a draft of my entry. I've included a character bio that I've worked up for him to put his powers into a Heroscape storyline context. He is named after my two sons, my inspiration for the creation of the character.


GUARDIAN OF YOUTH When Sijjonthus the Kyrie Warrior is controlled by a player under the age of 13, and he attacks or defends against a figure that is controlled by an adult opponent, add 1 die to the attack or defense roll. When Sijjonthus the Kyrie Warrior is controlled by a player under the age of 9, and he attacks or defends against a figure that is controlled by an adult opponent, add 2 dice to the attack or defense roll.

(STEALTH) FLYING When counting spaces for Sijjonthus's movement, ignore elevation. Sijjonthus may fly over water without stopping. Sijjonthus may pass over figures without becoming engaged. Sijjonthus may fly over obstacles such as ruins.

Character Bio: After Venoc Warlord and his viper scouts destroyed a Marro Hive deep in the Wrashebry Swamp, the warlord was astonished to come across a lone Kyrie warrior—badly wounded. Barely able to stand but still brandishing his dual swords, the warrior was trying to protect a small band of young Kyrie from any further Marro attacks. Venoc Warlord ordered his vipers to escort the hero and his wards to Ullar’s camp. Impressed by the extraordinary altruism that Sijjonthus showed for the young, Ullar nursed Sijjonthus back to health and asked him to join the fight against the Marro and Utgar. Without hesitation, Sijjonthus pledged himself to the cause. (SpiderCoach)
The one, the only, Rev MacDirk!


FYI, for those who are uncertain why he's red when the rest of the MacDirks are green... well... 'twas Revdyer's suggestion, and who would argue with the man himself? :)

****To Cast Your Vote****
Please send your popularity votes to taeblewalker@yahoo.com
Please include the following in the subject line: <Vote_Contest.>

Please include ONE vote (the Rev. Capt Dyer by RageAngel) in the body.

For Background on this character design, click here.

"Official" Character Bio:

When the Reverend Dyer took up arms to defend his flock during the Revolutionary War, he never expected to find himself actually fighting wolves and other incarnations of evil in Valhalla. His reasoned, persuasive manner encourages even the most incorrigible of his allies to fight valiantly for their common cause, while his staunch ability to hold his ground in both battle and debate has earned him a legendary reputation. He courageously stands at the front lines, and his loyal comrades are always quick to rush to the aid of their beloved chaplain, due to Rev. Captain Dyer's willingness to put his own life in jeopardy to improve the tactical strength of his friends, or to deliver them from harm's way.

While fighting side-by-side for General Jandar, Sgt. Drake Alexander jokingly referred to the Reverend as "Stonewall," a nickname used for the stalwart general who lived almost a century after the Reverend Dyer. A history buff himself, Dyer and Drake have been known to discuss military history and strategy long into the night, swapping stories and experiences learned from lifetimes almost two centuries apart.


Un-official Entry
In honor of Jexik, We have Ronin Keji
A Menacing, Defending, Sharking, Clean Up Hero, depending on where you put your order marker.

What we have here is a Unique Hero designed to keep unique Samurai units alive longer. Note that Keji only attacks AFTER the squad has attacked meaning you have to choose which squad you are using first, thus you get the chance to attack a weakened hero if the battle went well, or run away if it did not.

Keji is a good addition to the Izumi since he has a better attack, good with the Kozuke with better defense but lower attack, and good with the Tagawa with better attacks but slower. At his best Keji could move 8, and attack 7 but not at the same time. Keji is also a decent stand alone figure able to block advancing units with his decent life, and high defense.

Keji forces you opponent to choose between attacking Keji who is more powerful and versatile thus more dangerous, or the squad itself crippling Keji's enhancements but leaving him to attack again.

I could see someone drafting Keji, the Tagawa and the Kozuke at 310. The Tagawa and Keji take out some small units to get up the blood lust pumping. Then the Kozuke Run out with Keji and take out the heavy hitters. At this point Blood lust should be primed with 3 makers, and Keji is right at the front lines. Reactivate the Tagawa and Keji with 7 Attack makes short work of heroes. Throw in 2 sets of Tagawa Archers and the Izumi to round out your all samurai army. The Izumi make fairly good defensive screens with counterstrike and the Tagawa Archers are okay range fighters.

EDIT: I'm adding this power to balance his points out a bit:
No Allegiance
Before taking a turn with the Keji, you must roll the 20 sided die. If you roll a 18 or higher, Keji may not move or attack this turn.

This will make Keji a little less reliable. I realizied that 90 points was far to low for a hero of this caliber, so knowing that 15 % of the time Keji wont do anything will make him a bit more challenging to play and really fits with his style of only fighting whe odds are in his favor.

A black Anubian Wolf with white fur. Aracano is backwards of Onacara.

Bio: Aracano heard the signal from the Minions overhead that the attackers were here. Immediately, vikings and knights came over the hill followed by Raelin. Raelin's face went from confidence to surprise as she realized that somehow the surrounding wolves were under the effect of her aura as well. Aracano was a flash of black and white as he moved between each warrior of Jandar. The look of fear on there faces prided him.

Here is my entry...if you do not know who the member is who is being honored I will give you a hint. Thats not a scope but an eyepatch ;-)

Thanks again TOG for making the card for me.

Here is my entry...if you do not know who the member is who is being honored I will give you a hint. Thats not a scope but an eyepatch ;-)

Thanks again TOG for making the card for me.

I really like this guy, but I think the wording of dagger seems awkward. I assume you're trying to avoid him being able to use this attack multiple times on the same figure by simply moving to another adjacent hex?

Here is my entry...if you do not know who the member is who is being honored I will give you a hint. Thats not a scope but an eyepatch ;-)

Thanks again TOG for making the card for me.

I really like this guy, but I think the wording of dagger seems awkward. I assume you're trying to avoid him being able to use this attack multiple times on the same figure by simply moving to another adjacent hex?

Thats exactly it

Remember, guys, this is the entry thread, not the discussion thread. I'd like to go post by post when the judging comes around. 8)

Based off of the MRT. I didn't really think he was in need of a repaint, but I think that some warpaint would be a nice addition even so. So, imagine him with warpaint.

Bio: Squelch...

Deep within the jungles dwelt in by the Moon Tribe, there is a wellspring... Utgar keeps it under his control, and is heavily guarded by Marro Drudges. One has dropped, however, it's body falling limply to the ground. None of the others notice it, as the other noises of the jungle are drowning the almost silence of the kill.


Some of the Drudges begin to notice. However, they are felled as quickly as their predecessors, dropping like burrflies. It is only until all left but Tor-Kul-Na, the leader of the guards, is the only one left standing, that it becomes completely aware to him that something has been killing his minions. He comes closer to the water of the wellspring...


A deafening war cry is suddenly heard, as Skipping Stone, Warrior of the Mohican River Tribe, comes at him tomahawk raised. As the tomahawk is brought down, though, Tor-Kul-Na disappears in a wisp of smoke.

"Feh. Isn't that like Utgar, to retrieve his undisposable soldiers from a surprise attack. Come out, men!"

Three more Mohican Tribesman come out from the brush and approach Skipping Stone.

"Running Hare, go back to Aquilla and alert her of our victory. This wellspring is now in possesion of Aquilla's Kingdom!"
I followed the rules this time.

Since Gnaeus Julius Agricola decided to divide up the IX Legion in order stop the Pict offensive, a garrison of IX Legionaires and archers were left behind to defend Pinnata Castra, on the Tay River. Satyro Colmanius was one of the sentries specifically chosen to stay at Pinnata Castra because of his superb vision and hearing, that allowed him to warn soldiers of advancing Pict warbands. Sometimes, Satyro would be calling for the defense of the fortress walls minutes before other sentries could verify his alert. From the walls, Satyro had an uncanny ability to organize Roman Archers with great efficiently, due to his loud voice, that carried so well, and his clear reports.
Unfortunately, it would take more than one sentry to save all of the remaining IX Legion at Pinnata Castra. Many of the individuals in command were not concerned about a Pict siege onto Pinnata Castra, due to believing the false Pict plans that were received by General Agricola. Fortunately, the Archkyrie Einar could see the valuable abilities of Satyro as well as some of the IX Legion that otherwise would have been lost in the siege.