Risky Outpost by
Such a fun, unique build. Like...the image does not do this map justice for how it plays. It's quite fun to get a fresh feeling on a "balanced", high height map. That all said, it does have it's issues. Development was surprisingly fast for 5-move figures...but the biggest issue was really just for double-spaced figures. Unless they have flying, a double-spaced figure will have a horrible time getting to the center. Overall, it was a fresh feel...but I could see this map causing some issues for specific armies with double-hex figures. I'd play again more in a casual setting, but not necessarily in a competitive tournament.
Sabertooth by
This one was ok. The center is interesting...but not as accessible to the edges as I'd like. For example, once you've committed to the center, you can't really get back to the edge to contest glyphs and vice versa. Other than that I think it's fine...but those hive and ice 6-hexers make it pretty tough.
Dark Fulcrum by
LOVE. THIS. MAP. Not to be rude...just being honest...I hate the original, Fulcrum. I legit do not like playing on Fulcrum. Ever. THIS map however, is amazing. I think it improves on every issue from the original and provides a lot more options, protection and opportunity for development. It's just way more dynamic. I'd be more than willing to play on this map regularly in tournaments.
Blackberry by
Great map. I've always liked the look of it, but now having played on it I like it even more. It's solid and provides some great development and action between heights. The only thing I noticed that was a "downside" was the lack of my use of road. It's so curvy in the middle, it's actually faster - sometimes - to just move straight over the central height. Not always relevant, but in my 1 game I just found it interesting that the development was just fine without needing to use the road. More games would determine if that holds true generally speaking.
Valor by
Quite happy with my games on this map in testing and in the tournament. I felt like the development was good, there were good uses of LOS blockers and still good speed options using the road through the middle. I felt like it played well overall.
Vulcan Ridge @Chris Perkins
My only loss was on this map, so clearly it's broken
Overall, I felt like it played fine. I'd have to get more games in on it to be totally sure...but my impression was that it felt just too bare, and a bit lopsided. the map pulls a hard right to develop out of the SZ...and not necessarily in a good way. With the strong glyph on my left...contesting that side was much more difficult as I didn't have many lvl2 landings out of the startzone AND there is no shadow on the left side. So, as soon as I lost the control of the glyph on the left side, I had to start moving troops to the right hill platform and trying to maintain position and control there. It didn't work very well, and I lost pretty bad. Again, maps not broken cause i lost, I'd need more games to tell...but my initial impressions with the development seemed to indicate a strong glyph on either side will give advantage to the player with the strong glyph on the right of their startzone.