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Tournament Armies Played

kevindola's Tournament History Here

Online Season 9
My Take 2 Armies (500):
1-Zelrig, Microcorp Troopers x3, Greenscales x1, Isamu
2-Cathar x4, Marcus, MBS, Roman Legion x1
Record: 2-2
Finish: 25th (of 52)
Wins: jcustar07, Son of Arathorn
Losses: Ixe, KeepCalmAndDraftHulk

2013 Online Pod Draft
My Pods (250-350, 600 total)
1) Granite Guardians x3
2) Tul-Bak-Ra, Stingers x2, Dividers x1
Record: 5-1
Finish: 1st (out of 12)
Wins: Megasilver, jcustar07 (2-0 all time), greygnarl, Vegie18 (2-1 all time), Dysole
Loss: Dysole

Online Season 10
My Take 2 Armies (465):
1-Krav Maga, Major X17, Blastatrons x2, Kira Jax, Hoplitrons x3
2-Nicholas Esenwein, Deathstrike x5, Preyblood x2, Kursus, Marro Warriors
Record: 6-1
Finish: 2nd (out of 28 )
Wins: Heroscaper Guy, infectedsloth (3-0), greygnarl (twice, 3-0) Ixe (1-1), Wanderer999 (2-0)
Loss: Vegietarian18 (2-2)

2013 Peoria NHSD Pod Draft
My Pods (200-300, 500 total)
1) Kozuke Samurai, Moriko, Shiori
2) Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Izumi Samurai, Ashigaru Harquebus x1
Record: 3-2
Finish: 3rd (out of 19)
Wins: Unseen Shadowz, infectedsloth (4-0), Arch-Vile (2-0)
Losses: Boromir96 (3-1), Vegietarian18 (2-3)

Overall Tournament Record: 55-13 (80.9%)
kevindola's Tournament History Here

2013 End of Year Championships
My Take 2 Armies (600):
1-Werewolf Lord x2, Van Nessing, Goblin Cutters x3, Shiori
2-Racheim, Deathknights x2, Dumutef x2, Cultists x2, Skull Demon x2
Record: 3-2
Finish: 6th (of 16)
Wins: vegie's dad, Foudzing (1-1 all time), Toogwick Tuk
Losses: infectedsloth (4-1), thesparkleinyourwater (1-1)

Classic League 2 - Casualties of War
Full Army: Hive, Stingers x6, Raelin
Drop 1 (Stingers x2), Drop 2 (Raelin), Drop 3 (Stingers x2) Reinforcements (Raelin)
Record: 5-0
Finish: 1st (out of 8 )
Wins: simval, vegie's dad (twice, 4-1), Dr. Goomonkey, Dysole
Loss: -

Online Season 11
Draft Pool: Kurrok, Air x7, Water x2, Deathknights x3, Skull Demon, Romans x2, Ne-Gok-Sa, Venoc Warlord, Dumutef x2
Record: 7-0
Finish: 1st (out of 29)
Wins: El Diabolo, Dysole (twice, 4-1), Megasilver (2-0), vegietarian18 (3-3), TheLegendaryIrishSword, Benji
Loss: -

Overall Tournament Record: 70-15 (82.4%)

April Cut the Cake, 440 points, 16 spaces: 5-0, 1st

Great format. Out of 5 games, my armies were used 7 times. I played my own army every game.

I brought

4x Death Chasers, Raelin SotM, Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak


4x Dreadgul Raiders, Valguard, Theracus, Guilty McCreech

The one game I played Death Chasers they defeated Braxas, 2x Greenscales, Syvarris. Dreadguls won the other four times against Death Chasers twice; Armocs x4, Zogross, Sam Brown; and finally Arrow Gruts x3, Krug, Mimring, and Swog x2.

Overall my matches seemed to get closer and closer as the day went, which made for some fun and intense games. With the exception of the first game against the Death Chasers, Valguard mainly rode Theracus to a choke point on my opening move and really stifled my opponents' ability to gain board position. In that other game, he ran around taking a bunch of disengages to get some lucky hits on both MBS and Nerak; otherwise Guilty was my go-to bonding option. As long as I could keep him protected, he did some good damage. Never in a single game did I use the +1 Attack option from Wild Strategic Bonding because my Dreadguls always had a bonding option.
pre-gencon update:

Colorado NHSD 2013
Bring 2, 600 points.
Varkanaans + Gladblast

Online Season 10
455 points, Bring 2 Gauntlet-style (CTF, TQ, HoB, Pick your Poison)
Cathar Spearmen x3, Count Raymond, Othkurik The Black Dragon
Knights of Weston x2, Finn the Viking Champion, Thorgrim the Viking Champion, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein, Marro Warriors
Wins over Megasilver & Vegie's dad, losses to TheLegendaryIrishSword and C$$.

2013 Online End of Year championship.
Bring 2, alternating army draft/pick your poison.
Roman Legionnaires x4, Arashara Goshiri, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein
Eilan Sidhe x4, Mohican River Tribe x3, Brave Arrow, Ana Karithon, Concan the Kyrie Warrior

Online Season 11
Pooled Draft to 500 points.
Draft Pool: Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Varkaanan Greyspears, Arktos, Black Wyrmling x4, Red Wyrmling x3, Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Krav Maga Agents, Marro Warriors, Otonashi
Wins over Crixus, Awesomeunleashed, Bengi, Soundwarp, loss to Vegie's dad in quarterfinals.

Online Season 12
Bring 2 "Cut the Cake" - 1 player picks 2 armies of the 4, other player picks which of the two they want to play.
Zombies of Morindan x5, Zombie Hulk x2, Me-Burq-Sa
Mohican River Tribe x3, Brave Arrow, Bahadur, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Losses to ISB3 and ElD, wins over Soundwarp and vermilyion.

Online Season 13
Bring 2, 640 points, 18 figure max, rounds alternate Heat of Battle and "Chaos of Battle" (placing your opponent's figures)
Gladiatrons x2, Blastatrons x2, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Laglor, Deathcommander Mark 3 (drop 1)
Deathreavers x3, Ornak, Shurrak, Brunak, Krug, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
6-1, 2nd place
Wins over Aldin, Megasilver, Dysole, kevindola, Foudzing, and vegie's dad. Finals loss to kevindola.

Online Season 14
Gencon Format.
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Red Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Otonashi, Marro Warriors, Fen Hydra, Deathreavers
3-2, playoff loss.
Wins over ElT's brother, Dr. Goomonkey, dillerbocker. Losses to Ixe, vegie's dad (RTW).

Classic League - WotW
4th x3, Kaemon Awa, Sam Brown, Isamu
4-2, semifinals loss
Wins over bobinchese, scaperaider, Ixe, and TheLegendaryIrishSword. Losses to brandonwiker & Vegie's dad.

Colorado Gencon prep event.
425 points, bring 2.

Overall record: 226-64, 78%.
GenCon record: 69-21, 77%.
Online record: 67-32, 68%.
Last edited:
LAHS Spring Tourney (4/24/14)

Venoc Vipers x5
Venoc Warlord
Major Q9

5-0 (third place)

LAHS Summer Tourney (8/9/14)

Nhah Scirh Cultists x3
James Murphy

2-3 (fourth place)

Weird placing, huh?
Added in the long-discontinued scytaleverse event, Gencon, and an online event:

Discontinued "Scytaleverse" event
Bring 2, 500 points, Maximum of 200 points of classic, the rest Scytale customs
  1. Catalan Mercenaries x5, Rutgar Van Blum, Major Q9
  2. Ice Devil Warfiends, Shidou Samurai, St. Patrick, Raelin (RotV), Krav Maga Agents, Isamu
3-0, first place as of event end
Wins over greygnarl, Simval, and HSerguy

Gencon 2014 4x400
  • Stingers x5, Raelin, Marcu (L vs. The Orange Mailman)
  • Heavies x3, Nerak, Grimnak, Isamu, Otonashi (L vs. Infectedsloth)
  • 4th Mass x4, Nilfheim (W vs. Retlaw)
  • Deathreavers x3, Q9, Krav Maga Agents (W vs. Rÿchean)

Gencon 2014 WotW
Phantom Knights x4, Fen Hydra
Win over Sixthflagbearer's dad, loss to Juniour, win over Major Q23, loss to vegietarian18

Gencon 2014 Championship
Gladiatrons x1, Blastarons x2, Raelin, Eltahale
3-2 day 1 (T-14th place), 2-1 day 2 (semifinals loss)
Day 1: Win over Unseenshadowz, losses to Nicktheant and MattserTruckrally, wins over capsocrates and lonewolf.
Day 2: wins over rollitontop, Nicktheant, loss to Mantrainchoochoo.

Gencon 2014 take 2
  1. TKN, Raelin, grubs x3
  2. Braxas, Greenscales x3, Isamu
3-1, second place
Wins over Rosencrantz, Megasilver, and Necroblade; loss to vegietarian18.

Online Season 15
Bring 3 295 point half-armies, pooled snake draft.
  1. Agent Skahen, Nakita Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors
  2. Izumi Samurai, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
  3. Ebon Armor, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Samuel Brown
3-1 regular season, 1-1 playoffs, semifinal loss.
loss to simval, wins over Cat Attack Man, El Diabolo, Kinseth, and awesomeunleashed, loss to vegie's dad.

Colorado NHSD
450 points, bring 2, first crack variant.
  1. Ebon Armor, Tagawa Samurai, Izumi Samurai, Tomoe Gozen, Eldgrim the Viking Champion
  2. Beakface Sneaks x4, Mezzodemons x2, Axegrinders x2, Darrak
5-0, first place.
wins over n00b, kpucblek, Generalrolando, Daniel, and awesomeunleashed.

Overall record: 250-74, 77%.
GenCon record: 81-29, 74%.
Online record*: 74-34, 69%.

* through OHS S15, plus non-OHS events other than C3G
long-overdue update before Gencon:

Online Season 16 - Mixed format event

  1. Microcorp Troopers x3, Agent Skahen, Heirloom, Otonashi
  2. Zettian Infantry x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Warden 816, Marro Warriors

4-2, semifinals loss
Wins over Dysole, Scaperaider, and kevindola, loss to Ixe, win over awesomeunleashed, loss to weebaer.

2014 End of Year Championship - Alternating Army Draft and Cut the Cake

  1. Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Arktos, Marro Warriors
  2. Blastatrons x2, Gladiatrons, Major J15, Hoplitron x5, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV]

5-0, first place
Wins over vegietarian18, megasilver, bengi, kinseth, and vegie's dad.

Online Season 17 - pooled draft

Draft pool: Fire Elemental x11, Goblin Cutters x4, Krug, Kurrok the Elementalist, Marcu Esenwein, Marro Warriors

2-2, missed playoffs

Wins over Belgarath and Arrow Grut, losses to Soundwarp SG-1 and kevindola.

Online Season 18 - Alternating First Crack/First Crack pick your poison

  1. Mezzodemon Warmongers x3, Phantom Knights x3, Sonlen
  2. Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein

4-1, quarterfinal loss

Wins over Tom_Bombadil, capsocrates, Ixe, and William099, loss to jcustar09.

Online Season 19 - half-army draft

  1. 8th Infantry Pathfinder x5, Capt. John Varan
  2. Beakface Sneaks x4, Quorik Warwitch, Marcu Esenwein
  3. Warriors of Ashra x3, Van Nessing

6-1, first place.

Wins over treepowerz, vegietarian18, betawolf36, loss to kevindola. Playoff wins over jcustar07, Ixe, and kevindola.

Online Season 20 - Gencon Prep

Mohican River Tribe x3, Brave Arrow, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Tandros Kreel


Win over thesparkleinyourwater, losses to Chris Perkins, Arrow Grut, and vegies dad.

Gencon 2015

Gencon 2015 Treasure Quest

Nilfheim, Greenscales x2, Heirloom

2-0, first place.

Wins over fomox and Rÿchean.

Gencon 2015 draft

Black Wyrmling x6, Krug, Marro Warriors, Krav Maga Agents, Phantom Knights x2, Warriors of Ashra x3, Deathreavers x1, Marcu

4-0, first place

Wins over Mr. Chompie, Deroche, Major Q23, Micah

Gencon 2015 take 2

  1. 4th Mass x5, Eldgrim, Kyntela
  2. Goblin Cutters x5, Hydra, Marcu, Otonashi

4-0, first place

Wins over Ethan, vegies dad, orcelfarmyone, Bengi

2015 Gencon Main Event (championship)

Tor-Kul-Na, marrden nagrubs x3, Raelin (RotV), Me-Burq-Sa, Marcu

5-0 Day 1, 2-1 day 2, semifinals loss

Wins over fomox, Dad_Scaper, Hendal, wookie, and Deroche on day 1
Wins over UnseenShadowz and vegietarian18, then loss to weesel99 on day 2

Overall Gencon 2015 record: 18-1

Online season 21 - Alternating Heat and Chaos of battle

  1. Deathreavers x3, Ornak, Brunak, Krug, Sir Hawthorne, Marcu Esenwein
  2. Xualtica Fire Ants x4, Werewolf Lord, Van Nessing, Rygarn

4-1, playoff loss

Wins over awesomeunleashed, william099, vegies dad, heroscaper guy, loss to I.S.B.3

Online season 22 - Reverse Draft

Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Tomb Skeleton Archers x4, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Warden 816

6-0, first place

Wins over Smithy Winfred, Dysole, twigleg2, mew28, Chris Perkins, and Megasilver

2015 End of Year Championship - Alternating First Crack and First Crack Pick your Poison

  1. Goblin Cutters x5, Krug, Laglor, Command Courier
  2. Xualtica Fire Ants x5, Othkurik The Black Dragon, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein


Losses to Bengi and vegietarian18

Online Season 23 - Heat of Battle Draft

Darft Pool: Marrden Hounds x4, Goblin Cutters x4, Omnicron Repulsors x2, Hoplitron x2, Marcu Esenwein, Major J15, Seleena, Van Nessing, Werewolf Lord

4-1, finals loss.

Wins over Kinseth, vegies dad, mew28, and kevindola, finals loss to kevindola

Overall record: 303-88 = 77.5%
Gencon record: 99-30 = 76.7%
Online record (through S23): 109-47 = 69.9%
I remember reading someone say that someone ran an army like Rats + Unique Squads + Raelin. Anyone know what the exact army was?

Messing around in Battleplan... Maybe it was Rats x3, Krav, MW, AE, and Raelin 2.0?
I remember reading someone say that someone ran an army like Rats + Unique Squads + Raelin. Anyone know what the exact army was?

Messing around in Battleplan... Maybe it was Rats x3, Krav, MW, AE, and Raelin 2.0?

Probably that army, although I'm sure they would have used Raelin 1.0 and another squad of Rats instead of Raelin 2.0.
I remember reading someone say that someone ran an army like Rats + Unique Squads + Raelin. Anyone know what the exact army was?

Messing around in Battleplan... Maybe it was Rats x3, Krav, MW, AE, and Raelin 2.0?

Probably that army, although I'm sure they would have used Raelin 1.0 and another squad of Rats instead of Raelin 2.0.
Definitely Raelin 1.0. Thing is, this is an archetype as old as time (A+ Junk) and it doesn't really matter what you slot in, Rats and Raelin is just that strong. Krav and Marro Warriors are great choices, as are Q9, Kaemon, Hydra, Eltahale, Nilfheim, etc... you get the picture.
I remember reading someone say that someone ran an army like Rats + Unique Squads + Raelin. Anyone know what the exact army was?

Messing around in Battleplan... Maybe it was Rats x3, Krav, MW, AE, and Raelin 2.0?

Probably that army, although I'm sure they would have used Raelin 1.0 and another squad of Rats instead of Raelin 2.0.
Definitely Raelin 1.0. Thing is, this is an archetype as old as time (A+ Junk) and it doesn't really matter what you slot in, Rats and Raelin is just that strong. Krav and Marro Warriors are great choices, as are Q9, Kaemon, Hydra, Eltahale, Nilfheim, etc... you get the picture.

That army is at 24 hexes. Can't get another squad of Rats.
Took 2nd in a 6-player GenCon main event prep. Went 3-1 in our "day 1" portion. Won the first "reverse" game of "day 2" and lost in the final to the same army that beat me before (played my own army in that match-up both times).

My army was Sonlen, Major Q10, Kaemon Awa, Zetacron. Highlight of the day was a "reverse" round against (with) Eltahale, 2x Phantom Knights, 2x Mezzodemons, 2x Deathreavers. Between attacks and Wannok I had my opponent down to 1 Life each on Q10, Kaemon, and Zeta. Saw the perfect opportunity for Eltahale, won initiative, disengaged, and Thunder Rammed all 3. Two skulls. Zetacron dies. Kaemon Awa dies. Q10 rolls exactly 2 shields. Eltahale was one hit away from a 330-point triple kill!!!
I love me some Eltahale. I loved her since she was announced, before she was released. Love the mini, love the power set.

Who were you playing, NB?


We are coming up on the eighth anniversary of this post:
But other than that, we have a small-scale Niflheim that sacrifices some bells and whistles for a very reasonable cost.

Plus she can throw 7 attack dice from adjacent height with Thunder Step. I *really* like this addition to the HeroScape family. Compared to Nilfheim and Kaemon Awa, both with similar special attacks, she is priced perfectly in between.

edit: Can't repeat enough, I am *extremely* excited about this sculpt. Looks like it could be as good a sculpt/paint as there is in the game.
The m-m-m-multi-kill game was against lefton4ya; Son of Chompy won the whole thing (with 2x Romans, 2x Roman Legionnaires, Marcus, Ne-Gok-Sa, Raelin, Isamu).
I love me some Eltahale. I loved her since she was announced, before she was released. Love the mini, love the power set.

Who were you playing, NB?


We are coming up on the eighth anniversary of this post:
But other than that, we have a small-scale Niflheim that sacrifices some bells and whistles for a very reasonable cost.

Plus she can throw 7 attack dice from adjacent height with Thunder Step. I *really* like this addition to the HeroScape family. Compared to Nilfheim and Kaemon Awa, both with similar special attacks, she is priced perfectly in between.

edit: Can't repeat enough, I am *extremely* excited about this sculpt. Looks like it could be as good a sculpt/paint as there is in the game.

I was late to the scape’ (post production) and had never seen Eltahale until playing against you at the Savage Reverse the whip. Ordered immediately after. Now for those mezzodemons...
With all the tournaments happening nowadays (which is great to see), it was fun to try and update this to the best of my recollection. I hope the rest of you guys are (or will be) doing the same.

What I've learned is:
I've been playing in tournaments since 2007 (I'm old)
I've lost a lot (97 losses)
I've also played a lot (78 tournaments to date to the best of my recollection)
I play a lot of melee...(Ok I didn't really learn that, I already knew that)
It's fun to see my evolution of playstyles.
It only took over a decade of playing Scape to finally join the tournament scene lol, here's my results so far:

MARS Delta Volcarren - September 2023
Army = Arktos, Guilty McCreech, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Darkclaws
Losses to Gucciiboost & ElvenLord; wins versus Mark
Results 1-2

MARS Delta Volcarren - September 2023
Army = Ranjit Singh, B-11s Resistance Corps, Krav Maga Agents, Brute Gruts, Otonashi; 425
Loss to Heirloom; wins versus SimpleSamaritan, Andrew, Joecrazy
Results 3-1

ScapeCon III | VC Delta General Wars (Side) - August 2023
Army = Arrow Gruts x4, Ice Troll Berserker x1, Mimring; 430
Losses to MasterRoshi, JandArvey, and Dysole; win versus Chill
Results 1-3

ScapeCon III | Sideboards (Side) - August 2023
Loss to Vegie Dad; wins versus S1R_ART0R1US, Orculon, ViideoSayg, loki619
Results 4-1

ScapeCon III | VCheese (Main) - August 2023
Army = Deathchasers of Thesk x5, Kuthnak, Nerak, Me-Burq-Sa, Isamu; 455
Losses to KnightOfLight and johnnyfrisbee; wins versus Vegie Dad, Gingerkid16, and Orculon
Results 3-2

ScapeCon III | VC Quad Pod (Side) - August 2023
Losses to Man_At_Arms, MegaSilver, and Dignity Dingus
Results 0-3

ScapeCon III | VC Monster Mash (Side) - August 2023
Army = Fen Hydra x4, Ornak, Marcu; 600
Losses to S1R_ART0R1US; wins versus Orculon and Phantom
Results 2-1

ScapeCon III | VC Bring 2, Strike 1 (Side) - August 2023
Loss to Ultra Lord; wins versus Orculon and Vydar_XLIII
Results 2-1

ScapeCon III | Delta Rule of 12 (Main) - August 2023
Army = Airborne Elite, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnaires x3; 495
Losses to Samuelfrost4 and Evantage; wins versus Crystalman, Taelord Dees and Houndsrule
Results 3-2

MARS D.C. Reverse the Whip - July 2023
Army = Arrow Gruts x4, Ice Troll Berserker x1, Mimring, Swog Rider x2; 455
Losses to vegetarian18 and Vydar_XLIII; wins versus Earl_of_Sandwich and EaterOfSquads
Results 2-2

MARS Salisbury VCheese - June 2023
Army = Deathchasers of Thesk x5, Kuthnak, Nerak, Me-Burq-Sa, Isamu; 455
Loss to SimpleSamaritan; wins versus leaky_ceiling, Brean Of Philly, and EaterOfSquads
Results 3-1

MARS "Scattered" B and Under - May 2023
Army = Shieldsmiths of Granite Keep x5, Tarn Viking Warriors; 450
Loss to Brean Of Philly; wins versus Scared Cultist and ItWasJonathan
Results 2-1

MARS D.C. Spring Thaw - April 2023
Army = Grok Riders x4, Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Isamu; 465
Loss to Earl_of_Sandwich; wins versus MrWookiee and Man_At_Arms
Results 2-1

MARS Salisbury Maryland - Go Big or Go Broke - March 2023
Army = Talingul, Boreos, Avernus, Augamo, Siiv
Loss to Joecrazy3193; wins versus SimpleSamaritan and MathJedi
Results 2-1

MARS D.C. Winter Classic 2023
Army = Fen Hydra x2, Brunak, Ornak, Raelin RotV; 530
Losses to Gucciiboost and Trivia Knight; wins versus Shelby and Loki619
Results 2-2

MARS Philadelphia - VC Rule of 9 2022
Army = Marcus, James Murhpy, Me-Burq-Sa, Stingers x2, Roman Legionnaires x2; 440
Loss to Tom; wins versus bishop2003 +1 and Heirloom.
Results 2-1

Maryland NHSD 2022
Army = Marcus, Ne-Gok-Sa, 10th Reg x2, Roman Legionnaires x2 (dropped 1 Roman to meet 16 hex limit); 440
Loss to Brean Of Philly; wins versus Ken, Myth26, and Astroking112
Results 3-1

Total tournament record of 37-26 for a 58.73% win rate
Last edited:
Updated for after Scape Con 3. Almost to 300 tournament wins. Around a 73% win percentage after all these years even with way too many chain fighters in my armies. Also I seem to suck with monks but apparently I keep trying them…
Chaos in the Capital(500 point armies)
Army: Raelin, Sgt Drake, Agent Carr, Krav Maga, Airborne Elite
Heroscapers defeated: Skynight, The Guru

Saratoga Slugfest(600 Point armies)
4-1 Record
Army: Wolves of Badru, Cyprien, Krav maga, Airborn Elite
Heroscapers defeated: Onacara, Benji
Lost to : Tim Sweeney

Albany Revelations I(600 Point Armies)
Army: Q9, Gladiatrons, Blastitrons, Zetacron
Heroscapers Defeated: Loborocket, Tim Sweeney

Saratoga Slugfest II
Army: Raelin, Atlaga, Protectors of Ullar
Defeated: Coyote, Bengi
Lost to: Robbert DD

Albany Revelations II(General Wars)
Army: 4th Massx3, Neifhelm, Raelin
Defeated: I am Batman, Cleon

Allentown Dragon Wars
Army: Charos, 4th Mass
Lost to :Einars Puppy

Albany Revelations III
Army: Greenscales, Raelin, Neifhelm
Defeated: Ollie, Tim Sweeney
Lost to : Coyote

Death Duel at GrimFoeGames
3-1 *Second Place*
Army: 4x Phantom Knights, Raelin 1.0, 2x Fen Hydra
Defeated: Chris, Neo, Joseph Sweeney
Lost to: Coyote(Finals)

Albany Saturday Showdown 520 Kill em all
3-1 Record 4th place
Army: Eltahale, Raelin, Goblin Cutters x4, Krav Maga Agents
Win vs Alex, Patrick S, Zombieknight
Losses: Joseph Sweeney

The Gathering
4-1/4th place
Wins over Marrowick, BMW, OrcArmyElfOne,Taeblewalker
Losses Cleon

Heroscapers Online Tournament***Inagural***
Army Greenscales, Raelin, Neifhelm, Isamu
Defeated: Ninja Status, Robber, dok, Lefton4ya

League Play (Season 1 of Monday Night Googlescape league)
5-2 Regular Season
0-2 Playoffs (4th Place)
Win vs SixthFlagBearer, Megapower999, Bengi, Scapemage, Dok
Losses: Filthy "Dice Jesus" The Clown, Vegalsen, Bengi, Flithy"Isamu save me" The Clown

Monday Night Heroscape League Season 2
Wins vs Vegiterian18, MegaSilver, Major Q23
Losses to Gamebear in the playoffs

MNL Season 3
2-3(wins vs Fedex Worker, DrummerScaper and losses to Capsocrates, Awesomeunleashed, Vegiterin)

Monday Night Heroscape Season 4
Losses to Sixth & Infectedsloth

Heroscape Online Season 4a
Wins over Heroscapers2012, Anonymous, Filthy the Clown, Dalu
Loss in playoffs to Dyhanam

Heroscape Online Season 5

Heroscape Online Season 6
Wins over n00b, AwesomeUnleashed
Losses to Rexmax2, Filthy The Clown

Heroscape Online Season 1 Team Tournament(Teammate Dok)
Wins over Greygnarl/n00b, TLIS/Marrowick, weebaer,TheMind

Heroscape Online Season 7
Wins over Capsocrates, Psymanski, William
Losses to Dok, Dysole(Playoffs)

Lightweight Tournament
Wins over Heroscape guy, Arrow Grut, bobincheese
Losses to Kevindola(2)

Heroscape Online Season 8

Heroscape Online Season 9
Wins over Eraguy, Lo Pan, Awesome Unleashed
Losses C$$

Heroscape Online Season 10
Wins over Scaperaider, Dysole
Losses Greygnarl, Arrow Grut

Online End of Year Championships
Wins over Awesome Unleashed
Losses Vegie18, Toogwick_tuk

Season 11
Wins over Betawolf36, Crixus33, Dhyanam
Losses Arch-Vile, TheLegendarySlowestPlayer

Season 12
Wins over Eraguy816, Heroscaper Guy, ScapeRaider, Foudzing, Sir Yeshua
Losses Heroscaper2010

Season 13
Wins over William099, Xorlof
Losses Bengi, Vegie18

Online Record 55-33(62.5%)
Local Tournament Record 37-8(83%)
Total 92-41 69.17%

Been a real longtime since I played in person heroscape. Earlier this year I did win one of the OHS events(3rd title) to bring my online record to 100-61.

Online Record 100-61(62%)
Local Tournament Record 37-8(83%)

I still maintain that OHS has the stiffest competition around.
BAB 2023 added 4 armies to my list, due to it's swapping format:

Round 1 W
Granite Guardians x4, Warden 816, Marcu, Otonashi (Came down to my 1 life Warden taking out Isamu for the win! :shock:)

Round 2 W
Anubians x4, Khosumet, Black Wyrmlings x2, Isamu

Round 3 W
Dividers x3, Nagrubs x2, Su-Bak-Na, Wo-Sa-Ga

Round 4 W
Braxas, Minions x2, Atlaga

Final 4-0
1st of 13

Overall 36-16, 69% win percentage
Finally a tournament under my belt. Hopefully the first of many.

OVERALL: 3-1-0 (75%)

Bay Area Brawl 2023 - December 2023
515 : Death Chasers of Thesk x3, Gothlok, Kuthnak, Krav Maga Agents, Me-Burq-Sa
__R1: WIN
520 : Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts x5
__R2: WIN
515 : Axentia, Arktos, Varkaann Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Marro Warriors
__R3: LOSS
515 : Death Chasers of Thesk x3, Gothlok, Kuthnak, Krav Maga Agents, Me-Burq-Sa
__R4: WIN
Results: 3-1