Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.
Marlboro vs. The World, March 1, 2008:
Marcus, 3x Romans, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Airborne Elite
win vs. ollie
1st out of 10
UConn Rise of the Husky, March 22, 2008:
Taelord, 2x Snipers, Theracus, Guilty McCreech
wins vs. loborocket and his son, losses to Kahlenar and SuperEsenwein
14th out of 20
Beantown Beatdown IV, June 28, 2008:
Zelrig, Valguard, Kozuke Samurai, Gurei-Oni
wins vs. Cards and Nyphot's wife, losses to RobertDD, fil, ollie (I'll get my revenge soon)
28th out of 44
NHSD 08: NESA Scapa-a-Palooza, September 2008:
(not a tournament, so not included for this thread's puposes)
UConn Rise of the Husky 2, March 28, 2009
Major Q9, Saylind, Eldgrim, 3x 4th Mass. Sidebar: Sir Denrick
wins vs. RobertDD, Dennys and Dennys Jr., losses to Onacara and Shades fan.
5th out of 14
Battle at the Border II, April 18, 2009
Nilfheim, 3x TSA, RotV Realin, Isamu, 2x Deathreavers. Sidebar: KMA and Marro Warriors
wins in my first 3 games vs. fil, Kildawabit, and Will(Pilgrim's son), losses in my last 2 games to RobertDD and Bob Lucido(Cleon's dad)
8th out of 30
NHSD 09: NESA Scape-a-Palooza, October 17, 2009
Army A: Marcus, 3x Romans, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Marro Warriors
wins vs Anthony Jr, Darkmage7a, theGuru, loss to Cleon
Army B: 3x Rats, 2x PoU, Krav Maga Agents
this was my last game of the day vs Kildawabit who was 7-0... I was doing well against his Ashigaru army, but then bad moves by me (leaving Krav open to engagement) and bad luck (whiffing defense for 3 protectors in one turn) lost the game.
3-2 for the day and a victory in Scaperdy... thanks Ona!
Rocky Mountain Rumble, October 17, 2009
520 points, some maps play heat of battle, the rest play standard rules. Zombiesx4, Raelin, Q9, Marcu Esenwein 4-0, 1st place
Wins over Elginb, Eric, Bubbles, and Seth A.
Jan 16th, 2010 Event. 750 point drafting pool. Each map in the pool had a set format that was played. The points total was either 380, 450, 520, or 590. Formats were either kill 'em all, Heat of Battle, Capture the Flag, Kill the General or "Escape". Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Raelin RotV, Major Q9, Marro Warriors, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu, Warriors of Ashra x2 5-0, first place.
Wins over Elginb, chief, cyberclaw16, kpucblek, and Troy
March 6, 2010 Event. 495 point armies. Play Kill 'em All, Heat of Battle, Capture the Flag, Capture the Treasure, or King of the Hill, depending on the map. 10th Regiment x3, Raelin RotV, Major Q9, Isamu 6-0, first place.
Wins over Elginb, Nacho, lafleurhero, Eric, Revloscaper, and Kevin.
July 6th Gameday in Parker, CO. 570 points, bring two armies, must pingpong between them from game to game. 4th Mass x5 + Captain America; Zombies x4, Raelin, Q9, Marro Warriors, Marcu
4-0, first place.
Wins over cmgames, GeneralRolondo, Seth A, and Austin.
GenCon Prep tourney, July 31st. 510 points for the first two rounds, 600, 620, and 640 for the last three rounds. Deathreavers x3, Raelin RotV, Major Q9, Fen Hydra
Krav/AE+Isamu/Kelda+Marro Warriors+Isamu upgrades.
5-0, first place.
Wins over GeneralRolondo, Chief, Daniel, Seth A, and kpucblek.
GenCon 2010 General Wars. 520 points, 1 general. Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Phantom Knights x3 4-1, Utgar champion.
Wins over Nick, EternalThanos86, HSer314, Tristan, loss to ManOfWar
GenCon 2010 Championship Day 1. 510 points. Deathreavers x3, Raelin RotV, Major Q9, Fen Hydra 5-0, first seed heading into day 2.
Wins over Fishtako, Cleon, Dragonmaster384, Rÿchean, and Matthias Maccabeus
GenCon 2010 Championship Day 2. 640 points, single elimination. Deathreavers x4, Raelin RotV, Major Q9, Fen Hydra, Krav Maga Agents 4-0, first place.
Wins over wdgrant, Pickle4192, RoninValentina, and MantrainChooChoo.
GenCon 2010 Heroes only. 550 points, no squad figures. Raelin RotV, Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x10 3-1, fourth place.
Wins over ninthdoc, Connor, and David K. Loss to Matthias Maccabeus.
Overall GenCon 2010 record: 16-2, 89%.
Colorado Pooled Draft tournament, September 25th.
Bring a draft pool of between 600 and 1000 points for a 550 point army. You can draft from your pool or your opponent's pool. Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Granite Guardians x3, Omnicron Repulsors x3, Black Wyrmling x4, Drow Chainfighter x2, Warden 816, Otonashi 5-0, first place. Armies played:
Spoiler Alert!
Raelin, TKN, grubs x3, Warforged Soldiers x2 (W vs. Wild_Imagination)
Werewolf Lord, Wolves of Badru x2, Anubian Wolvesx2, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Otonashi (W vs. Daniel)
Warden 816, Granite Guardians x3, Black Wyrmlings x5, Otonahsi (W vs. Dylan)
Deathreavers x2, Mohicans x3, Brave Arrow, Black Wyrmlings x4, Drow Chainfighter x2, Marcu (sit one rat; W vs. kpucblek)
Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Tagawa Samurai Archers x3, Drow Chainfighter, Otonashi (W vs. lafleurhero)
Second Annual Rocky Mountain Rumble, October 17th. (600 points) Raelin RotV, Deathreavers x2, Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x9 5-1, second place.
Wins over Daniel, Vivaldi, lafleurhero, Troy, and Revloscaper, loss to Elginb.
November 20 Colorado Game Day (pooled draft event, 550 points). Zombies x4, Nakita Agents, Agent Skahen, Omnicron Snipers x2, Omnicron Repulsors x3, Axegrinders x2, Darrak Ambershard 2-0, first place. Armies Played:
Spoiler Alert!
Zombies x4, Nakita Agents, Agent Skahen, Darrak Ambershard, Otonahsi (W vs. Longshot)
Zombies x4, Nakita Agents, Red Wyrmling x2, Blue Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling, White Wyrmling (W vs. Wild_Imagination)
Krug, Warforgedx2, Quasatchx2, Sahuagin Raider, Marcu (W vs. Daniel)
Cyprien, Nakitas, Crixus, Capuansx2, Sahuagin Raider (L vs. kpucblek)
Mezzodemons x3, Krug, Arrow Gruts x2, Nerak, Swogs x3, Otonashi (W vs. chief)
March 19th Draft Game Day (pooled draft, 550 points) Snipers x2, Brutes x4, DED, Izumi Samurai, Goblin Cutters x5, Repulsors x3 1-2, fifth place (!?)
Win over Wild_Imagination, Losses to Daniel and Elginb.
June 4th Heroes Only, 550 points Q10, Krug, Raelin, Black Wyrmling x6, Marcu 7-1, first place.
Wins over Mista, Generalrolando, Daniel, Bonesnap, Justin, Seth, kpucblek, loss to Mad Celt.
Colorado "Tournament of Champions" - style event, 7/2/11 (500 points) Heavy Gruts x4, Grimnak, Nerak, Marro Warriors
5-0, first place.
Wins over Mad Celt (CTF), Mista (Treasure Quest), Generalrolando (Heat of Battle), Seth A (Reverse the Whip), kpucblek
Gencon 2011 Heat of Battle (450 points) Heavy Gruts x4, Grimnak, Nerak 3-1, T-4th place
Wins over Nicktheant, Brownsfan82, Turkeyclubsamich; loss to Mr. Migraine
Gencon 2011 Win-a-Tundra 8 player heat (450 points) 4th Mass x5, Samuel Brown, Eldgrim 3-0 (heat winner)
Wins over Worsley, Worldsenemy, SuperflyTNT.
PKx2, Nakitas, MBS, Morsbane (loss vs. Mecha Toad)
Q9, Hydra, Theracus, Warriors of Ashra x1, S-Raider (win vs. Nicktheant)
Fen Hydra, Red Wyrmling x1, Black Wyrmling x2, Blue Wyrmling x2, Evar Scarcarver (loss vs. tomcollins2000)
Q10, Stingersx2, Raelin SotM, Marrden Nagrubs x1 (loss vs. Mecha Frog)
Gencon 2011 Championship day 1 (500 points) Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Raelin RotV, Krav Maga Agents, Otonashi 4-1, 9th seed going into day 2.
Wins over Peterparkerh, 1red2blue4, Arcus, loss to Scaper_Dude, win over Tiny Timmy
Gencon 2011 Championship day 2 - Reverse the Whip 4-0, first place. Armies played:
Spoiler Alert!
Cyprien, Sonya, Marro Drones x6 (win vs. Tiny Timmy)
Stingersx5, Nilfheim, Isamu (win vs. Nicktheant)
Phantom Knights x4, Raelin RotV, Fen Hydra, Marcu (win vs. Scaper_Dude)
Gladiatrons x3, Blastarons x2, Raelin, Black Wyrmling x2 (win vs. spider poison)
Gencon 2011 Tournament of Champions (500 points) Deathreaversx3, Q9, Raelin RotV, Fen Hydra 3-1, fourth place.
Wins over Cornpuff (capture the flag), fomox (treasure quest), Hendal (Heat of Battle), loss to Matthias Maccabeus (reverse the whip, playing dividersx7 + Eltahale + Isamu)
Overall Gencon 2011 record: 18-6, 75%
Third Annual Rocky Mountain Rumble (560 points) Romans x2, 10th x3, Marcus, MBS, Raelin RotV 4-0, second place. (lost d20 roll for championship) (standings)
Wins over Son of Arathorn, McCabe, Bonesnap, and Troy
12/3/11 Draft Event. 825 point draft pool, 375 point games. Draft Pool: Cutters x4, Brutes x3, Shurrak, Eltahale, Shotgun Sullivan, Marcu, Otonashi 2-1, Second Place. Armies Played:
Spoiler Alert!
Raelin RotV, Cutters x4, HSBx1, Marcu (win vs. GeneralRolando)
Raelin RotV, Cutters x2, Shurrak, Marcu (loss vs. Seth)
Cutters x4, Eltahale, Marcu, Otonashi (win vs. Chief)
Inaugural Online Heroscape Tournament. 520 points. Knights of Weston x4, Tarn Viking Warriors, Sir Gilbert, Raelin (RotV) 3-1, Third Place.
Wins over Fi Skirata and sixthflagbearer, loss to Kinseth, win over Charr21.
January 28th Colorado Event. 700 points, B+ or worse figures only, up to 400 points placed HoB-style, with the rest in the startzones. Thanos, Goblin Cutters x5, Ne-Gok-Sa 4-0, first place.
Wins over kpucblek, GeneralRolando, Troy, and Elginb.
Monday Night Googlescape league. Different format every game. 8-person round robin, followed by semifinals.
4-2 round robin (plus forfeit win), 1-1 playoffs, second place. Armies played:
Spoiler Alert!
(no commons) Marro Warriors, Airborne Elite, Hydra, Krug, Wyvern (W vs. scapemage)
TKN, goblinsx3, nagrubs x3, Isamu (W vs. Vegaslen)
(Marvel OK, 12 space max) Kurrok, Fire Elemental x9, Thanos (W vs. Filthy the Clown)
Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin, Krav, Deathreavers x1 (W vs. Megapower999)
(Heat of Battle) Knights x4, Finn, Thorgrim, Eldgrim, Raelin, Marro Warriors (L vs. Kinseth)
(B or less) Marrden Hounds x3, White Wyrmling x6 (L vs. Bengi)
(semis) Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin, Krav, Deathreavers x1 (W vs. Filthy the Clown)
(finals, reverse the whip) Goblin Cutters x4, Marro Warriors, Q10, Kaemon Awa (L vs. Bengi)
June 2 Colorado Event. 900 point draft pool (draft from your own pool), 505 point armies. Some games are 16-space Assasin's Creed, others are 24-space kill 'em all. 4-1, 4th place. Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Rider x3, Krug, Nerak, Raelin, Marro Warriors (495/24) 2-0; wins over connor and awesomeunleashed. Nilfheim, Greenscalesx3, Raelin, Marro Warriors, Isamu (505/17/sit a greenscale in AC) 2-1; wins over Daniel (Assasin's Creed) and Mista (kill 'em all); loss to Troy/Rosencrantz (Assasin's Creed).
July 28th local event (Draft for either 300 or 500 points)
Havech Eradicators x3, Anubians x3, Khosumet, Guilty, Incendiborgs, Marcu
4-1, second place
Wins over Darren, chief, Ninja Status, Daniel; Loss to awesomeunleashed
MLH Rotation 2
4-3, loss in quarterfinals. Armies Played:
Spoiler Alert!
Romansx3, MBS, MDG (W vs. heroscaper314)
Arrow Grutsx3, Swogsx3, Raelin, Nerak (L vs. Bengi)
4th Mass x5 + Eldgrim + Kyntela (W vs. Tiny Timmy)
Gencon 2012 Lightweight Phantom Knights x4 + Marcu 3-1, 4th Place.
Wins over Michael B, Matt A, Arrow Grut; loss to Filthy the Clown.
Gencon 2012 Heroes Only Thanos + Black Wyrmling x6 + Isamu 2-2.
Loss to Ryan H, wins over Matt M, Megasilver, loss to Jake
Gencon 2012 Championship Arrow Gruts x3, Swogs x3, Raelin, Nerak, Krug 2-1 (3-2 officially), 27th place
Loss to Mantrainoverpoints, wins over Akden and Cleon, loss to Necroblade, walkover last round win
Gencon 2012 Treasure Quest Nilfheim, Greenscalesx2, Cyprien, Sonya 4-0, 1st place
Wins over Infectedsloth, Jason H, jdtenor, fomox
Gencon 2012 Heat of Battle 10th Regiment x3, Raelin, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Deathreavers x2, Isamu 5-0, 1st place
Wins over Wookie, Juniour, Kevin W, Major Q23, Sir Dendrik
Gencon 2012 General Wars Goblin Cutters x5, Cyprien, Sonya 3-2
Losses to Mr. Wookie, Infectedsloth, wins over Andrew D, Michael V, Arrow Grut
Gencon 2012 Team Tournament
(me) Marro Dividers x6, (El Diabolo) Zelrig + Marro Warriors
Losses to sixthflagbearer+dad, Mantrain+pickle, win over Paul+Jaime.
Overall Gencon 2012 record: 20-7, 74%
Rocky Mountain Rumble IV
Bring 2 510 point armies. One player picks any of the 4 armies, the other player picks any of the remaining three. Kurrok, Raelin, Water Elemental, Fire Elemental x8 and Deathreavers x3, Braxas, Fen Hydra, Marro Warriors, Isamu.
4-0, first place. (Used each of my own armies twice each; never picked my opponents' armies.)
Wins over Daniel, n00b, Tim, John.
Online Heroscape Season 3. 54 players.
Bring 2 530 point armies. One player picks any of the 4 armies, the other player picks any of the remaining three.
TKN, grubs x3, Raelin, Shaken, Marcu
Deathreavers x2, Black Wyrmling x4, Red Wyrmling x4, White Wyrmling x3, Fen Hydra
4-1, T-6th place.
Win over DaCoda (army2), loss to thesparkleinyourwater (army2), wins over Toogwick_tuk (TKN, grubsx3, Phantom Knights x3, Isamu), twigleg2 (army1), and Crixus33 (4th Mass x2, Knights x2, Gilbert, Eldgrim, Drake RotV).
Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming. 56 players.
Bring 2 565 point armies, with a maximum of 18 figures. One player picks any of the 4 armies, the other player picks any of the remaining three. All maps feature Tundra terrain.
2-1 swiss (plus forfeit win), 2-1 playoffs, 4-2 overall, T-3rd place.
4-2 (5-2 officially), T-3rd place.
Swiss: Win over Utahscott (Army1), loss to The Legendary Irish Sword (Army1), win over Drummerscaper (Army2), forfeit win.
Elimination play: Win over dalu (Army2), win over Bengi (Army1), loss to Dhyanam (Raelin, Deathreavers x2, Krav, Skahen, Carr, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x1).
Online Heroscape Season 5 - Jack of All Trades. 62 players.
"Bring 2" 550 point, 16 figure max armies. Format varies each round - formats were Assassin's Creed, Capture the Flag, Heat of Battle, and Pick Your Poison (opponent picks your army from the pool of four, instead of you picking your own).
Kurrok, Fire Elemental x8, Raelin, Marcu, Marro Warriors
Quahon, Wyvern x2, Fyorlag Spiders x4
3-2 (4-2 officially), T-5th Place.
Swiss: Win over =ace= (capture the flag), loss to William099 (assassin's creed), forfeit win, win over psymanski (Heat of Battle)
Elimination play: win over Deroche (heat of battle), loss to Wanderer999 (capture the flag).
Online Heroscape Season 6 - Loyal 'till the End. 47 Players.
4 armies for 4 different formats: Delta+ (i.e. modified card values), Lightweight, Heroes Only, and General Wars. Playoffs use "reverse the whip" for the latter three formats.
4-0 swiss, 0-1 playoffs, 4-1 overall.
Goblin Cutters x5, Q9 (500 point Delta army - W vs. remag117)
Blade Gruts x3, Grimnak, Zetacron (Lightweight - W vs. Viideosayg)
Raelin (RotV), Krug, Skahen, Command Courier x2, Black Wyrmling x5, Otonashi (Heroes Only - W vs. Infectedsloth in swiss, L vs. ISB3 in reverse the whip)
Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Rider x5, Ice Troll x2, Nerak (General Wars - W vs. vegietarian1
Online Heroscape Season 7 - picks and poison.
490 point "Bring 2" - rounds alternate between army draft (i.e. pick your own army from the 4, or 3 with second pick) and Pick your Poison (i.e. pick your opponent's army from the 4, or 3 with second pick).
4-0 swiss, 0-1 playoffs, 4-1 overall.
Axegrinders x2, Darrak, Black Wyrmling x3, Red Wyrmling x3, White Wyrmling, Raelin (RotV)
Wins over bothi (Major Q10, Blastatrons x3, Gladiatrons x2), dysole (army2), flameslayer93 (army1), and Kinseth (army2). Loss in the playoffs to thesparkleinyourwater (army1).
Online Heroscape Season 8 - Gencon prep.
Same format as 2013 Gencon main event (450 point, 16 figure armies with reverse the whip playoffs)
Heavy Gruts x2, Grimnak, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Krav Maga Agents.
3-1 swiss, 0-1 playoffs, 3-2 overall.
Wins over SimonSay5, UnseenShadowz, and Bengi; losses to TheLegendaryIrishSword and Infenctedsloth.
Gencon 2013 - Heat of Battle
Major Q9, Major Q10, Deathreavers x3 2-2
Loss to Infectedsloth, win over Mr. Migraine, loss to ISB3, win over David K.
Gencon 2013 - Lightweight
Heavy Gruts x2, Grimnak, Nerak, Marcu 2-2
Wins over worldsenemy's brother and Orcelfarmyone's dad, losses to Orcelfarmyone and Necroblade.
5-0 (champion)
Wins over justchris, Heirloom, Xorlof, and ISB3 (all with army1), finals win over jdtenor (army2).
Gencon 2013 - Championship (reverse the whip playoffs)
Red Wyrmling x3, Black Wyrmling x3, Raelin (RotV), Fen Hydra, Deathreavers x1, Marcu
4-1 Day 1, 2-1 Day 2, T-3rd place.
Day 1: Loss to Deroche, wins over Rym, Mattsertruckrally, David K, and Arrow Grut.
Day 2: Wins over Deroche and Arcus, loss to Orange Mailman.
Online Season 10
455 points, Bring 2 Gauntlet-style (CTF, TQ, HoB, Pick your Poison)
Cathar Spearmen x3, Count Raymond, Othkurik The Black Dragon
Knights of Weston x2, Finn the Viking Champion, Thorgrim the Viking Champion, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein, Marro Warriors
Wins over Megasilver & Vegie's dad, losses to TheLegendaryIrishSword and C$$.
2013 Online End of Year championship.
Bring 2, alternating army draft/pick your poison.
Roman Legionnaires x4, Arashara Goshiri, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein
Eilan Sidhe x4, Mohican River Tribe x3, Brave Arrow, Ana Karithon, Concan the Kyrie Warrior
Discontinued "Scytaleverse" event
Bring 2, 500 points, Maximum of 200 points of classic, the rest Scytale customs
Catalan Mercenaries x5, Rutgar Van Blum, Major Q9
Ice Devil Warfiends, Shidou Samurai, St. Patrick, Raelin (RotV), Krav Maga Agents, Isamu
3-0, first place as of event end
Wins over greygnarl, Simval, and HSerguy
Online Season 11
Pooled Draft to 500 points.
Draft Pool: Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Varkaanan Greyspears, Arktos, Black Wyrmling x4, Red Wyrmling x3, Tor-Kul-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Krav Maga Agents, Marro Warriors, Otonashi
Wins over Crixus, Awesomeunleashed, Bengi, Soundwarp, loss to Vegie's dad in quarterfinals.
Online Season 12
Bring 2 "Cut the Cake" - 1 player picks 2 armies of the 4, other player picks which of the two they want to play.
Zombies of Morindan x5, Zombie Hulk x2, Me-Burq-Sa
Mohican River Tribe x3, Brave Arrow, Bahadur, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Losses to ISB3 and ElD, wins over Soundwarp and vermilyion.
Online Season 13
Bring 2, 640 points, 18 figure max, rounds alternate Heat of Battle and "Chaos of Battle" (placing your opponent's figures)
Gladiatrons x2, Blastatrons x2, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Laglor, Deathcommander Mark 3 (drop 1)
Deathreavers x3, Ornak, Shurrak, Brunak, Krug, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
6-1, 2nd place
Wins over Aldin, Megasilver, Dysole, kevindola, Foudzing, and vegie's dad. Finals loss to kevindola.
Online Season 14
Gencon Format.
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Red Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Otonashi, Marro Warriors, Fen Hydra, Deathreavers
3-2, playoff loss.
Wins over ElT's brother, Dr. Goomonkey, dillerbocker. Losses to Ixe, vegie's dad (RTW).
Classic League - WotW
4th x3, Kaemon Awa, Sam Brown, Isamu
4-2, semifinals loss
Wins over bobinchese, scaperaider, Ixe, and TheLegendaryIrishSword. Losses to brandonwiker & Vegie's dad.
Stingers x5, Raelin, Marcu (L vs. The Orange Mailman)
Heavies x3, Nerak, Grimnak, Isamu, Otonashi (L vs. Infectedsloth)
4th Mass x4, Nilfheim (W vs. Retlaw)
Deathreavers x3, Q9, Krav Maga Agents (W vs. Rÿchean)
Gencon 2014 WotW
Phantom Knights x4, Fen Hydra 2-2
Win over Sixthflagbearer's dad, loss to Juniour, win over Major Q23, loss to vegietarian18
Gencon 2014 Championship
Gladiatrons x2, Blastarons x1, Raelin, Eltahale 3-2 day 1 (T-14th place), 2-1 day 2 (semifinals loss)
Day 1: Win over Unseenshadowz, losses to Nicktheant and MattserTruckrally, wins over capsocrates and lonewolf.
Day 2: wins over rollitontop, Nicktheant, loss to Mantrainchoochoo.
Gencon 2014 take 2
TKN, Raelin, grubs x3
Braxas, Greenscales x3, Isamu
3-1, second place
Wins over Rosencrantz, Megasilver, and Necroblade; loss to vegietarian18.
Online Season 15
Bring 3 295 point half-armies, pooled snake draft.
Agent Skahen, Nakita Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors
Izumi Samurai, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
Ebon Armor, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Samuel Brown
3-1 regular season, 1-1 playoffs, semifinal loss.
loss to simval, wins over Cat Attack Man, El Diabolo, Kinseth, and awesomeunleashed, loss to vegie's dad.
Colorado NHSD
450 points, bring 2, first crack variant.
Round 1 W vs RobotUnit197
Braxas, Dividers x5 Round 2 W vs RoninValentina
Q9, Raelin I, Stingers x3, Marcu Round 3 L vs Menchi
Charos, Raelin I, Kelda, Reavers x2 Round 4 W vs Carnival Man
Q9, Raelin I, Stingers x3, Marcu Round 5 W vs Grimfang
Grimnak, Nerak, Heavies x4, Otonashi
Tree Town Open V- NHD 2009 3x Gladiatrons, 3x Blastatrons, Raelin (510 points, 6 round swiss, PD as 2nd criterion.)
Loss to two tongues, wins against Tiny Timmy, Land-based AE and more Results 5-1 (2nd out of 61)
My point differential was really high. My one loss came down to one Axegrinder vs. one Blastatron, who died to lava damage. It was epic. I'll post a battle report soon.
10th Reg x 3
Romans x 2
Raelin (RotV)
Isami (filler)
515 pts (520 tourney)
I went 3-2, should have won more but was a bonehead in one match and lost that one deservedly.
It's a great army, with a lot of ways to get bonuses every round. It's a rare event that you'll be rolling with just your base attack, or using just your base defense. It's really a 505 point army but competitive above it's point level.
I updated my post on page 2.
I went 5-1 at TTO V this weekend, losing in the championship game to ET86 and his redcoats (Congrats again my brethren!). I decided to go old school at the last second (literally).
Knights x 5 - 350
Gilbert - 455
MW - 505
I had to sit a knight or MW each game. I sat a MW against heavy melee armies and a knight against heavy range armies. I beat SPIDER POISON!
Central Arakansas NHSD 2009 (550 pts)
Braxas - 210
Axe Grinders x3 - 420
Migol - 530
Isamu/Otanashi - 550 Win against RevDyer, loss to a teen in his church (who I helped beat me; I couldn't help it, he was really nice and happy to be there)
I went 3-1 and took third out of 16 (originally 18, we had someone drop out after round two). I picked my army out on the drive there.
I'll post a battle report this week.* Great times with some great guys. Congrats to LongHeroscaper for the win.
510 in the 510 (January 2008)
This was a draft tournament. You can see what 16 units I brought here. I was proud of my first tournament going 1-4. Win against CRS Buddy, losses to Wind Lane, Satyr, and 1moreheroscaper.
Bay Area Brawl (NHSD 2008)
There were many little events going on and I got in a total of 6 games, going 3-3. You can read what I played and so forth here. Losses to 1moreheroscaper and HexEnductionHour. Wins against dnutt and John.
NorCal New Year-New Army (February 2009)
Not quite sure how well I did here, but I seem to recall going 3-2 for my first winning record. I brought Nilfheim, 4th x3, and Rats x2 (we switched armies after each game though) Win against Satyr, loss to Racer X.
SoCal Slaughter (NHSD 2009)
I played Mimring, Zetacron, Grimnak, Nerak, and Heavies x2 (520) at my first Socal tournament going 3-1 with some close matches, and some solid wins (for both sides too). A bye and loss to Oogie da Bruce.
SF Bay Area Draft (July 2010)
As this was a draft tourney my army changed every game, but I played the Greenscales in four games and I also made use of the Microcorp and Braxas. You can read more on what armies I played and how they played here. I went 3-2 for fourth place. Wins against fresno_bob's son, cmgames, and grimfang. Losses to Menchi and dnutt.
SoCal Slaughter (NHSD 2010)
I played 10th x3, AE, Marcus and Raelin (515) at my second Socal tournament going 5-0 for first place. Battle report here. Wins against CharosinCharge, Everyone Loves Raelin, Leotheanimal87,Counterstrike, and Gamerhusband.
SoCal Slaughter (NHSD 2011)
I played Microcorp x2, Warforged Soldiers x3 and Raelin (520) at my third Socal tournament going 2-2 for sixth place. Battle report here. Losses to CharosinCharge and Leotheanimal87 and wins against King Of The Marro and Oogie da Bruce.
Online HS Season VCheese 2 (2020)
First time playing using the online HS interface (excluding one practice session). Was one and done (0-1) for this single elimination tourney.I played Beorn Boltcutter, Bol, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Zetacron, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4 losing to Bol, Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Nhah Scirh Cultistsx5 in a very close game that saw me with a full Beorn versus Isamu and single Cultist at the end. I should've gone all-in on the Axegrinders or used Zetacron more (the only ranged figure in the matchup) to force him to come to me and my slow dwarfs instead of the middle of the road strategy I adopted. Sir H's take is here.
Online HS Season 39 (2021)
Battle reports here, here, here, here, and here. Ended up 4-1.
Online HS Season 40 (2021)
Battle reports here, here, here and here. Ended up 2-2.
Online HS Season 41 (2021)
Battle reports here. The massed Tagawa Samurai Archers destroyed the knight builds here, but ranged squads were a problem for them. Ended 4-2, losing to the eventual 1st and 2nd place players.
C3V Public Playtesting (September 2021)
Win agaist mtl1998, superfrog, kevindola, Knight of Scape, loss to vegie and dok (reports here, here, here, here, here, and here).
Ended 4-2 with a semifinals appearance.
Online HS Season 46 (Feb/March 2022)
Brought a Kozil, Sujoah, Wyvern+Spiders build to this multiformat event (Treasure Quest, Heat of Battle, Assassin's Creed, Control Points). Win against Vegie's Dad (Gladiators) HoB format on Raknar's Rift, Earthling CP format on Dance of the Dryads (Van Nessing, Wolves/WW Lord), and heroscape2010 (Q9, Rats) on Royal Gardens with Treasure quest format. Loss to Sir Heroscape (Romans/MBS/MDG/Mogrimm) with AC format on Platypus.
Playoff win against Dysole (Mirror but Estivara for Wyvern!) HoB format on Barrentop, playoff loss against sup3rfrog (Monks) CZ format on By A Thread.
Ended 4-2
Online HS Season 48 (June/July 2022)
Brought Scaling New Heights (Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Van Nessing, Zogross Hardscale, Greenscale Warriorsx3, Sahuagin Raider) for this Delta Rule of 9 event. Loss to quozl (Wyrmlings) on Ruined City and Dok (TKN/MW) on Aeon. Win against ryguy266 (Glad/Blast) on Slalom and Captain Stupendous (Cyprien/Shades) on Origin.
Ended 2-2.
ScapeCon II (July 2022)
Amazing event! 60% win rate on the week, and someday I'll write a more in depth summary from my notes.
C3V Public Playtesting (August 2022)
Loss against Dysole, BodaciousBlood, MegaSilver. Reports here, here, andhere.
Ended 0-3.
SoCal NHSD (November 2022)
Went 3-0 at this small event with Major Q10, Axegrinders x2, Migol, Marro Warriors. (450 points, only one A+ unit, Rule of 9). After I wrapped up the #1 spot, epic game against Leotheanimal87 where Migol killed the Frost Giant, who hit a 3/3 Dying Swipe to kill him and leave the game in a tie.
SoCal Monthly (February 2023 – Corona, CA)
450 points, 16 starting hex limit, no more than 9 of the same figure, and you can only have 1 A+ unit (Marro Warriors, Deathreavers, Raelin RotV, Q9) and I played GSW x3, Kalagrith, Marro Warriors, Eldgrim
Win against MrAlwaysWonder on Blackridge (Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionaires x2, Iskra, Rechets of Bogdan, Otonashi), Kobe on Two Puddles (Atlaga, Nilfheim, Marro Warriors, GSW x2), Master Roshi on Blackridge (Marcus Decimus Gallus, Syvarris, Roman Legionaires x2, 10th Regiment x2)
Loss against DogginDays on Ashfall (TKN, Raelin, Nagrubs x3 Samuel Brown) and Dekk on Two Puddles (Ornak, Grimnak, NGS, Heavies x2)
Playoff win against DogginDays on Two Puddles for championship. Ended 4-2.
SoCal Monthly (July 2023 - Colton CA)
440 points VC Delta, 21 hex limit and I played GSWx3, Kalagrith, Elite Onyx Vipers
Wins against Keegan on Ticalla Sunrise (Raelin SotM, Atlaga, Saylind, Protectors x2) and TableTopBro on Healing Waters OEAO (Raelin RotV, Izumi, Tagawa, Kozuke, Tarn)
Losses to tfeek (Vipers x6, Venoc Warlord, Brave Arrow) on Healing Waters OEAO and DogginDays (Mellifera, Amberhive Protectors x4, Sujoah, Bol) on Jandar’s Highway
Playoff loss to tfeek on Ticalla Sunrise. Ended 2-3.
ScapeCon III (August 2023)
Had a blast in Indy at my return to ScapeCon! Won VC Monster Mash with a Varks/vulcanmechs build, and finished second in both 3-Headed Hydra with Earthling and Master Roshi, and in Lightweight Berserkers. 23-13 win rate on the week with 36 games.
Overall: nice palindrome of 74-47 for a 61% win rate as of ScapeCon 3 (minus ScapeCon 2, which had a similar WR).
Some bad luck definitely contributed to that, as did I LIKE PI's "terrible dice aura."
Wins against:
Darkmage7a's eerily similar army: TBR, 3x stingers, 3x dividers, Marcu Kellymonster's pile-o'-stingers (+ Q9!): Q9, 5x stingers
Both very good games.
Losses against:
Taeblewalker, in a game that would have needed at least another 30 minutes: Raelin, Zetacron, Finn, Tarns, 3x Knights(?). As it was, time had to be called and I lost by about 20 points. Arp12's horde of zombies. No, seriously: 8x Zombies. Horrendous defense dice rolling on Nilfheim's part brought this game to an end long before it should have been over. I blame luck for this defeat, although in retrospect I would have done things a bit differently. My dad: Charos, Q9, Tarns, 1x Vipers. I basically taught my dad how to play Heroscape like 2 weeks before the competition, and I gave him an army of the easiest-to-play units I could think of. I should have won this game, I destroyed him basically every game we played at home. But, I guess sometimes the dice really turn against you.
Link to thread. Quick Summary - Bring two armies of 440 points each, designate one to be your "A" army and one to be your "B" army. Before each round roll a 6-sided die. On a skull, both players use their A army. On a shield, both players use their B army. On a blank/symbol, the players use each others' A armies. It followed a version of the "Rolling Rumble," so the matches were spontaneously arranged in the absence of some kind of "normal" tournament structure.
I played 8 games and was 3-5 on the day overall.
A- 1 Win, 2 Losses
Marro Stingers X2
Finn the Viking Champion
Raelin RotV
Izumi Samurai
Win against one of Onacara's son I believe (superior tactics more than anything), loss against someone who didn't have a username (just barely lost, very close game), and a loss to Nyys in what I can only call the unluckiest game I have every played in my entire life. Seriously. It was bad.
B- 1 Win, 3 Losses
Major Q10
Krav Maga Agents
A win against my brother, a loss to a totally unfair army that Onacara brought (sentinels and 4th mass, urrghh. The map didn't help either), a loss to somebody else in a game I don't remember for some reason, and a loss to I LIKE PI on a map that really, really hated my army (Nyys' Viper Valley). Also, I found out that nice guys really do finish last, as someone forgot to bring half of I LIKE PI's B army, so I lent him some figures from my A army for that game. And I got destroyed. Figures, doesn't it.
I ended up playing with my opponent's A army only once during the day.