More Nilfheim is required.
Went 4-1 with this army at Beantown (516 points)
10th x3
Raelin (ROTV)
Dumutef x4
Went 4-1 with this army at Beantown (516 points)
10th x3
Raelin (ROTV)
Dumutef x4
Wow. Was going with Dumutef x4 in stead of Romans x2 just your way of trying to prove how awesome the 10th are?
After thinking about it, I'm pretty sure my favorite 10th army is 10th x3, Romans x2, MDG, Raelin, MBS, at 555 points/24 hexes.
He was just inspired by my use of a dumutef guard in the Heat of Battle last year. (Or he completely forgot about it).
Wow. Was going with Dumutef x4 in stead of Romans x2 just your way of trying to prove how awesome the 10th are?
Maryland tournament, same general, all armies need 1+ unique squad, 1+ common squad, and 1+ unique hero, 500 pts, no glyphs
2x Heavy gruts-140
2x Deathreavers-220
Marro Warriors-490
24 spaces
2-2, 9th place out of 25
Wins: Tomyumgai; the Sleeper
Losses: Tomyumgai's Son; Civil War Dude
Utgar Vs. The World toutnament, 400 points, 150 point sidebar, general specific, no glyphs
Knights of Weston x3- 210
Realin the Kyrie Warrior- 290
Sir Gilbert- 395
sidebar: 4th Massachusetts Line x2- 140 (swap for realin and 1 KoW)
3-2, 6th place out of 20
Wins: Copperpot, John G; Peterparkerh
Losses: Jackallx2
Revelations: Themed, 600 points, no glyphs
3x Microcorp agents - 300
Agent Skahen- 420
Krav Maga Agents- 520
James Murphy- 595
4-1, 3rd place out of 32
Wins: People not on Scapers
Loss: Person not on Scapers
Showdown in Jersey 520 pts, general specific, no glyphs
3x 10th Regiment of Foot- 225
Zelrig- 410
Ninjas of the Northern Wind- 520
520 pts.
2-3, 16th place out of 23
Wins: shadesfan; OwanVangaurd Jr
Losses:Tablewalker, Aerindane; ???
Einar's Puppy said:Saratoga Slugfest 2008 600 points, no glyphs
3x 10th Regimen of Foot- 225
Zelrig- 410
Realin the Kyrie Warrior- 490
Isamu- 500
Krav Maga Agents- 600
4-1, 3rd place.
Wins: Habbeo Bukkit, Uprising, nyys; Shades fan
Loss: Taeblewalker
Einar's Puppy said:Saratoga Slugfest II 2009 600 points no glyphs
3x Omnicron Snipers- 300
3x Omnicron Repulsors- 420
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior- 600
2-3, 14th place out of 24
Wins: People not on HSers
Losses: Onacara's 8 year old, Taeblewalker; Bengi
Einar's Puppy said:Eastern PA event 450 points, glyphs
3x Axegrinders of Burning Forge- 210
Migol Ironwill- 320
Airborne Elite- 430
Marcu Essenwein- 450
5-0, 1st place out of 21
Wins: Clancambell, Alejandro MJQ10, Vydar is the Man, Nightswipe; Mad Wookie
Einar's Puppy said:Maryland Tournament 400 points, 180 points must be heroes, no glyphs
3x Blade Gruts- 120
Grimnak- 240
Tornak- 340
Marro Warriors- 390
Isamu- 400
5-0, 1st place out of 18
Wins: Peteparkerh's daughter, Clan Cambell, Kalislord, Drewcula; Civil War Dude
Einar's Puppy said:Eastern PA: Beggining of the End 520 points, only 2 of each common may be used, no glyphs
2x Microcorp Agents-200
Krav Maga Agents-300
Agent Skahen-420
Marcu Essenwein-440
2x Deathreavers-520
2-3, 14th place out of 24
Wins: Man of War; Anthony Jr
Losses: Lizardking, Peteparkerh; Tom
Einar's Puppy said:Dragon Wars Allentown, 500 points with a dragon. No glyphs
1-4, 19th place out of 22
Win: Kinseth
Losses: ???
Einar's Puppy said:Maryland Tournament: Library Scape. 400 points, general specific, no more than 3x commons. No glyphs
4-0, 1st place out of 16
Wins:Tom, Kalis lord, Technomagus; Jessie
(58 games in all)Einar's Puppy said:Philadelphia Tournament. 500 points, no more than 12 figures. Some glyphs.
2-3, 9th place out of 15
Wins: Fred Evan; JohnGee
Losses: Xanth, Son of Madwookie; Madwookie
Alliance, OH Summer Slugfest - 2009 (melee only, lots of random glyphs)
4x Roman Legos
Results: 5-0. Very, VERY please with how this army played out. My first 5-0 and first place out side of campus tournaments. Had a couple close games and my last game literally came down to the last roll of the dice (managed to kill one more WoA to give me the lead on points when time was out).
Had wins against: Southwest Ninja, Killercactus, Darkness1717.
My total tourny record is now 44-15 for a 74.5% win rate.
6/20/09 Alliance (500 pts, Melee Only)
Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Cyprien, Sonya
Win against Minion Kid, loss to KCU Master 2007
My total tournament record is now 49-21 for a 70.00% win rate. I took down KCU Master 2007's little brother with Sujoah and Spiders, but he didn't have his holy dice cup. My nemesis is weesel99 again, especially considering that NHSD is probably the next time I'll play and he's knocked me out of contention 2 years in a row.
My most used units:
Deathreavers (6)
Major Q10 (4)
Raelin (4)
Marro Warriors (3)
Isamu (3)
Saratoga Slugfest II, July 2009, NY (600pts, 30 hex startzones, no glyphs)
Romans x5, Marcus DG, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Airborne Elite
Results: 4-1 (2nd in a field of ??)
Won against: Onacara Jr., Monkeyclops, RobertDD, ClanCampbell. Lost to: Onacara.
Overall record: 68-24, for a 73.9% win rate.