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Tournament Armies Played

Went 4-1 with this army at Beantown (516 points)

10th x3
Raelin (ROTV)
Dumutef x4

Wow. Was going with Dumutef x4 in stead of Romans x2 just your way of trying to prove how awesome the 10th are?

After thinking about it, I'm pretty sure my favorite 10th army is 10th x3, Romans x2, MDG, Raelin, MBS, at 555 points/24 hexes.
Went 4-1 with this army at Beantown (516 points)

10th x3
Raelin (ROTV)
Dumutef x4

Wow. Was going with Dumutef x4 in stead of Romans x2 just your way of trying to prove how awesome the 10th are?

After thinking about it, I'm pretty sure my favorite 10th army is 10th x3, Romans x2, MDG, Raelin, MBS, at 555 points/24 hexes.

I actually used 1 Dumutef in my other 10th build that I won Marlboro Fall Brawl with. They are pretty good at engaging and drawing fire. I figure that 4 would be an interesting twist especially with road being on a little over 1/2 of the maps used.
He was just inspired by my use of a dumutef guard in the Heat of Battle last year. (Or he completely forgot about it).
Wow. Was going with Dumutef x4 in stead of Romans x2 just your way of trying to prove how awesome the 10th are?

This theory could be complete nonsense, but I think that 4x Dumutef Guard could be favoured over 2x Roman Legionnaires in the current metagame environment (even with the Warlord Bonding option of the Legionnaires and the sheer number of figures that must killed).

Dumutef Guard:
Large status
Common hero status
Road Strength +1A/+1D on road tiles

The Dumutef, presumably, are intended to serve as a melee screen for MDG, Raelin, and the 10th in this army. In this role, they are immune or at least less suceptible to some of the major threats in the current metagame environment:

e.g. immune to Braxas' Poisonous Acid Breath b/c Large status
e.g. less suceptible to Zelrig's Majestic Fires Special Attack b/c not a common squad

Next, the Dumutef guard will fill the role of common unit melee screen by relying on the substantial defense afforded by Raelin and their Road Strength bonus. As Onacara pointed out, 50% of the maps had road tiles to position the Dumutef on. A Dumutef Guard will potentially have 7D in screening for the 10th (i.e. +2D Raelin, +1D Road Strength). As attackers for enemy engagement, the Dumutef will be throwing 5A (+1A Road Strength) at a move distance ranging from 6 to 9 tiles (+3 Road).

Finally, we consider the strength of this army from the perspective of the offensive firepower it wields. In theoryscape, four attacks of 5A (+1A MDG soldier adjacency bonus, +1A Wait Then Fire, +1A height) at range 6 is pretty impressive. Likewise, the 10th are well defended with either 4D (+2D Raelin) or 5D (+2D Raelin, +1D height).

Thus, in theory, this army pairs a high defense, metagame favoured melee screen with incredible ranged attack power. When it comes to practical knowledge and experience, I must defer to Onacara. Please enlighten us with your opinion.
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Very good stuff there, mccombju.

For the sake of argument, we're taking the 10thx3, Raelin, MDG core as a given. The question is, what screening figures are best for that army?

I tend to agree with you that, once set up, four Dumutefs, particularly on roads, are a pretty awesome blocking setup. My issue, which I suppose is obvious from how I phrased that, is that it seems like a pain to set up. It requires, at the minimum, four OMs. By contrast, the Romansx2 screeners take half as many OMs, and give you free setup for MDG in the process. So, while I think I agree with you on overall toughness, I think OM efficiency swings things in favor of the Romans.

Additionally, going with the Romans lets you toss MBS into the army. As a fast, ranged, bonding hero, he makes the army more versatile and efficient.

If facing Braxas, Zelrig, Grimnak, or Zombies, I would probably prefer the Dumutefs, but aside from that, I'll take the Romans.

In the interest of completeness, ratsx2 is another possible screening option that obviously has some benefits.
I went 5-0 at Beantown Beatdown V (my first Beantown, third NESA tournament!) placing 1st out of 34 players in the adult (13+) tournament last Saturday (5/16/09) with: (Beantown V - 515pt. limit)

Sir Gilbert 105pt.
Zetacron 60pt.
Knights Of Weston x5 350pt.

My dad went 2-3 placing 19th out of 34 players with:
Kaemon Awa 120pt.
Raelin The Kyrie Warrior RotV 80pt.
Eldgrim The Viking Champion 30pt.
Krav Maga Agents 100pt.
Izumi Samurai 60pt.
Deathreavers x3 120pt.

We both went 4-1 (my dad placed 5th while I placed 6th) at Battle At The Border (4/18/09, my second NESA tournament) which is the other tournament I have to add in. I'll update my post (which is adding those two tournaments to our lists, touching up on some organization aspects of the post, and post some old armies I have yet to add for my dad's list that I did not have at the time I last updated) this weekend.
Maryland tournament, same general, all armies need 1+ unique squad, 1+ common squad, and 1+ unique hero, 500 pts, no glyphs

2x Heavy gruts-140
2x Deathreavers-220
Marro Warriors-490
24 spaces

2-2, 9th place out of 25
Wins: Tomyumgai; the Sleeper
Losses: Tomyumgai's Son; Civil War Dude

Utgar Vs. The World toutnament, 400 points, 150 point sidebar, general specific, no glyphs

Knights of Weston x3- 210
Realin the Kyrie Warrior- 290
Sir Gilbert- 395
sidebar: 4th Massachusetts Line x2- 140 (swap for realin and 1 KoW)

3-2, 6th place out of 20
Wins: Copperpot, John G; Peterparkerh
Losses: Jackallx2

Revelations: Themed, 600 points, no glyphs

3x Microcorp agents - 300
Agent Skahen- 420
Krav Maga Agents- 520
James Murphy- 595

4-1, 3rd place out of 32
Wins: People not on Scapers
Loss: Person not on Scapers

Showdown in Jersey 520 pts, general specific, no glyphs

3x 10th Regiment of Foot- 225
Zelrig- 410
Ninjas of the Northern Wind- 520
520 pts.

2-3, 16th place out of 23
Wins: shadesfan; OwanVangaurd Jr
Losses:Tablewalker, Aerindane; ???
Einar's Puppy said:
Saratoga Slugfest 2008 600 points, no glyphs

3x 10th Regimen of Foot- 225
Zelrig- 410
Realin the Kyrie Warrior- 490
Isamu- 500
Krav Maga Agents- 600

4-1, 3rd place.
Wins: Habbeo Bukkit, Uprising, nyys; Shades fan
Loss: Taeblewalker

Einar's Puppy said:
Saratoga Slugfest II 2009 600 points no glyphs

3x Omnicron Snipers- 300
3x Omnicron Repulsors- 420
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior- 600

2-3, 14th place out of 24
Wins: People not on HSers
Losses: Onacara's 8 year old, Taeblewalker; Bengi

Einar's Puppy said:
Eastern PA event 450 points, glyphs

3x Axegrinders of Burning Forge- 210
Migol Ironwill- 320
Airborne Elite- 430
Marcu Essenwein- 450

5-0, 1st place out of 21
Wins: Clancambell, Alejandro MJQ10, Vydar is the Man, Nightswipe; Mad Wookie

Einar's Puppy said:
Maryland Tournament 400 points, 180 points must be heroes, no glyphs

3x Blade Gruts- 120
Grimnak- 240
Tornak- 340
Marro Warriors- 390
Isamu- 400

5-0, 1st place out of 18
Wins: Peteparkerh's daughter, Clan Cambell, Kalislord, Drewcula; Civil War Dude

Einar's Puppy said:
Eastern PA: Beggining of the End 520 points, only 2 of each common may be used, no glyphs

2x Microcorp Agents-200
Krav Maga Agents-300
Agent Skahen-420
Marcu Essenwein-440
2x Deathreavers-520

2-3, 14th place out of 24
Wins: Man of War; Anthony Jr
Losses: Lizardking, Peteparkerh; Tom
Einar's Puppy said:
Dragon Wars Allentown, 500 points with a dragon. No glyphs


1-4, 19th place out of 22
Win: Kinseth
Losses: ???
Einar's Puppy said:
Maryland Tournament: Library Scape. 400 points, general specific, no more than 3x commons. No glyphs


4-0, 1st place out of 16
Wins:Tom, Kalis lord, Technomagus; Jessie
Einar's Puppy said:
Philadelphia Tournament. 500 points, no more than 12 figures. Some glyphs.


2-3, 9th place out of 15
Wins: Fred Evan; JohnGee
Losses: Xanth, Son of Madwookie; Madwookie
(58 games in all)

I'm 36-22 and I've won three events. 61%
I updated my page 2 post with the Beatrice Showdown results. It was 600 points all one general. My record was 3-1. My army was -

Sacred Band x 5 - 250
Marcus - 350
Parmenio - 440
Kaemon - 560
Guilty - 590

It was a bad day for my defense dice, especially with my heroes. I think in all but one game they fell in 1-2 attacks each! I learned that I really miss that 4th defense die that the knights give you. But it was fun using some units that don't see much tournament play with the Sacred Band and Parmenio.

Edit -
Woohoo!! That gives me 50 tournament wins!!
Twin Cities Team Tournament 4th Place
Blastatrons x2
Gladiatrons x2
Krav Maga Agents

My teammate used...
James Murphy
Maryland Tournament, yesterday, 6/13/09

400 points, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2, Aubrien Archers, Kyntela Gwyn
2-3 - Won against Aerindane, Zak; lost to Clancampbell, Tom, Drew
Updated first post with:

Alliance, OH Summer Slugfest - 2009 (melee only, lots of random glyphs)
4x Roman Legos

Results: 5-0. Very, VERY please with how this army played out. My first 5-0 and first place out side of campus tournaments. Had a couple close games and my last game literally came down to the last roll of the dice (managed to kill one more WoA to give me the lead on points when time was out).

Had wins against: Southwest Ninja, Killercactus, Darkness1717.

My total tourny record is now 44-15 for a 74.5% win rate.

Oh, and the second place army was a similar army but with KoW and Hawthorne rather than Romans and Ne-Gok-Sa.
6/20/09 Alliance (500 pts, Melee Only)
Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Cyprien, Sonya
Win against Minion Kid, loss to KCU Master 2007

My total tournament record is now 49-21 for a 70.00% win rate. I took down KCU Master 2007's little brother with Sujoah and Spiders, but he didn't have his holy dice cup. My nemesis is weesel99 again, especially considering that NHSD is probably the next time I'll play and he's knocked me out of contention 2 years in a row.

My most used units:

Deathreavers (6)
Major Q10 (4)
Raelin (4)
Marro Warriors (3)
Isamu (3)

Updated the first page with my results from yesterday, which was kinda poopy. I made a couple of bad placement moves, and Cyprien's defense dice didn't work in my last two games. However, all of my games were closer than I thought they would be, and I had a shot to win each. Oh well - no B units at NHSD!
Updated my post on page 2. I went 3-1 (2nd place) in KC Hextreme Team Mayhem. My partner was fomox. Our army was -

Matthias - Dwarves x 5 - 350
Fomox - Q10 / Krav - 600

We were debating the whole drive down on whether to go with Dwarves x 5 or Romans x 4 / MDG / MBS. We decided on Dwarves mainly because they were new. We knew that 4th Mass + (insert melee screen here) would be tough, (and there were actually quite a few of them), but we wanted a challenge. And of course our loss came against 4th Mass and Knights in the championship game. It was my first team tournament and I learned that the initiative swith can cost you 18 attacks in a row (4 knights + Gilbert + 4 4th Mass TWICE!!!) Ouch!! That'll do it to almost anybody!
For a 500 point army- Q9, DW9000, Zetian Guards. Perfect range army, and if anyone gets close, they get blown up. Try that in a tournament!!!
First post updated:

Saratoga Slugfest II, July 2009, NY (600pts, 30 hex startzones, no glyphs)
Romans x5, Marcus DG, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Airborne Elite
Results: 4-1 (2nd in a field of ??)
Won against: Onacara Jr., Monkeyclops, RobertDD, ClanCampbell. Lost to: Onacara.

Overall record: 68-24, for a 73.9% win rate.
I updated my post on this page with my Slugfest army/results. While I didn't do great, I felt that it was really a lot of lucky attacks that killed taelord early that doomed me. In playtesting he actually rolled shields. Go figure. Still, I was very happy with the repulsors, and even the snipers didn't really let me down. I attribte my losses to poor luck, Taelord's lack of armor, and my oponents playing well.

EDIT: I also added my winning record and army from last saturday. Marcu is listend as a Defender there because I used him solely as a glyph-grabber.
I got 1st place at the Nebraska Battle Royal. It was 3 player free for all with points awarded - 1 point for killing a common squad figure, 2 points for killing a unique, 3 points for controlling a glyph when the game ended, and 5 points if at least 50% of your army was still intact when the game ended. It was 350 points and general specific.

My army was -
Dividers x 6 - 300
MW - 350

I was 0/13 going into the final game with my divide rolls. I went 11/32 in the final game (11/45 overall).
Just got back from Islandscape 2009 where I placed third with this army:

Migol Ironwill - 110
Axegrinders of Burning Forge x 2 - 140
10th Regiment of Foot x 2 - 150
Krav Maga Agents - 100

I went 4-1 for the day (losing to Onacara), making my lifetime tourney record 8-2. Gotta play in some more tourneys...
I went 5-0 at Islandscape with this army: 4x 10th Regiment, Brunak, RotV Raelin, and Isamu. I didn't have the pleasure of playing Sherman Davies; perhaps I would not have done so well against those pesky Kravs that gave me so much trouble in PA last week.

BTW, there I came in about 15th with 4x Swogs, 4 x Arrow Gruts, SotM Raelin, Nerak and Isamu.
Yup, that's two Islandscapes now that we haven't gotten to play each other, Taeblewalker. Maybe next year... with some Wave 10.